The long, sharp leaves of yucca plants have earned them names such as Spanish bayonet, Spanish dagger, and Adam’s needle. Perhaps the best known of the some 40 species of yucca is the Joshua tree. While many yuccas are small and stemless, the Joshua tree has a trunk that can grow to more than 33 feet (10 meters) high. Yuccas belong to the lily family, which scientists call Agavaceae.

Yuccas are native to southern North America. New Mexico chose one type as its state flower. Yuccas grow wild in deserts. They are also popular in landscaping because of their unusual leaves and waxy, bell-shaped flowers.

When mixed with water, parts of a yucca plant produce foam. Native Americans sometimes washed their hair with yucca or put it in bathwater to help soften their skin and ease joint pain. The stalk and root can be used in a variety of herbal medicines, including some that help arthritis.

Yucca plants have a close relationship with the insect known as the yucca moth. They depend on each other for reproduction. When a female yucca moth lands on the flowers of a yucca plant, she leaves pollen from the last flower she visited. The moth also lays eggs inside the flower. When the eggs hatch, the young larvae, or developing insects, feed on the seeds of the yucca plant’s growing fruit.

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