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National anthem of Spain

The country of Spain has had a greater influence on the rest of the world than have most countries. The lion’s share of the Western Hemisphere is known as Latin America. Most of its people speak Spanish or Portuguese as a mother tongue and belong to the Roman Catholic Church. This is not surprising when it is recalled that Spain and Portugal led the Europeans into the Age of Discovery and founded the first globe-circling empires. Area 195,360 square miles (505,983 square kilometers). Population (2024 est.) 48,736,000.

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In the 1490s Christopher Columbus colonized the Caribbean islands for Spain and set the stage for Hernán Cortés’s conquest of Mexico in 1519–21. Francisco Pizarro’s invasion of Peru followed in 1531–33. The opening in the 16th century of the route from Mexico across the Pacific to the Philippines placed the Spanish on the edge of Asia and in close competition with the Portuguese. The Portuguese had come by way of their sea route around southern Africa’s Cape of Good Hope and India and through the Strait of Malacca. Spanish explorer Andrés de Urdaneta took advantage of the Pacific’s westerly wind belt at about 42° N latitude. This allowed Spain’s galleons to return to Mexico directly from the Philippines rather than face typhoons and the perils of attempting to circumnavigate most of the globe. Earlier navigators had returned to Spain by way of the Indian and South Atlantic oceans. A lucrative trade, based on Mexican silver and Chinese silks and other luxuries, began to flourish, and Manila was founded in 1571. The Philippines remained a Spanish colony until 1898, when it passed to the United States as a result of the Spanish-American War.

During the early 1540s the area now known as the United States was explored by the Spaniards Hernando de Soto and Francisco Coronado. In 1565 St. Augustine, Florida, was founded to protect Spain’s vital sea-lane. This sea-lane ran via the northward flowing Florida Current and the Gulf Stream that parallel the coastline from southern Florida to North Carolina. In the latitude of North Carolina and Virginia, the treasure-laden galleons caught prevailing westerly winds, which carried them home to Cádiz on Spain’s southern Atlantic coast. In 1598, almost a decade before the first English settlement was established at Jamestown, Virginia, Spanish pioneers established towns on the Rio Grande headwaters in what is now the state of New Mexico. Most of the original settlers in the area around Santa Fe were recruited in central Spain, especially in Andalusia and Castile. (See also Americas, early exploration of the.)

While Spain’s explorers and conquistadors (conquerors) raised their king’s banner around the world, its priests labored among the American Indians to spread Christianity. The cross of Roman Catholicism was raised at countless missions throughout the far-flung Spanish empire. Spanish attitudes, values, and ideals were spread along with religion in a potent mix that still remains strong more than five centuries later.

The Spanish kings also became embroiled in European affairs in the effort to extend their country’s political control and religious beliefs. Perhaps because Spain’s power was spread so wide, its hold on the empire began to slip. Spanish influence over the military and political affairs of Europe went into a decline that lasted into the mid-20th century.


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Spain is shaped like a gigantic bull’s hide stretching in the sun between Europe and Africa. Spain covers about five-sixths of the Iberian Peninsula. In western Europe, only France is larger. At its widest Spain stretches some 635 miles (1,022 kilometers) from east to west. From north to south the country is about 550 miles (885 kilometers) long.

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Spain’s longest coastline stretches for 1,700 miles (2,740 kilometers) along the Mediterranean Sea from the eastern end of the Pyrenees mountain chain to the Strait of Gibraltar. On the Atlantic Ocean, Portugal shares the peninsula’s coast with Spain. Between the Strait of Gibraltar and the border with southern Portugal at the Guadiana River, Spain faces an embayment of the Atlantic Ocean known as the Gulf of Cádiz. The ports of Huelva, Rota, and Cádiz are on this coast, and up the navigable Guadalquivir River is the ancient transportation center Sevilla (Seville). From the autonomous community of Galicia, located to the north of Portugal, Spain’s coastline extends almost due eastward along the often stormy Bay of Biscay to terminate at the western end of the Pyrenees, which form the frontier with France.

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Of all Europe’s mountain ranges, the jagged and often snowcapped Pyrenees, 270 miles (435 kilometers) long, have functioned most effectively as a barrier to human movement. Unlike the Alps, the Pyrenees have no low foothills or hospitable valleys to ease access into and through their heights. Rather, the Pyrenees rise abruptly from the flanking plains of France and Spain with only steep gorges and steep-walled natural amphitheaters that lead to almost impassable lofty summits. The French peasant’s adage, “Africa begins with the Pyrenees,” is not without a large measure of truth in emphasizing the historic significance of the Pyrenees as a barrier in the development of Spain. In the words of the U.S. historian Will Durant, Spain’s mountains, particularly the Pyrenees, “were her protection and tragedy: they gave her comparative security from external attack, but hindered her economic advance, her political unity, and her participation in European thought.” The continued political independence of the tiny principality of Andorra is largely a result of its remote location amid the Pyrenees between France and Spain.

