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National anthem of Egypt

Egypt is a country in the northeastern corner of Africa. The Sinai Peninsula, which links Africa and Asia, is also part of the country. The vast majority of the Egyptian population lives on only about 3.5 percent of Egypt’s land. Most of the people are in the Nile River valley and the river’s large, fertile delta. The country’s vast desert regions are home to far fewer people.

Egypt is bordered on the south by Sudan and on the west by Libya. It shares borders on the northeast with Israel and the Palestinian territory of the Gaza Strip. Egypt’s northern coast is on the Mediterranean Sea. Its eastern coasts are on the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba, between Sinai and Saudi Arabia. The Gulf of Suez and the Suez Canal separate the Sinai Peninsula from the rest of Egypt.

The country is part of the region known as the Middle East. In ancient times, one of the world’s earliest and most advanced civilizations developed in Egypt. Ancient Egypt thrived for some 3,000 years. The country eventually fell to the Romans and later the Arabs. In time, Egypt developed into one of the intellectual and cultural centers of the Arab and Islamic world. Today, the country also plays an important role in Middle Eastern politics. The capital of Egypt is Cairo, one of the world’s largest urban areas. Area 384,788 square miles (996,603 square kilometers). Population (2024 est.) 106,647,000.

Land and Climate

Nile Valley and Delta

Dennis Jarvis (CC-BY-2.0)

The headwaters of the Nile River are in the highlands of East Africa. The Nile flows northward across Sudan and enters Egypt near the town of Wadi Halfa. The Nile is the world’s longest river. It flows for 4,132 miles (6,650 kilometers), with 960 miles (1,545 kilometers) of its course in Egypt. Annual flooding is a natural feature of the Nile. Fed by summer rains in the highlands, the flood travels northward, reaching Egypt in August.

The Upper Nile (the southern portion of the river) is confined to a narrow valley that is no more than 2 miles (3.2 kilometers) wide. Outcrops of resistant granite rock form stretches of cascades and rapids called cataracts. The First Cataract—the only one in Egypt—is at Aswan, in the southern part of the country. A dam was built there in 1902 to help control the floodwaters for irrigation. Five other cataracts are located upstream of Aswan in Sudan.

The Aswan High Dam is located upstream of the original dam. Construction began in January 1960 and was completed in July 1970. The high dam created Lake Nasser, the largest artificial lake in the world. The lake extends roughly 350 miles (550 kilometers) southward, with a portion lying in Sudan. The high dam makes possible the large-scale storage and use of Nile water independent of natural floods. It also provides Egypt with low-cost hydroelectric power.

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Between Aswan and Cairo the Nile valley widens into a plain ranging in width from 6 to 9 miles (10 to 15 kilometers). The delta of the Nile begins near Cairo, where the river separates into two branches. The Damietta branch is on the west, and the Rosetta branch is on the east. The delta covers about 8,500 square miles (22,000 square kilometers). It has numerous small waterways and canals. At its northern edge several large, shallow lakes have formed as the delta continues to expand into the Mediterranean. The largest of these is Lake Manzala, which is between Damietta and Port Said.


Georg Gerster/Photo Researchers

Most of Egypt’s area consists of deserts. West of the Nile lies the Western Desert, one of the world’s driest areas. It is a branch of the Libyan Desert. The Western Desert covers about two-thirds of Egypt. It is a low-lying plateau that gradually rises from a narrow coastal plain to an elevation of more than 3,300 feet (1,000 meters) in the southwest. In the southwest, large areas are covered by shifting sand dunes. Several large depressions have been hollowed out of the limestone and sandstone by wind erosion. The oases of Al-Kharijah, Al-Dakhilah, Al-Bahriyyah, Al-Farafirah, and Siwa have underground water supplies that support permanent agriculture. An irrigation canal, the Bahr Yusuf, cuts through a gap in the Nile’s western cliffs to water the town of Al Fayyum. In Wadi Al-Natrun northwest of Cairo, the water is salty. Located near Siwa on the edge of the Libyan Plateau, the Qattara Depression is 437 feet (133 meters) below sea level.

The area between the Nile River and the Red Sea is the Eastern Desert. It is also called the Arabian Desert. The area is a rugged plateau with elevations of more than 3,300 feet (1,000 meters). There are rolling hills and mountains in the southeast. Along the Red Sea coast is Mount Shaʿib al-Banat, rising 7,175 feet (2,187 meters) above sea level.

In the northeastern part of Egypt, on the Sinai Peninsula, is the Sinai Desert. This desert extends to the coast between the Suez Canal and Israel. The highest point in Egypt is in the mountains of southern Sinai, where Mount Catherine reaches 8,668 feet (2,642 meters). Also in these mountains is Mount Sinai. In the Hebrew Bible that mountain is said to have been the place where God gave Moses the Ten Commandments.


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Egypt has an arid (dry) climate. There is little rain, especially in the south. Alexandria, in the north, has the highest rainfall, with a mean of about 7 inches (17.5 centimeters) annually. Cairo gets only about 1 inch (2.5 centimeters) of rainfall annually. In the spring and summer, early morning fogs on the Nile delta provide some additional moisture. Aswan, in southern Egypt, gets only about 0.1 inch (0.25 centimeter) of rain each year. The Red Sea coastal plain and the Western Desert are also almost without precipitation. The Sinai Peninsula is a little less dry, with the northern part receiving about 5 inches (12.5 centimeters) of rain per year. Most of the rain in Egypt falls in the winter.

Egypt’s winters are cool and mild, and its summers are hot. The mean annual temperature is 69 °F (20 °C). At midday in June, the mean high temperature is 91 °F (33 °C) at Cairo and 106 °F (41 °C) at Aswan.

