Pets are animals that people keep mainly for enjoyment and companionship. Some pets also help or protect their owners. Pets need a lot of attention and care. However, they also add a lot of fun and happiness to their owners’ lives.

Cats and dogs have long been the most common pets. People tamed wild dogs thousands of years ago. Ancient Egyptians worshipped cats and even buried them with people. Today birds, fish, guinea pigs, hamsters, and snakes are also popular pets.

Some pets are more than just companions for people. Cats often help people by catching mice. Many dogs protect the home of their owner. Sled dogs carry people and goods across the snowy wilderness. Farm dogs may herd sheep or cows. Guide dogs go everywhere with their blind owners. People with other disabilities sometimes have animals to help them, too.

Pets need almost as much care as children. They need food, water, and shelter. They need to be kept clean, and they need exercise. They should also be taken to an animal doctor, or veterinarian, on a regular basis. The veterinarian can help keep pets healthy by giving them shots to protect against certain diseases.

Sometimes people keep wild animals as pets. But these animals usually do better in their natural habitat. Some rare animals cannot survive at all if taken from the wild. Even if they do survive, wild animals rarely become completely tame. They need to be watched carefully.

When people try to obtain wild pets, animals suffer in many ways. People called poachers illegally hunt and trap them. Many baby animals die when they are taken from their mothers and shipped off to be sold as pets. Poachers hunt some kinds of animals until almost none of the animals are left.

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