Soil is a mixture of minerals and organic material that covers much of Earth’s surface. Minerals are bits of rock, and organic material is the remains of living things that have died. Soil is not as solid as rock. It has many small spaces, called pores, that hold water and air. In some places on Earth, a thin layer of soil only 6 inches (15 centimeters) thick lies on top of rock. In other places, though, soil may be hundreds of feet deep.

Without soil, most life on Earth could not survive. Soil provides a place for plants to grow. It holds water in place for their roots. It contains nutrients, or food substances, needed for their growth. Soil also provides a home for many animals and other living things.

Soil forms slowly. A layer of soil that is 1 inch (2.5 centimeters) thick may take 500 to 1,000 years to form. For this reason it is important to protect soil from erosion—being blown or washed away.

The mineral part of soil forms from rocks. Such forces as wind, water, and temperature changes break rocks down into tiny particles, or bits. The smallest particles are called clay. Medium-sized particles are called silt. The largest particles are called sand. Different types of soil contain different mixtures of clay, silt, and sand.

The organic part of soil forms when plants and animals die. Their bodies decay, or break down, and mix with the rock particles. The organic material, called humus, helps to form the pores in the soil. It keeps the soil soft and loose. Humus also provides the nutrients used by plants.

Soil is made up of layers. The layers rest on solid rock, called bedrock. A layer of broken rock rests on the bedrock. Some of this rock may have gone into forming the soil above. The soil above the broken rock is called subsoil. Subsoil contains mostly minerals and a small amount of humus. Only the deepest plant roots reach the subsoil. The top layer is called topsoil. Topsoil contains a lot of humus. It is the layer where plants grow.

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