Egypt has a very sunny climate. The country gets about 12 hours of sunshine per day in the summer and between 8 and 10 hours per day in the winter.

In the desert hot, dry winds called khamsins blow northward from the Sahara across Egypt to the Mediterranean coast. The khamsins, which often produce sandstorms, can last for several days, destroying crops.

Plants and Animals

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Even though Egypt does not get much rain, its natural vegetation is varied. While most of the Western Desert lacks plants, the coastal strip has a rich plant life in spring. The Eastern Desert and parts of the Sinai Peninsula have a great variety of thorny shrubs, small desert plants, and herbs. The acacia is one of the few native trees, and it is found widely throughout the country. Other common trees include sycamores, eucalyptuses, and casuarinas. Date palms are found in areas with sufficient water—throughout the Nile delta, in the Nile valley, and in the oases. The Nile and its canals and channels support many kinds of water plants, including the lotus (a water lily) and reeds and grasses. The more than 100 types of grasses found around the Nile include bamboo and esparto.

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Many of the big animals shown in ancient Egyptian art, such as hippopotamuses, giraffes, ostriches, and sacred ibises, no longer live in the country. Crocodiles are found in the Nile only south of the Aswan High Dam. The largest wild mammal in Egypt today is the aoudad, a goatlike animal. The country is also home to mountain goats, gazelles, miniature desert foxes, hares, jackals, mongooses, and many species of rodent. Lizards and snakes are common. Many varieties of insects can be found, including locusts. Scorpions are common in desert regions. The Nile has many types of fish. Egypt is also rich in bird life. Numerous kinds of birds live in the country year-round or pass through on their migrations. Among them are falcons, eagles, kites, egrets, hoopoes, and crows.

People and Culture


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Egypt is the most populous country in the Middle East. Many people live along the banks of the Nile, which has one of the highest population densities in the world. The majority of Egyptians live in agricultural villages, some of which have 20,000 or more people.

Most of the country’s people are Egyptian Arabs. They are descendants of the Hamites of ancient Egypt and of the Arabs who migrated to Egypt after the Muslim conquests of the 7th century. Egypt’s Nubians live mainly south of Aswan. Many of them were resettled in new villages at Kawm Umbu (Kom Ombo) when the Aswan High Dam was built. The dam created Lake Nasser, which flooded the Nubians’ homeland. Egypt is also home to Bedouins, Roma (Gypsies), a nomadic people called the Beja, and people of mixed Arab and Amazigh (Berber) descent. Small numbers of people of European ancestry, primarily Armenians and Greeks, live in some Egyptian cities.

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Islam is the country’s official religion. Most Egyptians, including Egyptian Arabs and Nubians, are Sunni Muslims. A smaller number of Egypt’s Muslims practice Sufism, a form of Islamic mysticism. The largest religious minority is made up of members of the Coptic church, one of the oldest Christian churches. Egypt also has adherents of other Christian churches and a small Jewish community.

Arabic is the official language. Most Egyptians speak one of its many dialects. Classical Arabic is used in printed materials and in the schools. Through radio and television the government has attempted to develop a vernacular Arabic as the common language. Many educated Egyptians use English and French as second languages. French-language publications have wide circulation in Cairo and Alexandria. Nubians speak a language of the Eastern Sudanic group. The Coptic language, related to ancient Egyptian, is used today only in Coptic church services.



Egypt is one of the foremost centers of Arabic literature. A recurring theme of modern Egyptian novels is the impact of the West on traditional Egyptian culture. Another common theme is the Egyptian countryside. Egypt’s greatest modern novelist, Naguib Mahfouz, often wrote about life among the country’s urban poor. He is best known for The Cairo Trilogy (1956–57). In 1988 Mahfouz became the first Arabic writer to win the Nobel Prize for Literature. Egyptian novelists continued to enjoy critical and popular success in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Authors such as Sonallah Ibrahim, Nawal El Saadawi, Bahaa Taher, and Alaa Al Aswany rose to international prominence.


Music and dance have long played an important part in Egyptian culture. Traditional Egyptian musical styles are quite diverse. Common musical instruments include a stringed, lute-like instrument called the ʿud (oud), a type of zither called the qanun, and a flute called the nay. Others include a two-stringed fiddle called the rabab and a tambourine called the riqq. The revival of traditional Arab music, both vocal and instrumental, owes much to government sponsorship.

Contemporary Egyptian music embraces native forms, traditional Arab music, and Western-style music. The country’s most famous pop star was Umm Kulthum (1904–75). For almost 50 years she was the leading female vocalist not only of Egypt but also of the whole Arab world.

Electronic media have played an important role in spreading mass popular culture. Egyptian television has had a powerful influence on regional tastes, and viewers throughout the Arab world tune in to Egyptian programs. The country’s most popular actors enjoy wide recognition abroad. Egyptian films are shown to audiences throughout the Arab world and are also distributed in Asian and African countries.

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Dennis Jarvis (CC-BY-2.0)

Egypt has one of the richest architectural traditions in the world, one that spans thousands of years. Numerous locations in the country have been named UNESCO World Heritage sites for both their historic and architectural significance. From ancient Egypt, they include the Pyramids of Giza, the Valley of the Kings, and sites at Memphis, Thebes, Karnak, Luxor, Abu Simbel, and Philae. Other Egyptian World Heritage sites are from the Roman, Byzantine, and Islamic periods. Western influence can be seen in much modern architecture in Egypt. Since the late 20th century there has been a movement to combine European and Islamic architectural styles. A notable ultramodern building in Egypt is the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, which opened in Alexandria in 2002. It is the modern incarnation of the ancient Library of Alexandria.

