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Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
National anthem of the Czech Republic

The nation of Czechoslovakia split peacefully into two countries on Jan. 1, 1993. The western provinces of Bohemia and Moravia became the Czech Republic, while the eastern section became Slovakia. Of the two new countries, the Czech Republic was the larger, with a land area more than 50 percent greater than Slovakia’s. Its population was almost twice as large: 10,314,000 compared to Slovakia’s 5,297,000. Economically, too, the Czech Republic was better off, with a much higher gross domestic product, less unemployment, and greater success in returning former state industries to private hands. Area 30,452 square miles (78,870 square kilometers). Population (2024 est.) 11,235,000.


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The Czech Republic is bordered on the south by Austria, on the north by Poland, on the west by Germany, and on the east by Slovakia. The country’s greatest length, west to east, is about 300 miles (480 kilometers); and its greatest width, north to south, is about 160 miles (260 kilometers). Most of the country consists of the Bohemian Massif, a large basin circled by low mountain ranges that occasionally exceed 3,000 feet (900 meters) above sea level. In the southwest is the large Bohemian Forest. The highest mountains are in the Sudeten Mountains, along the Polish border in the north.

The country’s main river is the Elbe, which flows into Germany and becomes a major waterway. The Oder and Vistula rivers flow north into Poland. Other significant rivers are the Berounka, Vltava, Sázava, Iser, Uhlava, and Morava. Of these, the Vltava (Moldau in German) is the longest within the country, flowing 270 miles (435 kilometers). There are no sizable lakes, but there are several man-made reservoirs, of which the Lipno in the far southwest is the largest.


Nearly 95 percent of the population consists of Bohemians—or Czechs—and Moravians. The other major ethnic groups are Slovaks, Poles, Germans, Silesians, and Roma (Gypsies). Most of the large German population that occupied the Sudetenland (the mountainous border regions of Bohemia and Moravia) before World War II was removed after the war. About 40 percent of the people are Roman Catholic, while nearly 40 percent of the people are nonreligious or atheists. Russian Orthodox and Protestant churches have much smaller followings.

About 75 percent of the people live in urban areas, though most of the cities are of modest size. Prague, the capital, exceeds 1 million in population (see Prague). The second largest city, Brno, has a population of only about 380,000, however. Ostrava, in the northeast, and Pilsen, in the southwest, are the other major cities. The latter is one of the most famous beer-brewing centers in the world.


The Czech Republic is highly industrialized, compared to Slovakia. However, much of the industry was, in the early 1990s, obsolete—a leftover from Communist central planning. The country has some modern plants that were expected to become productive when economic reforms took root. The largest single industry is engineering, followed by food production, electronics, chemicals, rubber, asbestos, and iron and steel. During Communist rule the country was a leader in the production of automobiles and diesel locomotives. Massive flooding in 2002 devastated Prague and other Czech centers of tourism and industry.

Government and History

The Czech Republic has a parliamentary, multiparty form of government. The head of state is the president. The head of government is the prime minister, who governs with a cabinet. The parliament consists of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies.

From the early Middle Ages until 1918 Moravia and Bohemia were both Central European kingdoms. Moravia was settled in the 4th century by Germans and Celts and in the 6th and 7th century by Avars. The Slavs, ancestors of the present occupants, arrived in the late 8th century. The Slavs had settled in Bohemia by the 6th century. By the mid-9th century the Moravians had formed a kingdom, which eventually grew into Great Moravia and included part of Poland, all of Bohemia, and part of Hungary. This small empire was destroyed by Magyars in 906.

The decline of Moravia led to the ascendancy of Bohemia. The kingdom of Bohemia, in the 10th century, included Moravia and part of Poland. The kingdom’s greatest extent was in the 13th century, when it added sections of Hungary and Austria.

After the 14th century the Moravians and Bohemians were caught between more powerful neighbors and torn by religious controversies. Both regions came under the control of the Hapsburg monarchy of Austria in 1526. A Czech revolt against Austria was harshly put down in 1620, and the two kingdoms became provinces within the empire of Austria-Hungary.

Czech nationalism revived in the 19th century, inspired by such popular rebellions as the Revolution of 1848. The Czech language was put on the same footing as the more prevalent German. Bohemia, Moravia, and neighboring Slovakia drew closer together as they sought to throw off the yoke of Austria-Hungary. This goal was achieved in 1918, with the formation of Czechoslovakia and the end of Austria-Hungary. Bohemia and Moravia remained part of Czechoslovakia until Jan. 1, 1993, when the Czech Republic and Slovakia became independent states.

In 1992, prior to the split between the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Vaclav Klaus of the Civic Democratic party was elected prime minister. Klaus soon earned a reputation as one of the most successful implementers of economic and political reform in post-Communist Eastern Europe. During his first years in office, the Czech Republic emerged as one of the prime success stories from the region. Klaus played a decisive role in putting the Czech Republic on the path toward economic recovery by privatizing the vast Czech state-run economy. Initially, the reforms appeared to revitalize the Czech economy as economic production rose, inflation remained steady, and unemployment decreased. The Czech Republic’s progress in liberalizing both the economy and the government was recognized by the members of Western Europe. In the summer of 1997 the members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) extended a membership invitation to the government in Prague, based on the Czech Republic’s impressive post-Communist overhaul. In March 1999, the Czech Republic became an official member of NATO along with Hungary and Poland. European Union (EU) officials also acknowledged that the Czech Republic’s post-Communist achievements made it a front-runner among Eastern European states for membership in the EU.

An economic downturn, which began to be felt during 1996, increased dissatisfaction within the Czech Republic’s population. In June 1996 elections that marked the first parliamentary vote since the 1993 split from Slovakia, Klaus’s center-right ruling coalition lost its majority hold on the legislature. His three-party coalition won 99 seats in the 200-member parliament, down from 112 in the previous legislature. In a strong showing, the center-left Social Democrats increased their representation in parliament to 61 seats from 24. Following the elections Klaus managed to form a new minority government, making several concessions to the Social Democrats in order to win their support. The prime minister pledged to stop further privatization in the transport and energy areas of the economy and also modified his positions on health care, education, and pensions.

In January 1997 Klaus and German Chancellor Helmut Kohl met in Prague to sign a joint declaration of apology for crimes committed by each nation against the other during World War II. The symbolic gesture came more than 50 years after the conclusion of the war, which witnessed both the German occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1938 and 1939, and the expulsion of nearly 3 million Germans from Czechoslovakia during the immediate post-war period. Opponents of the agreement argued that Czechoslovakia, which was unambiguously victimized by Nazi Germany from 1938 to 1945, should not have agreed to a declaration of mutual wrongdoing.

The Czech Republic’s economic problems were compounded in the spring of 1997, when speculators began to trade heavily in Czech crowns, leading to a currency crisis that again raised concerns of an impending economic slowdown. Critics charged that the government’s policies of privatization had led directly to the Czech Republic’s economic turmoil. Revelations of wanton corruption within the Civic Democratic party led to the collapse of the ruling coalition and Klaus’s resignation from office in November 1997. In the following month President Havel appointed Josef Tosovsky, former head of the Czech central bank, to serve as caretaker prime minister of the country until elections that were scheduled for the next year. Despite widespread public support for Havel, the president barely won reelection to his fifth and final five-year term in office in January 1998. The narrow margin of victory was seen as a signal of the parliament’s dissatisfaction with Havel’s leadership and of the divisions in Czech politics that developed after the collapse of Klaus’s administration. (See also Czechoslovakia.)