Poets and writers from the time of the Romans to the present have likened Spain to a fortress or citadel. In part these metaphors highlight the remoteness from European influences that have marked Spanish history. They are most accurate when employed to describe Spain’s vast central region, the Meseta, as in the following quotation from an official publication:

By the very makeup of its land area Spain is a castle, a fortress. Its average altitude is only surpassed, in Europe, by Switzerland. The land is furrowed by high mountains which leave between themselves and the sea only narrow strips of lowlands.

To gain an understanding of such a large and diverse country, it is necessary to examine Spain in terms of its major geographic regions. The first and largest of Spain’s regions forms the heart of the Iberian Peninsula. Known as el Centro, or the Center, this region is dominated by the high, rugged plateau known as the Meseta. A thinly populated region, it occupies about half of Spain’s total area and is home to about 30 percent of its population. Spain’s other three regions occupy coastal belts that lie between the Centro-Meseta heartland and the seas washing the peninsula’s three sides.

The region known as el Norte, or the North, stretches across northern Spain from the Atlantic’s breakers on the west to the saw-toothed Pyrenees on the east. El Norte occupies slightly more than a 10th of Spain’s total area, and its people make up some 17 percent of the country’s total population.

Spain’s long Mediterranean coast forms the Catalan-dominated region known as el Este, or the East. While it accounts for just under 15 percent of Spain’s total area, el Este is home to about 30 percent of the population. Barcelona, Spain’s second largest urban-industrial center, is located here.

The fourth and final regional division is el Sur, or the South. It is a land with coastal “windows” opening on both the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Almost the whole of el Sur’s territory is in the autonomous community of Andalusia. In area el Sur accounts for about 17 percent of Spain. The tiny Spanish possessions of Melilla and Ceuta, located opposite Andalusia on Morocco’s Mediterranean coast, add only an insignificant 13 square miles (32 square kilometers) to the area of el Sur. Because el Sur lacks a great metropolitan urban complex, its population is about 18 percent of Spain’s total.

El Centro–Meseta


The heart of Spain is the vast, high, central plateau region known as the Meseta. Framed by the Cantabrian Mountains on the north and the Sierra Morena ranges on the south, the Meseta occupies about half of Spain’s land area. It is punctuated by several smaller mountain ranges that accentuate the Meseta’s overall elevation and stark, windswept spaciousness. One of these ranges, the Sierra de Guadarrama, bisects the Meseta just to the north of Spain’s centrally located capital, Madrid.

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Historically the northern portion of the Meseta—north of the Sierra de Guadarrama and drained by the Douro River system—was known as Castilla la Vieja, or Old Castile. Today this is the Spanish autonomous community Castile-León. The southern and slightly lower Meseta, once called Castilla la Nueva, or New Castile, is now known as Castile-La Mancha. Aragon, another of the ancient regions that form modern Spain, embraces the northeastern flank of the Meseta and is drained by the Ebro River system.

The Meseta is one of the bleakest, least hospitable regions in Europe. To a large extent this is the result of the climate. Thanks to the Meseta’s large size, elevation, and surrounding mountain barriers, the climate tends to be continental in character. In winter, high atmospheric pressure develops over the cold, elevated land. The resulting outflowing winds are dry and cold. In summer, wind directions change, but the inblowing winds bring little if any moisture, so drought conditions continue through the yearly cycle. An old Spanish proverb captures the essence of the Meseta’s climate by describing Madrid as having “six months of winter and six months of hell” to round out the year.

The range of temperatures is also far more extreme on the Meseta than in the coastal regions. Summer days are hot, but when the sun sets, temperatures fall rapidly. In July the mean daily temperature ranges 30°  F (17°  C) between high and low. The range from summer heat to winter cold is also great. Long spells of below-freezing temperatures are punctuated by lows that can dip to 15°  F (–9°  C). Ice-skating in Madrid’s parks is not common but occurs occasionally. Highway traffic in both the plains and mountains of Old Castile is often seriously impeded by snowstorms.

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The fierce summer heat and drought of the Meseta are broken only by occasional thunderstorms, so most crops require irrigation. Without irrigation the landscape is semidesert and good only for grazing. Browns and grays are the prevailing colors, and dust coats the countryside. A haze known as the calina often cuts visibility and adds to summer discomfort on the Meseta. It should come as no surprise that the Meseta is one of Europe’s most sparsely populated regions. Only around the metropolis of Madrid is population density high. Over most of the Meseta the density is less than a third that of Spain as a whole.