© Lee Boltin

The Egyptian Ministry of Culture is responsible for many museums in Egypt. Among them is the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, which is internationally renowned for its treasures of ancient Egypt. Other notable museums in Cairo include the Coptic Museum, the Museum of Islamic Art, and the Museum of Modern Art. The Greco-Roman Museum and the Museum of Fine Arts are in Alexandria.

The most popular sport in Egypt is soccer (association football). Cairo’s two soccer teams can attract as many as 100,000 spectators to their games. The national team, the Pharaohs, was the first African team to compete in the World Cup (1934). The team has won many titles in the African Cup of Nations, the continent’s most prestigious soccer competition. Other team sports played in Egypt include volleyball and basketball. Wrestling, weightlifting, boxing, swimming, and martial arts are also popular.

Egyptian cuisine has been influenced over time by other areas of the Mediterranean, including Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, and Syria. A well-known Egyptian dish is ful mudammis, which consists of slowly cooked fava (broad) beans and spices. It is widely considered the national food. Falafel, a fried patty of ground chickpeas, is a staple throughout the Middle East and probably originated in Egypt. Kuftah, a type of spiced meatball, is also common fare. As in other countries of the region, mutton is the most widely consumed meat. Egyptians also commonly eat chicken and fish. Pigeon is a delicacy. Honey is the most common sweetener, and native fruits—particularly figs and dates—are used in most puddings and other desserts. Coffee and tea are popular drinks.

Education and Health

Illiteracy has been a severe problem in Egypt. Because of advances in the educational system, however, literacy rates have gradually risen. Today, roughly three-fourths of Egyptian adults can read and write.

There are three stages of general education provided by the government—primary school (which lasts for six years), preparatory school (three years), and secondary school (three years). From ages 6 to 12, children are required to attend primary school. At the end of primary school, students take examinations. Those who do well on the tests can continue their education. There are two types of secondary schools, general and technical. General high schools offer courses of study in math, sciences, and liberal arts. Most technical schools focus on either commercial, agricultural, or industrial subjects.

Instead of attending public schools, some children study at institutes associated with al-Azhar University. The university is centered on al-Azhar Mosque in Cairo. Al-Azhar has been renowned as an Islamic teaching center for more than 1,000 years. It provides schooling at the primary, preparatory, secondary, and university levels, with an emphasis on traditional Islamic subjects.

Egypt has many schools of higher education. The largest is Cairo University, founded as the Egyptian University in 1908. Universities were opened at Alexandria in 1942 and at Asyut in 1957. ʿAyn Shams University, incorporating several other schools near Cairo, was established in 1950. More universities were later added to the state system. There are also several private universities. The oldest is the American University in Cairo, which was founded in 1919.

In the late 20th century the government began spending more money on public-health programs, especially in rural areas. By the early 21st century, hundreds of hospitals and thousands of smaller health units were serving rural communities. The quality of these facilities was often low, however. Well-trained physicians and specialists are available in large numbers in the cities and larger towns.

Significant efforts have been made to promote preventive medicine. Parents are required by law to have their children vaccinated against smallpox, diphtheria, tuberculosis, and poliomyelitis (polio). Epidemics of malaria have been eliminated, though the disease is still found in the country, mainly in the south. A parasitic disease called schistosomiasis is widespread among the rural population. It presents a serious health problem.

A health insurance law was passed in 1964. It requires health coverage for workers in companies with more than 100 employees as well as for all governmental and public employees. Poorer Egyptians often seek medical care at clinics or hospitals run by Islamic groups.

Major Cities

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Egypt’s largest cities are Cairo and Alexandria. Together their urban areas contain roughly a quarter of the country’s population. Cairo, which is the capital, is one of the world’s largest cities. It occupies both banks of the Nile just south of the delta. The city and its suburbs, including Al-Jizah (Giza), are known as Greater Cairo. Alexandria is Egypt’s chief seaport. Numerous other cities, most located in the delta and valley of the Nile, have populations of 100,000 or more. Port Said, Ismailia, and Suez are large cities along the Suez Canal.

Dennis Jarvis (CC-BY-2.0)

Large-scale migration from rural areas to cities, especially Cairo and Alexandria, caused Egypt’s urban population to grow rapidly during the 20th and 21st centuries. Some cities developed problems associated with overcrowding. These problems included severe housing shortages, traffic, and pollution. To relieve the burdens on Cairo, during the 1970s the government began developing planned suburbs in the desert. Today many of Greater Cairo’s people live in the suburbs.


Many segments of Egypt’s economy are at least partly controlled by the government. In the 1950s and ’60s President Gamal Abdel Nasser instituted a centrally planned socialist economy. The Egyptian government took over the ownership or supervision of most commercial and industrial companies. In the 1970s, however, Nasser’s successor, Anwar el-Sadat, encouraged foreign investment and private enterprise. The government began allowing more private ownership of companies. Increased aid came from petroleum-rich Arab states, primarily the Gulf Organization for the Development of Egypt.

In 1979 Egypt signed a peace treaty with Israel. This angered many other Arab countries, which opposed Israel. After Egypt signed the treaty, most Arab countries withdrew economic and political support from Egypt. President Hosni Mubarak, who led Egypt from 1981 to 2011, reestablished ties with other Arab countries. He instituted policies to increase exports, particularly of petroleum, and private investment.

Despite improvement, Egypt’s economy has continued to face many hurdles. The general standard of living remains rather low. In relation to the size of the population, economic resources are limited. Land remains Egypt’s main source of natural wealth, but the amount of productive land is insufficient to support the population adequately. Increases in population have put pressure on resources, producing chronic underemployment. Many Egyptians have sought employment abroad.

