Rodents are mammals with long, sharp front teeth that they use for gnawing. They are found almost everywhere in the world. More than half the mammals on Earth are rodents. Rats, mice, squirrels, chipmunks, gerbils, hamsters, lemmings, beavers, guinea pigs, and porcupines are all rodents.

Most rodents are small. Some mice and dormice are only 3 inches (8 centimeters) long and weigh as little as 0.7 ounce (20 grams). The largest rodent by far is the capybara of South America. It can be 4 feet (1.3 meters) long and weigh more than 100 pounds (45 kilograms).

Rodents are different from other mammals because they have teeth that keep growing throughout their lives. They have one upper pair and one lower pair of these teeth, which are called incisors. Rodents spend much of their time gnawing, or nibbling at, hard objects to wear their incisors down. If the incisors grow too long, the rodent cannot eat. The incisors can even grow back into the skull and kill the animal.

Rodents can be pests. They can ruin farmers’ crops and stored grains. Their gnawing can damage boards in houses, barns, or even metal telephone cables. Some rodents carry diseases that may infect people.

But some rodents are valuable to people. They keep some rodents—such as hamsters, guinea pigs, mice, and gerbils—as pets. Mice, rats, and other rodents are sometimes used in scientific research. The fur of nutrias and chinchillas can be used to make clothing.

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