Sand is made up of small, loose pieces of rock, soil, minerals, and even gemstones. It may also contain the remains of living things. Sand particles, called grains, are smaller than gravel. They are larger than particles of mud or clay.

Sand grains can be described by their size, color, and shape as well as the way they feel to the touch. Some grains are hard, while others are softer. Some are jagged or rough. Others are smooth and polished. Sand particles may be flat, oval, or round in shape and small, medium, or large in size. Looking at sand under a microscope gives many clues about where it came from and how it formed.

Nature forms sand constantly. Tiny chips of rock are always breaking off from boulders, cliffs, and mountainsides. As the weather and water wear down the chips, they create sand. This is the most common kind of sand.

A second type of sand comes from living things, such as corals and clams. After the animal dies, the ocean slowly wears down its skeleton or shell into tiny particles. This type of sand is common on tropical beaches.

A third type of sand comes from minerals dissolved in water. When the water dries up, it leaves behind the minerals in the form of sandlike crystals. This is the least common type of sand.

Sand is found in many places all over the world. It collects at beaches and in lakes and rivers. It lies at the bottom of oceans. In some deserts and on some beaches, the wind blows sand into large hills called dunes. Sometimes sand gathers at the openings of deep canyons. Schools and parks often provide sandboxes for children to play in.

Because sand grains are so small and light, they travel more easily than most other kinds of rock. Wind, water, and ice can carry sand far away from the place where it first formed.

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