Agriculture and Fishing

©Robert Holmes

Agriculture in Egypt depends almost entirely on irrigation from the Nile. Barrages and dams on the Nile, especially the Aswan High Dam, allow water to be stored for use when the river level is low. Canals distribute the water where it is needed throughout the year. Under year-round irrigation, a field may yield several crops annually. Cotton, rice, corn (maize), and sorghum are grown in summer. Barley, wheat, and fava (broad) beans are winter crops. Citrus fruits and vegetables are grown on the Mediterranean coast. Although enough fruits and vegetables are grown for the Egyptian people, only a small percent of the demand for wheat is met. Egypt imports much of its food supplies, primarily wheat and flour.

Bob Burch/Bruce Coleman Inc.

Cotton and cotton products are important exports. Egypt produces about one-third of the world’s long-staple cotton. The area planted in cotton, however, has greatly declined since 1968. Rice, fruits, and vegetables are also export crops. Sugarcane is grown to produce sugar for Egypt. Most cattle are used as draft animals. Sheep and goats are raised for wool and hair. Despite attempts to improve livestock husbandry, Egypt is a net importer of meat.

Egypt faces growing food shortages. It has experienced rapid population growth, rapid urbanization, and an increased production of commercial export crops. These factors have intensified the pressure on a limited supply of agricultural land. Farms are limited to a maximum of 50 acres (20 hectares). Cooperatives aid farmers by renting implements and distributing seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides. Programs to increase the cultivated area through land reclamation are still ongoing. The New Valley project was begun in 1997. It is slated to bring roughly 500,000 acres (200,000 hectares) under production in the southern Western Desert by pumping water from Lake Nasser through a long canal. Major construction was completed by 2003. Similar programs have been undertaken in the western delta and the Sinai Peninsula.

After the Aswan High Dam was built, the Egyptian government encouraged the development of a fishing industry. A fish farm and fishery complex were established at Lake Nasser. Fish culture (fish farming) contributes much of the country’s fish production.


During the 20th century, manufacturing grew to be one of the largest sectors of the Egyptian economy. By the beginning of the 21st century, most large manufacturing enterprises were still owned or operated by the Egyptian government. However, the government had begun to sell many enterprises to the private sector.

Egypt’s major manufactures include chemicals of all sorts, medicines, food products, textiles and garments, cement and other building materials, and paper products. The making of petroleum products, such as fuel oil, gasoline, lubricants, jet fuel, and asphalt, is an important industry.

Mining and Energy

Egypt produces a significant amount of petroleum. Compared to other Middle Eastern countries, however, the total oil production is relatively small. Still, crude oil and petroleum products are Egypt’s most important export. The country extracts oil from both onshore and offshore fields. Major oil fields are located in the Western Desert, the Gulf of Suez, the Eastern Desert, and the Sinai Peninsula. Active drilling for oil, involving several international interests including those of the United States and several European countries, has continued. These efforts to find new oil fields were quite successful during the 1990s and early 21st century.

In the process of searching for oil, important deposits of natural gas have been located. Major deposits were found in the Nile delta and in the Western Desert, as well as offshore under the Mediterranean Sea. By the early 21st century, Egypt’s natural gas production had begun to rival that of oil.

Egypt has several petroleum refineries, with two at Suez. They are linked by pipeline to the main producing fields. The largest and most important is the Suez-Mediterranean (Sumed) pipeline. It connects the Gulf of Suez to the Mediterranean Sea near Alexandria. Egypt also produces liquefied natural gas (LNG).

Egyptian mines produce such minerals as phosphates, gypsum, limestone, clay, manganese, aluminum, and gold. Iron ore is mined near Aswan, and large deposits have been found at Al-Bahriyyah.

Egypt depends on fossil fuels—mainly natural gas and oil—and hydroelectric power for its energy supplies. Some four-fifths of the country’s electricity is generated at thermal plants. Most of the hydroelectric power is produced at the Aswan High Dam. High-voltage transmission lines link the Aswan hydroelectric plants with Cairo.


© Ron Gatepain

The service sector—including retail sales, tourism, government activities, and other services—is one of the largest in the Egyptian economy. The government alone is one of the biggest employers in the country, and government contracts help fuel other sectors of Egypt’s economy. Construction projects, particularly major public-works projects, have been a significant source of employment.

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With millions of visitors traveling to Egypt each year, tourism has been an important industry. Warm winters, beaches, and gambling casinos draw as many tourists as do Egypt’s ancient monuments. The tourists come mostly from Europe, Asia, and other Arab countries. However, security problems have at times hurt the tourism industry. After President Hosni Mubarak was overthrown in 2011, tourism revenues dropped substantially.

Trade is important to Egypt. Since World War II, the country has had trade deficits. In other words, the value of its imports has been larger than the value of its exports. Egypt’s principal imports include foods, machinery and electrical equipment, and mineral and chemical products. Among the chief exports are petroleum and petroleum products, textiles, fertilizers, plastics, and food and food products. The country’s agricultural exports include cotton, rice, onions, garlic, and citrus fruit. Egypt’s most important trading partners include China, the United States, Italy, Germany, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia.

Transportation and Communications

Water transportation is of primary importance in Egypt. The country has roughly 2,000 miles (3,200 kilometers) of navigable waterways. Half are on the Nile, and the other half are on canals, mostly in the delta.

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The Suez Canal is an international shipping link between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. It is one of the world’s most heavily used shipping lanes. The canal extends 120 miles (193 kilometers) from Port Said to Suez, on the Gulf of Suez. Since 1975 the canal has been expanded to accommodate supertankers. In 2015 the Egyptian government finished a nearly $8.5 billion project to upgrade the canal. The project significantly increased the canal’s capacity. Alexandria, Port Said, Suez, Damietta, and El-Dekheila are Egypt’s major ports.

