A lawyer is a professional who is trained in the law. A lawyer gives advice on legal matters and applies the law to specific cases.

Part of a lawyer’s job is going to court to argue a client’s case. A judge or a jury decides if the client is right or wrong based on the arguments made for and against the client. If a lawyer does not go to court to argue a case, then the lawyer tries to get the parties in the case to come to an agreement. Lawyers also prepare contracts and wills.

Lawyers must complete an extensive education before they can begin practicing law. In the United States, students attend law school after earning a bachelor’s degree and taking a test called the LSAT. Law school usually requires three years of study, after which the Juris Doctor (J.D.) is earned. Graduates then must pass a test called the bar exam in the state where they want to practice law. Law education in Canada is very similar to law education in the United States.

Many lawyers in the United States specialize in certain areas of the law. Examples of law specialties are criminal, divorce, corporate, and personal injury. Other lawyers are involved in general practice which covers many areas of the law.

The practice of law differs from country to country, although many modern countries use either the English (common) law system or the French (civil) law system. In England, there are two kinds of lawyers: solicitors and barristers. Solicitors offer legal advice and represent their clients in the lower courts. Barristers receive referrals from solicitors but do not deal directly with clients. Barristers work mainly in the courtroom.

In France, legal work can be done by many different kinds of professionals. Two legal professions are the notary and the avocat. Notaries specialize in law that relates to real estate. They are not allowed to appear in court. Like the English barrister, the French avocat mainly appears in court. In German law there is also a distinction between notaries and lawyers. However, a German lawyer plays a much smaller role in German courtrooms than an avocat or a barrister.

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