El Norte

Mick Stephenson

Although mountainous terrain causes problems for the people of Spain’s el Norte, the region as a whole is strikingly different from the Meseta. The climate is maritime, owing to the proximity of the sea and prevailing air currents. Winters are mild and moist, while the warmer summers are equable and lack extremes. El Norte is a lush, green, forested land with considerable rainfall even in the summer months. Because of the prevailing westerly winds, winter months experience most of the more than 40 inches (102 centimeters) of annual precipitation.

Carlos Macias

In Galicia, in the northwest, the landscape is built on an ancient granite upland much broken by east-west faults. Many of the valleys formed by these faults have been flooded by the sea to form deep, steep-sided inlets that resemble fjords. Not caused by the erosion of continental glaciers, these scenic inlets are correctly called rías rather than fjords. This ría coast has provided the Galicians excellent opportunities to supplement their diets and incomes through fishing. A large part of Spain’s annual fish catch is landed at the Galician ports La Coruña and Vigo. Vigo served as a base for the Spanish Armada in the 16th century, when Spanish sea power held sway over the world.

Emilio Carral

Most Galicians were strongly pro-Francisco Franco during the Spanish dictator’s regime in the 20th century. In part this is explained by the fact that he was born at the naval base town, El Ferrol, north of La Coruña.

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To the east of Galicia the coastal regions extend to the homeland of one of Europe’s most distinctive linguistic groups—the Basques. The Cantabrian Mountains form the spine of this verdant region, which spreads wide as it approaches the Pyrenees. Basque Country (País Vasco), the autonomous community at the head of the Bay of Biscay, includes one of Spain’s historic iron mining and industrial districts developed around Bilbao and Donostia-San Sebastián.

El Este

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The long, eastward-facing Mediterranean coast of Spain is world renowned as a resort of attractive sunny beaches and gleaming modern tourist hotels. North of Barcelona the red crystalline rocks of the coastal mountains form the backdrop for the picturesque Costa Brava, a favorite beach resort area for sun-starved tourists from the countries of northwestern Europe. Barcelona, Spain’s major Mediterranean port and host city for the Olympic Games in 1992, is the heart of another of Spain’s distinctive linguistic regions, Catalonia.

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The climate and natural vegetation found in this part of Spain generally are characteristic of the Mediterranean Basin. The climate is known as dry-summer subtropical, or, in more popular terms, Mediterranean climate. It is a climate characterized by clear, dry, hot summers and moderately moist, mild winters. It is the type of climate found in central and southern California, central Chile, southernmost Africa, and southern Australia. The result of an unaltering wet-dry climatic rhythm is seen in almost every aspect of the landscape in this region of Spain.

The long summer drought excludes many of the plants common elsewhere in Europe. The natural vegetation here is made up of plant species that resist excessive moisture loss through evaporation. Some have thickened stems or bark, waxy coatings, or fine hairy coverings on leaves. Leaves are often small, and some are formed like thorns to discourage browsing animals. Succulent (water-storing) plants such as cacti also thrive in Mediterranean regions. Such hardy drought-resistant plants often form dense thickets called chaparral. (The leather leggings that ranch hands in the American Southwest wear for protection are called chaps from the word chaparral.)

Human activities are also geared to the annual alternation of wet and dry. Farmers plant and tend crops in the moist winter and harvest them in the dry heat of early summer. Sheep and cattle are moved to higher, cooler pastures in spring as the plains begin to dry up in the Mediterranean heat. In the past more than 77,000 miles (124,000 kilometers) of sheep trails crisscrossed Spain to provide routes for the moving herds. Today trucks and railways have replaced all but a few of the trails once followed by vast herds of sheep, cattle, horses, donkeys, and their drivers.

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A 100-mile (160-kilometer) arc of the Spanish Mediterranean coast is famous as one of southern Europe’s garden spots. Known as La Huerta, this area supports a lucrative agriculture based on irrigation water provided by the three rivers that enter the sea here—the Mijares, the Turia, and the Júcar. La Huerta is roughly centered on Spain’s third largest city, Valencia. Much of its industrial activity is devoted to food processing, and its chief exports include the famous Valencia orange.

South of Cabo de la Nao conditions become increasingly desertlike. Temperatures are high, and precipitation is so meager and erratic that even wheat fields must be irrigated to guarantee a crop. Where irrigation water can be tapped, lush oases of crops—such as sugarcane, cotton, mulberries, citrus fruits, bananas, and dates—flourish. Water is severely limited, however, so most farmers must rely on such deep-rooted tree crops as figs, almonds, and olives and grape vines for their livelihood.

Offshore, Spain’s Balearic Islands are culturally and commercially oriented to Barcelona. Tourism now dominates their economy, but market gardening and the production of wine and cheese continue to employ many island residents.