From Cairo, rail lines extend along the Nile to Aswan. Other rail lines run across the north coast to Al-Sallum, and to Alexandria, Port Said, and Suez. A railroad parallels the west bank of the Suez Canal between Suez and Ismailia. A subway transit system for Cairo began operation in 1988.

More than 90 percent of Egypt’s roads are paved. The Ahmad Hamdi road tunnel under the Suez Canal opened in 1980. The national airline, EgyptAir, operates a full schedule of domestic and international flights.

Cairo is a major publishing center in the Middle East. Al-Ahram, which was founded in 1875 and is published in Cairo, is the most authoritative daily newspaper. The government owns and operates the Egyptian Radio and Television Corporation, which provides programs in a variety of languages. Satellite dishes, which receive Egyptian and foreign broadcasts, are popular and relatively common among middle-class and affluent households. Egypt has long been a regional leader in telecommunications. It has a relatively dense telephone network, and cellular telephone use is nearly universal. Despite government and Islamic censorship, all sorts of arts and information are accessible through the Internet.


Manuel Elias/UN Photo

Egypt was a monarchy until 1952, when it became a republic. Its full name is now the Arab Republic of Egypt.

The country has operated under a series of constitutions since 1923. In the early 21st century, the constitution was suspended twice. The first time was in 2011 after a popular uprising forced President Hosni Mubarak to resign. A new constitution was approved in 2012 through a national referendum. However, that constitution was suspended in 2013, when the military forced President Mohammed Morsi from power. The ouster followed several days of massive demonstrations against Morsi’s rule. Voters approved a new constitution in 2014. They approved a series of amendments to the constitution in a referendum in 2019. Among other provisions, the amendments extended the length of presidential terms. They also reestablished an upper chamber of the legislature, which the 2014 constitution had originally eliminated.

Like its predecessors, the 2014 constitution proclaims Egypt to be a democratic republic. Islam is the state religion, and Arabic is the official language. The head of state is the president. The president is elected by popular vote to a six-year term and can be reelected once. The president appoints the cabinet ministers, including the prime minister. The prime minister is head of government.

Legislative power resides in the House of Representatives. Its members are elected to five-year terms by universal suffrage under a complex system of proportional representation. The House of Representatives ratifies all laws and examines and approves the national budget.

An upper chamber of the legislature, the Senate, was introduced through the constitutional amendments that were passed in 2019. The Senate was slated to be established the following year. Senators will serve five-year terms. Two-thirds of the senators are to be elected directly, and one-third are to be appointed by the president. The Senate will be tasked primarily with providing opinions and proposals on matters of national unity, government structure, and constitutional amendments.

The 2014 constitution emphasizes the independent nature of Egypt’s justice system. Judges are subject to no authority other than the law; they cannot be dismissed. Judges are appointed by the president, with the prior approval of the Supreme Judicial Council. The Supreme Constitutional Court in Cairo is the highest court in Egypt. It reviews the constitutionality of laws and regulations. It also resolves judicial conflicts between the lower courts.

Local Government

For the purposes of local government, Egypt is divided into 27 administrative units known as governorates. Five cities—Cairo, Alexandria, Port Said, Suez, and Luxor—have governorate status. Each governorate is led by a governor, who is appointed by the president of Egypt. There are two legislative councils for each governorate: an elected people’s council and an appointed executive council. The governorates are in turn divided into districts or counties and villages.

Political Parties

From 1962 to 1977 the Arab Socialist Union (ASU) was the only legal political organization in Egypt. Political parties had been abolished in 1953. Starting in 1976, however, groups within the union were allowed to support different ASU candidates. Political parties were legalized in 1977, and the ASU was abolished in 1980.

The National Democratic Party (NDP) was formed by Egyptian President Anwar el-Sadat in 1978. Until 2011 the NDP served as the official government party and held nearly all the seats in the People’s Assembly. After Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak resigned in 2011, the NDP was dissolved. A variety of political groups, including some that had previously been banned, began to organize political parties and seek official recognition. The Islamic organization called the Muslim Brotherhood launched its political party, the Freedom and Justice Party, in 2011. However, when the Egyptian military ousted President Mohammed Morsi in July 2013, the country’s security forces began a massive crackdown against the Muslim Brotherhood. The government officially banned the party later that year. In 2014 political parties based on religion were banned.


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A great civilization flourished in Egypt starting some 5,000 years ago. This article, however, presents the history of Egypt from the Islamic conquests of the 7th century ad until the present day. For information about Egypt’s early history, see Egypt, ancient.

Arab Conquest and Rule

After the death of the Prophet Muhammad in 632, Muslim Arabs conquered Egypt in 639 to 641. Egypt was gradually transformed into an Arabic state. In time, most Egyptians, who were Christians, converted to Islam. Those who resisted despite persecution were called Copts, from an Arabic word meaning “Egyptian.” Arabic replaced the Egyptian language, which was restricted to use in the Coptic church.

Bright/M. Grimoldi

For more than 200 years, Egypt was ruled by governors appointed by the Islamic empire known as the caliphate. The caliphate was centered in what is now Iraq. In the late 800s Ahmad ibn Tulun founded a dynasty of rulers in Egypt. This Tulunid dynasty was essentially independent of the caliphate. Egypt was later governed by other dynasties, notably the Fatimids in the late 900s to the late 1100s. In 973 the Fatimids built the city of Cairo to be their capital. It replaced the old capital of Al-Fustat.

Mamluk and Ottoman Rule


Like other Muslim countries, Egypt expanded its armies in the medieval period by buying large numbers of slave soldiers known as Mamluks. Most of them were Turkish, not Arabic. The Mamluks began to grow powerful in Egypt. In 1250 Mamluk generals seized control of the country. They established the Mamluk dynasty, a line of rulers that reigned over Egypt and Syria until 1517. The Mamluks’ early military successes against Mongol invaders helped them become accepted as rulers.

