X-rays are powerful waves of energy. Like light, X-rays are a form of radiation. They are very useful because they can go through substances that light cannot. X-rays can show images, or pictures, of the inside of an object, such as a suitcase or the human body.

An X-ray machine makes X-rays and directs them toward an object. The X-rays pass through some parts of the object but are blocked by other parts. For example, X-rays directed at a body pass through the skin and soft tissues, such as muscle. But hard body parts, such as bones, block the X-rays. Special film behind the body captures the image made by the X-rays. When the film is developed, the hard parts appear white on the film. The soft parts appear black.

X-rays are an important tool in medicine and dentistry. Doctors use X-rays to find diseases such as cancer and to study broken bones. Dentists use them to spot cavities in teeth.

X-rays can damage or destroy the body’s cells. To protect the patient, the parts of the body that are outside the area being examined are shielded from the X-rays. But the damaging effects of X-rays can be useful, too. Doctors sometimes use X-rays to kill cancerous growths.

X-rays also have many uses outside of medicine. Scientists use X-rays to study the structure of many things, both living and nonliving. Special X-ray telescopes pick up X-rays given off by objects in outer space, such as distant stars. Manufacturers use X-rays to find hidden flaws in products. At airports, security equipment uses X-rays to look for hidden weapons in the baggage of travelers.

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