Impeachment is a process by which a government official is charged with a crime. A legislature, or lawmaking body, handles an impeachment.

In the United States the two houses of Congress carry out impeachments. First, the House of Representatives impeaches, or brings charges against, an official. When the House impeaches an official, it does not mean that he or she is guilty of a crime. It means that there is evidence that the official may have committed a crime.

The Senate then holds a trial and acts as judge. After hearing the evidence, the senators vote on whether the official is guilty or not guilty. Two thirds of the senators must vote guilty for the official to be convicted, or found guilty. If convicted, the official must leave his or her job.

The impeachment process is rarely used in the United States. The only U.S. presidents to be impeached were Andrew Johnson, in 1868; Bill Clinton, in 1998; and Donald Trump. President Trump was impeached twice, in 2019 and 2021. In all of the cases the Senate found the president not guilty.

In the United Kingdom the two houses of Parliament handle impeachments. The House of Commons impeaches an official, and the House of Lords serves as the judge. Impeachment was once fairly common in England. However, there have been no impeachments in the United Kingdom since 1806.

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