The Turkish Ottoman Empire conquered the Mamluks in 1517. Egypt was made a province of the empire. Although the Mamluks no longer ruled the country, they remained an elite social class with considerable influence. In time, they came to dominate the Ottoman government of Egypt.

Napoleon I, the future emperor of France, invaded Egypt in 1798. In July he conquered Cairo in the Battle of the Pyramids. In August British forces under Admiral Horatio Nelson destroyed Napoleon’s fleet in the Battle of the Nile. Troops from Britain, the Ottoman Empire, and India ousted the French from Egypt in 1801. The British left the country by 1803. Although the French occupation was brief, it marked the beginning of Western influence in Egypt. France and Britain began competing with each other for control of the country.

From Muhammad ʿAli to British Control

Courtesy of the trustees of the British Museum; photograph, J.R. Freeman and Co. Ltd.

Muhammad ʿAli, an officer in the Ottoman forces, became pasha, or governor, of Egypt in 1805. He launched military campaigns to expand Egypt’s territory. By 1821 he had conquered most of the northern portion of the Sudan region. ʿAli introduced many reforms to modernize Egypt. He improved the irrigation system and introduced new crops such as cotton. He also established Western-style schools in Egypt. Members of ʿAli’s family governed the country for more than 100 years. Although Egypt was still officially part of the Ottoman Empire during this period, Ottoman control of the country was weak. The Mamluks also grew less powerful.

Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (Digital File Number: cph 3c04847)

Saʿid Pasha, who was Muhammad ʿAli’s son, befriended the French diplomat Ferdinand de Lesseps. In 1856 Saʿid granted Lesseps the right to build the Suez Canal. It was opened in 1869 during the reign of Ismaʿil Pasha. To repay his debts to British and French bankers, Ismaʿil sold Egypt’s shares of Suez stock to Britain, giving it control of the canal. In 1876, again in debt, Ismaʿil allowed British and French officials strict control of Egypt’s finances. Meanwhile, a movement of nationalists—Egyptians who wanted to free Egypt from foreign rule—began to develop. The nationalists were not happy with the ruling family. In 1882 British forces occupied Egypt to support the monarchy in the face of the growing nationalist movement. The British quickly defeated the nationalists, but the British occupation continued. In 1899 Sudan (now Sudan and South Sudan) was established under joint British and Egyptian rule. In practice, however, Sudan became a British possession.

In World War I, the Ottoman Empire and Britain fought against each other. Britain proclaimed Egypt a protectorate, or dependent state, in November 1914. Britain then assumed responsibility for defending the Suez Canal. The nationalist movement to free Egypt from foreign rule gained strength in wartime. A countrywide nationalist organization called the Wafd was formed. After failing to reach a settlement with the Wafd, Britain abolished the protectorate. Egypt became an independent country on February 28, 1922. However, Britain retained responsibility for the security of the Suez Canal and the defense of Egypt.

Egyptian Monarchy

George Grantham Bain Collection/Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (Digital File Number: LC-DIG-ggbain-36820)

In 1923 a constitutional monarchy was established with Fuʾad I as king. In 1936 he was succeeded by his son Farouk I. A treaty that year ended the British occupation of Egypt. However, under the treaty Britain kept its control of the canal zone, and joint British-Egyptian rule of Sudan continued.

In the 1940s Egypt helped to found the Arab League, a union of several Arab countries. The league became involved in the growing disputes between Arabs and Jews in neighboring Palestine. Under a United Nations (UN) plan, part of Palestine was to be made into the new country of Israel. Egypt and its Arab allies strongly objected to the plan, partly because large numbers of Palestinian Arabs were already living in the territory. When the State of Israel was proclaimed in 1948, Egypt and four other Arab countries immediately attacked it. Israel won the war, which would be the first in a series of Arab-Israeli Wars. Although defeated, Egypt had taken control of the portion of Palestine now called the Gaza Strip.

Egyptian Republic

The Nasser Regime


A group of Egyptian army officers led by Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser overthrew King Farouk on July 23, 1952. The constitution was abolished, and political parties were dissolved. Egypt was declared a republic on June 18, 1953, and Nasser became prime minister. He was the first native Egyptian to rule Egypt in more than 2,000 years. Under Nasser, Egypt signed an agreement with Britain in 1953 that ended the union of Egypt and Sudan, resulting in independence for Sudan a few years later.

After a new Egyptian constitution was approved in June 1956, Nasser was elected president. The British forces left Egypt in July. An international conflict called the Suez Crisis then occurred. The Suez Canal was internationally owned, mainly by British and French interests. In July 1956 Nasser declared that the canal was Egyptian property. The United States and Britain had withdrawn financial aid for the Aswan High Dam, and Nasser wanted to use revenues from the canal to finance Egypt’s share of the project. Britain and France feared that Nasser might close the Suez Canal. They did not want Egypt to cut off shipments of petroleum flowing from the Persian Gulf to western Europe. Britain and France decided to take military action, and Israel joined them as an ally. Israel invaded Sinai in October, and British and French forces landed in the canal zone in November. Nasser sank some 40 ships in the canal to block it. UN pressure brought a cease-fire and withdrawal of forces. The Suez Canal reopened in March 1957 under Egyptian control, with guarantees that other countries would be able to use the canal.

Egypt and Syria merged as the United Arab Republic in 1958 and, with Yemen, formed the United Arab States. Syria withdrew from the union in 1961, and Egypt ousted Yemen. A 1963 agreement between Egypt, Syria, and Iraq to form another United Arab Republic failed.

