Most fresh foods can spoil within a few days. People have developed many ways to preserve food. The science of preserving foods is called food processing.

Living plants and animals have tiny organisms inside of them called microorganisms. While the plants and animals are alive, the number of microorganisms within them stays at healthy levels. However, once the plants are picked and animals die, microorganisms such as yeast, mold, and bacteria begin to multiply within them. This causes food to spoil. Spoiling food loses its flavor and nutrients. It also changes color and feels different to the touch than fresh food. Spoiled food can cause people who eat it to become very sick.

People have been trying to keep food from spoiling for thousands of years. In cold climates, humans would refrigerate or freeze food using snow or ice. In hot climates, humans would dry foods in the Sun. Today, many people use a number of old and modern methods of food processing.


Ancient people left fresh meat, fruits, and vegetables in the Sun and wind to remove moisture. The dried food did not spoil as quickly. This is because the microorganisms inside food need water to grow. Today people often use machines in factories to dry food. Fruits, vegetables, milk, potatoes, soup mixes, and meats may be processed this way.

Meats and fish are sometimes dried by smoking. The meat is hung or placed on racks in a room that contains smoke from a hardwood fire. The meat may be smoked for a few hours or several days, depending on the type of meat. Chemicals in the woodsmoke also preserve the meat.


Fermentation is a chemical change that happens in vegetable and animal substances. For thousands of years people have used fermentation to make bread, wine, beer, cheese, and other foods. Fermentation controls the growth of microorganisms. It kills some microorganisms and allows others that are not harmful to grow. The harmless yeast, bacteria, or mold that grows creates substances called enzymes. The enzymes break down food into chemicals. The result is a new food product that does not spoil as quickly. Cheese comes from milk or cream that has been fermented by bacteria. Soy sauce is made from fermented soybeans.

Refrigerating and Freezing

Cooling or freezing food slows the growth of the microorganisms within it. Long before refrigerators were invented, people would freeze food in snow and ice or cool food in streams and caves. Underground cellars beneath houses were cool, dry places where people stored food. Icehouses were insulated buildings containing ice. They were built outside of people’s homes to store food. People’s kitchens also had iceboxes, which were insulated boxes filled with ice for storing food. Ice was delivered to homes to fill the icehouses or iceboxes. Mechanical refrigeration and freezing developed in the 1800s. This allowed for perishable foods to be kept longer and shipped to other areas.

Adding Chemicals

Sometimes chemicals are added to food to delay the growth of microorganisms. For thousands of years, honey and sugar have been added to fruit to preserve it. Sugar continues to be an important ingredient in jams, jellies, and marmalades. Vinegar and salt have long been used to pickle vegetables and meat. The process of curing meat may use some combination of salt, sugar, vinegar, nitrite, and nitrate. Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, is often added to sliced apples and peaches to keep them from turning brown.


Canning is a process that uses heat to kill microorganisms in food. The heated food is sealed in cans or jars. The food cools and forms a vacuum seal, which prevents any microorganisms from entering the container. Methods of canning developed throughout the 1800s as people learned more about microorganisms.

In the mid-1800s, scientist Louis Pasteur studied the effects of microorganisms on food. His studies led to a process known as pasteurization. The process involves treating food with mild levels of heat. Foods such as milk and fruit juices are treated in this way.

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