People use the idea of time to measure how long it takes for things to happen. They also use time to describe how long ago things happened in the past. Time helps to describe when things may happen in the future as well.

People divide time into days and hours. There are 24 hours in one full day and night. Hours are divided into minutes and seconds. There are 60 minutes in an hour and 60 seconds in a minute.

People measure longer periods of time by years. There are 365 or 366 days in one year. A year is divided into 12 months. Months have from 28 to 31 days.

At any time, only part of Earth experiences daylight. It is nighttime for the rest of the planet. This means that it cannot be the same time of day in every part of the world. For this reason people have divided the globe into 24 sections called time zones. At most places inside a time zone, it is the same time of day.

Imaginary lines separate all the time zones. The lines run from the North Pole to the South Pole. The first time zone begins at 0° longitude, or the prime meridian. This imaginary line runs through Greenwich, England.

When people cross one of the imaginary lines, they enter a new time zone. The time of day changes by one hour. If they cross into a time zone to the west, it is one hour earlier. If they cross into a time zone to the east, it is one hour later. (In a few places in the world, the time changes by only a half hour.)

The imaginary lines dividing the time zones are not always straight. They often bend west or east. This allows whole countries or regions to be within a single time zone. However, large countries—such as the United States and Russia—are divided into several time zones.

On the other side of Earth from the prime meridian is the International Date Line (IDL). It runs through the Pacific Ocean at about 180° longitude. When travelers cross the IDL going from west to east, they gain a whole day on the calendar. For example, if they start traveling on January 2, the date changes to January 1 when they cross the IDL. When people travel from east to west across the IDL, they move a day forward in time.

Ancient people measured time by looking at the sky. They saw the sun rise and set and the Moon grow full. They watched the stars and the other planets change position. They also experienced the days becoming shorter and longer and the cycle of the seasons.

People in ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Central America, and other places created calendars to keep track of the passing days. The ancient Egyptians also invented a form of clock called a sundial. Sundials cast shadows that move as the day passes.

Eventually people all over the world had developed many types of clocks and calendars to keep track of time. But the time was different in every city. In the 1800s some people thought there should be one system of measuring time so that everyone could agree about what time it is. This was important for such things as making schedules for trains and knowing when to go to school. In 1884 countries throughout the world adopted the time zone system that is still in use.

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