Because of tensions between Israel and Syria, Nasser forced UN troops to withdraw from Egypt. Egypt blockaded the Gulf of Aqaba so that Israeli ships could not use it. Israel attacked Egypt on June 5, 1967, defeating the allied Arab forces in what became known as the Six-Day War. Israel occupied the Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip, as well as other areas of Palestine. The Suez Canal was again blocked by damaged ships. A UN-negotiated cease-fire failed to result in a peace settlement. After the war Egypt faced severe financial crises and widespread discontent among students and workers. As efforts to reach a settlement continued through 1970, Egyptian and Israeli forces dueled across the canal.

Sadat Regime

dpa picture alliance/Alamy

Nasser died in September 1970 and was succeeded by Anwar el-Sadat. In April 1971 Egypt, Libya, and Syria agreed to form the Confederation of Arab Republics. However, a full union was prevented by worsening relations between Egypt and Libya.

Early in his presidency, Sadat extended peace overtures to Israel. Egypt would enter into a peace agreement if Israel would return the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt. However, Israel did not accept this offer. On October 6, 1973, Egypt and Syria launched surprise coordinated attacks on the Sinai Peninsula and another Israeli-held Arab territory (the Golan Heights). This set off a war called the Yom Kippur War or the October War. A UN-sponsored cease-fire took effect later that month. In January 1974 Egypt and Israel signed an agreement that returned to Egypt a strip of land east of the Suez Canal. The canal was reopened in 1975. Sadat emerged from the war with greatly enhanced prestige as the first Arab leader to have actually retaken some territory from Israel. This allowed him to pronounce the war an Egyptian victory and to seek an honorable peace with Israel.

Jimmy Carter Library/NARA

After the war, Sadat worked to establish better relations with Israel. In 1977 he became the first Arab head of state to visit Israel. As a result of the Camp David agreements, moderated by U.S. President Jimmy Carter, Egypt and Israel signed a peace treaty in 1979. It provided for a phased withdrawal of Israeli forces from Sinai. As talks about self-rule for Palestine continued, Egypt and Israel established diplomatic relations. In response, the Arab League suspended Egypt, which had once dominated the organization. Most of its member countries withdrew economic aid from Egypt.

Mubarak Regime

Barry Iverson/Gamma Liaison

Sadat was assassinated by Muslim extremists in October 1981. Vice President Hosni Mubarak became president. In 1984 Egypt withdrew from its 1971 confederation with Syria and Libya. Despite the country’s economic difficulties, Mubarak was elected to a second term as president in 1987. He was reelected in 1993 and 1999.

At first Mubarak enjoyed widespread popular support, and political opposition to his government was minimal. He maintained Egypt’s commitment to peace with Israel while also gradually improving its relationships with other Arab states. Egypt rejoined the Arab League in 1989. In 1991 Mubarak introduced a program of economic reform and privatization—allowing private companies to own and run industries that had been owned and run by the government. These changes helped Egypt make notable economic gains, but progress stalled in the late 1990s.

A major concern for the government beginning in the mid-1990s was a campaign of terrorism by militant Muslim groups. Among other incidents, Muslim extremists attempted to assassinate Mubarak in 1995 and killed some 60 tourists in Luxor in 1997. Mubarak’s government worked to improve security throughout the country to bring a halt to terrorist acts.


Although Mubarak was reelected in 2005, opposition candidates had contested the election. Internal tensions grew as the Mubarak regime arrested opposition leaders and restricted political expression. Widespread irregularities were observed in the legislative elections of November 2010. On January 25, 2011, protests against the Mubarak regime erupted. Thousands of protesters gathered in Cairo, chanting slogans against corruption, political repression, and poverty. Clashes grew heated, resulting in mass arrests, injuries, and a few deaths. Protests erupted in other cities throughout the country, with especially violent clashes taking place in Suez and Alexandria. As the demonstrations progressed, Egypt’s established opposition groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood, increased their participation.

© Mohamed Elsayyed—Mohphoto/

On January 28 the government began to take emergency measures, including issuing a curfew. Mubarak appeared on state television, announcing that he intended to remain president. However, he stated that he had asked his cabinet to resign immediately. He also pledged to advance social reforms in Egypt. Mubarak appointed a vice president for the first time in his presidency, choosing Omar Suleiman, the director of the powerful Egyptian General Intelligence Service. The protests against Mubarak continued, however. The following day Mubarak said that he would not run in Egypt’s next presidential election, scheduled for September 2011. Thousands of demonstrators continued to gather, and many others engaged in strikes in solidarity with the protesters. On February 11 Suleiman appeared on state television to announce that Mubarak had stepped down as president. The country would be governed by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, composed of Egypt’s highest-ranking military officers. The announcement was met with great joy by the crowds of protesters in Cairo.

The toppling of the Mubarak regime in Egypt was one of a series of pro-democracy protests that took place in the Middle East and North Africa in 2010 and 2011. The protests became known as the Arab Spring.

Transition to an Elected Government

The transition to an elected government was not easy. Large protests continued to break out. After demonstrators demanded that ministers from the Mubarak era resign, a new interim cabinet was appointed. Protest leaders questioned the military’s commitment to democratic change. They charged that the army, eager to reestablish order, had begun adopting the repressive tactics of the former regime. Army troops repeatedly used force to clear protest sites, often beating and arresting demonstrators.

In late 2011 Egypt held its first elections of the post-Mubarak era. The elections were dominated by Egypt’s Islamist groups, particularly the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party. In June 2012, however, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces took steps to retain power and prevent Islamists from gaining control of the government. The Supreme Constitutional Court unexpectedly invalidated the results of the legislative elections, forcing the dissolution of the Islamist-dominated People’s Assembly. In June 2012 Mohammed Morsi, the head of the Freedom and Justice Party, was elected president of Egypt.

