Blueberries are small, dark blue fruits that grow on bushes. They have a mildly tart taste. Blueberries are eaten fresh or used to make bakery goods and jams. They contain vitamin C, vitamin A, and iron.

Blueberry bushes are found in woods and hilly areas of North America, Great Britain, northern Europe, and Asia. In the United States blueberries are grown in Maine, New Jersey, Michigan, and North Carolina.

Blueberry bushes produce flowers in the spring. Each flower develops into a single berry. For this reason botanists (people who study plants) consider blueberries to be true berries. Cranberries are also true berries. Some other berries, such as strawberries and raspberries, are actually clusters of small fruits that grow from a single flower.

Blueberry bushes tend to produce too much fruit. This limits the size of the fruit. It also increases the time that it takes the fruit to grow to full size. Growers remove some flower buds from blueberry bushes to allow larger berries to grow in a shorter time. Growers also have improved the plants to produce better-tasting fruit.

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