The average surface temperature on Earth is slowly increasing. This trend is known as global warming.

To understand global warming, it helps to understand the greenhouse effect. A greenhouse is a glass house where plants grow. Glass lets light in and keeps heat from escaping. This trapped heat keeps the plants warm even when it is cold outside.

Likewise, Earth’s atmosphere traps energy from the Sun. Carbon dioxide and other gases—called greenhouse gases—in the air do this trapping. Without these gases too much heat would go back into space, and living things could not survive. However, as more greenhouse gases get into the air, they also trap more heat. This leads to global warming.

For much of Earth’s history, greenhouse gases were not a problem. This situation changed as people came to depend on fossil fuels (oil, gas, and coal). People burn fossil fuels to power factories, run cars, produce electricity, and heat houses. As fossil fuels burn, they release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Also, people have cut down many forests. Trees use carbon dioxide when they make their own food. Fewer trees mean that less carbon dioxide is being taken out of the atmosphere.

Scientists cannot tell how warm Earth may get over time. Some guess an increase between 3.2° F and 7.2° F (1.8° C and 4° C) by the year 2100. The warmer weather could harm living things. It also could cause polar ice caps to melt. This would cause sea levels to rise. Plants, animals, and buildings along coastlines would be in danger.

Global warming is a worldwide concern. Governments are trying to find ways to limit the amount of greenhouse gases put into the air. Individual people can help by driving less. They also can save energy by turning off unneeded lights and other electrical devices.

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