The novel is a genre, or kind, of literature. It is fiction, which means that the story is invented by the writer. Novels can vary in length, but they are longer forms of fiction than novellas or short stories.

Novels can have many different purposes. They can be the author’s interpretation of life. They can also be written purely to entertain readers. Some authors write novels to bring attention to unfair social practices. Charles Dickens, for instance, attacked the abuses of Victorian England in many of his novels.


The plot is the action or things that happen in the novel. It is also called the story.


Characters are usually people, although they may sometimes be animals or figures of fantasy. Characters are the part of the novel that the plot moves through. It was once accepted that without characters there could be no fiction.


The setting of a novel is the place or places where the action happens.

Point of View

The point of view of a novel comes from the narrator, or person who is telling the story. The narrator can be a character in the book or someone outside the story. Some novels have more than one point of view.

Symbols and Themes

Many authors work to give their fiction importance beyond simply telling a story. They use symbols, or things that stand for something else. A symbol can be a character’s name. A symbol could also be an object that does not seem to have any meaning at the beginning of the novel but has great importance by the end. Symbols help support or point to the theme. The theme is the main idea of the novel.

There are many different types of novels. Some novels follow a character from childhood into adulthood. Mysteries and detective novels revolve around a character solving a crime. Other types include historical novels and science fiction.

Before the novel, literature did not tell the stories of ordinary people. The focus of literature was on gods and heroes. This changed during the Middle Ages. Storytelling began to be concerned with the everyday adventures of ordinary people.

Some authors wrote short stories based on events that were funny, political, or romantic. In some cases the stories were gathered into a collection. Another literary form that developed during the Middle Ages was the romance. Romances were written in the daily language of the people instead of the traditional Latin. These stories were often about the heroic deeds of knights, and they usually ended happily. The most famous romances were about King Arthur.

A new literary form was born near the end of the Middle Ages in reaction against romance. Instead of a knight, the main character was a lowborn adventurer. This antiromance form reached its peak with the Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes’s Don Quixote. Don Quixote is considered by many to be the first modern novel.

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