Irrigation is what farmers do when they add water to their fields. The water makes their crops grow. Irrigation takes the place of rainfall in dry regions. It can greatly increase farm production. However, irrigation can also cause problems with the environment.

Most water for irrigation comes from the ground or from a river. Farmers get water from the ground by digging a well. Then they lift or pump the water from the well.

Farmers may get water from a river by digging a channel, or path, from the riverbank. They also may collect river water by building a dam across the river. Water collects behind the dam in an artificial lake called a reservoir.

After getting water, farmers move it to the farm fields. They move it through canals or pipelines. Gravity moves the water if the fields lie lower than the water source. If the water source lies lower than the fields, then farmers use pumps to raise the water.

The next step in irrigation is to deliver the water to the plants in the fields. There are many ways to do this. They include surface, subsurface, and overhead irrigation.

Surface irrigation systems apply water directly onto the soil surface. One kind of surface irrigation is called flood irrigation. This method floods the growing plants with water. Rice is the main crop irrigated by flood irrigation.

A second kind of surface irrigation is called furrow irrigation. A furrow is a shallow ditch between two rows of growing plants. Water flows into the furrows and then soaks into the earth. Potatoes, sugar beets, cotton, and corn are often irrigated by furrow irrigation.

A third kind of surface irrigation is called drip, or trickle, irrigation. Pipes with holes in them drip water onto plants. This method is good for dry regions. Because the plants get so little water at one time they can use it right away. This way, no water is wasted.

Subsurface irrigation systems apply water beneath the soil’s surface. Buried pipes with holes in them deliver water to the plants. This method is good for fruit plants and garden vegetables.

Overhead irrigation systems spray or sprinkle water over crops. Rotary sprinklers are a common form of overhead irrigation. They sprinkle water in a wide circle while moving slowly across a field.

Not all irrigation water gets to the plants. Some evaporates into the air, sinks deep into the ground, or runs off along the ground. An irrigation system usually includes a drainage system—ditches or underground pipes—to remove excess water from the soil.

Irrigation can cause environmental problems. Irrigation water contains more salt than rainwater. Salt can build up in the soil and harm plants. Salt buildup has ruined farmland in India, Pakistan, and other countries.

Taking too much water to use for irrigation can cause water shortages in other places. Irrigation now takes more water than nature can replace from the ground in some areas. In central Asia, the rivers that flow into the Aral Sea are heavily used for irrigation. The sea (actually a salt lake) is getting smaller as a result.

Ancient farmers irrigated crops by channeling river water. The Egyptians first used Nile River water about 7,000 years ago. The people in Mesopotamia (what is now Iraq) used the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The people of the ancient Indus Valley civilization used the Indus River. The ancient Chinese used the Huang He, or Yellow River.

Native Americans were using irrigation more than 2,000 years ago. The Inca of Peru developed an advanced farming civilization based on irrigation. In about ad 1200 the Hohokam Indians built irrigation systems in what is now Arizona.

Since then more and more land has come under irrigation. In the 1900s the U.S. government built many large dams for irrigation purposes. In the early 21st century India, China, the United States, and Pakistan had more irrigated land than any other countries.

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