The process of writing a new constitution became the focus of bitter contention between the Islamists and a loose opposition. The opposition included liberal, secular, and Christian factions. The Islamists dominated the Constituent Assembly, which was formed to draft the constitution. The opposition staged walkouts and filed lawsuits challenging the legality of the assembly. In November 2012 President Morsi issued an edict exempting himself from judicial oversight and removing the courts’ power to dissolve the assembly. Mass demonstrations were held against what many saw as the president’s seizure of dictatorial powers. Later in November the Constituent Assembly approved a draft constitution without the input of boycotting Christian and secularist members. Crowds demanding Morsi’s ouster gathered at the presidential palace. As protests continued in early December, Morsi reversed parts of his edict. However, he retained the part preventing the courts from dissolving the Constituent Assembly. A referendum on the constitution was held in December 2012, and the new constitution was approved.

Sporadic violent protests against Morsi’s rule continued into 2013. In the middle of the year, calls for Morsi’s resignation increased. They were led by a loose coalition that included liberals, religious minorities, and Egyptians angered by high rates of unemployment and inflation. Massive anti-Morsi protests were held around the country on June 30, the first anniversary of his inauguration. More than a dozen people were killed, and many more were injured.

On July 1 the head of the Egyptian armed forces, General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, declared that the military would intervene to prevent chaos in the country if the two sides were unable to resolve their differences within two days. Morsi offered to negotiate with the opposition but refused to step down. The protests continued. On July 3 the Egyptian military suspended the constitution and removed Morsi from power. It created a new interim administration led by the head of the Supreme Constitutional Court, Adly Mansour. Sisi, however, continued to hold ultimate authority. A number of the Muslim Brotherhood’s leaders, including Morsi, were placed under arrest.

Enraged members of the Muslim Brotherhood held demonstrations around the country to protest Morsi’s removal from office. Twice in July 2013, Egyptian security forces opened fire on Morsi supporters, killing and wounding many protesters. The following month security forces broke up Muslim Brotherhood sit-ins in Cairo. They killed more than 1,000 people while descending on protesters’ encampments. In the aftermath of the attack, Egyptian authorities declared a state of emergency. The government formally dissolved the Muslim Brotherhood in September 2013. Accused Muslim Brotherhood supporters were rounded up and convicted in mass trials for a variety of crimes allegedly committed during the protests following Morsi’s removal. During the spring of 2014, death sentences were passed against hundreds of accused members of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Meanwhile, the interim administration had appointed a committee to amend the constitution. Few Islamists served on the committee. Unsurprisingly, the committee removed or weakened many of the provisions favored by Islamists in the 2012 constitution. It also strengthened language shielding the military and the police from civilian oversight. The amended text passed with more than 98 percent of the vote in a referendum in January 2014.

Sisi Regime

Michael Kappeler—picture alliance/Getty Images

In the presidential election of May 2014, Sisi won an overwhelming victory. He had campaigned on promises to reduce poverty and to continue suppressing the Muslim Brotherhood. Sisi’s presidency marked the return to the authoritarian style of government that Egypt had experienced under Mubarak. Under Sisi’s leadership, the Egyptian security services cracked down on all forms of dissent, or opposition. They detained and tortured thousands of people they saw as political opponents. A new House of Representatives was elected in 2015. However, many observers believed that the government had interfered in the elections in favor of pro-Sisi candidates. The House of Representatives soon passed many laws restricting political activity. New laws also established government control over protests, the media, and nongovernmental organizations.

As president, Sisi struggled to deliver the economic stability and security that he had promised as a candidate. Egypt undertook large public works projects, such as a major expansion of the Suez Canal. Although such projects were popular, they did little to improve living standards. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) gave Egypt a three-year $12 billion loan package in 2016. This helped the country close its budget deficits. However, as part of the package, Egypt was required to raise taxes and cut government spending. That led to growing levels of inflation.

Meanwhile, the Egyptian military battled Islamic militants around the country. Fighting was especially fierce in the Sinai Peninsula. The peninsula had long been the site of an uprising against the Egyptian government. Militant attacks grew more frequent after a group in Sinai pledged allegiance to the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in 2014.

In March 2018 Sisi ran for reelection as president. However, the election served more as confirmation of Sisi’s status as an all-powerful president than as a real democratic contest. In the months leading up to the election, several candidates were arrested or disqualified for procedural reasons. That left Sisi to face only one opponent, a little-known candidate who had himself been an outspoken supporter of Sisi’s. As expected, Sisi won an overwhelming victory. He received more than 97 percent of the vote.

In April 2019 the parliament overwhelmingly approved a set of constitutional amendments. The amendments would empower the presidency and further entrench the military in policy making. One amendment extended the presidential term to six years but reaffirmed a limit of two consecutive terms. However, another amendment specified that Sisi, who was already in his second term, could run for another six-year term in 2024. The amendments reinstituted a vice presidency and an upper chamber in the legislature, with one-third of its members appointed by the president. An amendment also allowed the president to appoint top judges in the judiciary. The defense minister, meanwhile, was made subject to the approval of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces. The amendments were put to a nationwide referendum only days after passing the legislature. They were approved by 89 percent of the voters.

Additional Reading

Aykroyd, Clarissa. Egypt (Mason Crest, 2010).Heinrichs, Ann. Egypt, rev. ed. (Children’s Press, 2012).Hobbs, Joseph, and Subanthore, Aswin. Egypt, 2nd ed. (Chelsea House, 2007).Pallister, John. Egypt (Facts on File, 2004).Pateman, Robert, and El-Hamamsy, Salwa. Egypt, 2nd ed. (Benchmark/Marshall Cavendish, 2004).Zuehlke, Jeffrey. Egypt in Pictures (Lerner, 2003).