El Sur

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El Sur is composed of the ancient region of Andalusia, plus two tiny legacies of empire located across the Mediterranean on the shores of Africa—Ceuta and Melilla. The region has coastal access to both the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. The Mediterranean portion is a rugged, semiarid region that spreads between the Sierra Morena edge of the Meseta and the folded ranges of the Sierra Nevada. The Atlantic-facing part of the Spanish Sur, by way of contrast, is dominated by the country’s most extensive area of plains—the Andalusian Lowland.

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In past geologic periods this entire lowland was covered by the sea, but it is now filled with the silt and other alluvium brought by the waters of the Guadalquivir River system. At the river’s mouth an extensive sandbar, known as the Arenas Gordas, caused the development of a huge lagoonlike marsh area known as Las Marismas. Large areas of swampland have been improved for rice growing here.

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The whole of el Sur experiences the Mediterranean climate, and the region as a whole is one of the driest in Europe. Europe’s highest temperature, 122°  F (50°  C), was recorded in Sevilla. The mountainous areas of el Sur usually intercept enough moisture on their western portions to permit wheat, olives, and grapes to flourish. To the east and inland, however, conditions quickly become desertlike, and irrigation is necessary to produce the region’s great crops of oranges and other fruit. Many of the oranges grown in el Sur are of the small, bitter variety known as Seville, which is used for making marmalade.


The Sierra Morena is often considered to be a mountain range, but in fact it is the elevated and eroded outer edge of the Meseta. In certain of its areas rich ore deposits were worked from at least the time of the ancient Carthaginians. The Minas de Riotinto district is the location of the historically famous Riotinto copper mines. Huelva became a major port handling the export of copper. Lead, mercury, and pyrites are also produced in the Riotinto mining district.

El Sur is the portion of Spain most like Africa, which lies only 8 miles (13 kilometers) away across the Strait of Gibraltar. The strait is one of the most-used sea-lanes in history, as it provides the only natural connection between the Mediterranean Sea and the oceans of the world. The famous Rock of Gibraltar lies at the tip of a peninsula overlooking the Bay of Gibraltar and the Mediterranean end of the strait. The rock is a limestone mass that rises to nearly 1,400 feet (427 meters) above the water at its base, a formidable military position that has commanded access to the strait for centuries. Spain lost Gibraltar to Great Britain in the 18th century but has called for its return, especially since the 1960s.


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Spain’s land-bridge location between Europe and Africa and its long history of invasion and settlement by many different groups have resulted in a great mixing of peoples and cultures. Most of the population of Spain is now basically homogeneous—both in terms of ethnicity and culture.

One long-standing minority group is the Roma (Gypsies), who are known as Gitanos in Spain. Some of the Roma follow a traditional nomadic lifestyle, while others have assimilated into the mainstream of Spanish society. Fairly large communities of settled Roma are located in the cities of Murcia, Granada, Almería, Barcelona, and Madrid. Some Basques also claim an ethnic or racial uniqueness from other Spaniards, in addition to a language difference.

In the late 20th century, Spain began receiving large numbers of immigrants for the first time since about the 16th century. Most of the country’s foreign-born population are from Latin America, elsewhere in Europe, or North Africa.


Modern standard Spanish, also referred to as Castilian, is spoken throughout Spain and is the official language. It is a Romance language. But Castilian is often a second language, not a mother tongue. In el Norte two regional languages are widely spoken. One, the language of the Basque people, is called Euskara. It appears to be one of Europe’s oldest languages but is quite different from the Indo-European and Uralic languages spoken across the rest of Europe. The Euskara-speaking group spreads beyond the Pyrenees into the adjoining provinces of France. These people were living in this region at the western end of the mountains long before Spain and France gained their political identities. Basques considered this rugged area their homeland even before Rome extended its control into Gaul and beyond the Pyrenees. In spite of the fact that the constitution of 1978 made Euskara an official local language and afforded increased political autonomy to the Basque provinces, violent separatist extremists still carry on a campaign of terrorism against the central government of Spain.

In the autonomous community of Galicia a Romance language known as Galician, or Gallego, is widely used. Since 1978 it too has been recognized as an official local language to be taught in schools. Galician is closely related to Portuguese, though it has been influenced by Castilian. Nearly 90 percent of Galicia’s inhabitants speak Galician.

Catalan is another language that enjoys a special status under Spain’s constitution. It is a Romance language with a highly developed literature. Most of the people who speak Catalan are located in el Este. It is an official language in three communities—Catalonia, Valencia, and the Balearics. Catalan speakers also live in the eastern fringe of Aragon, Andorra, southwestern France, and parts of Sardinia. Catalonia’s Generalitat (autonomous government) promotes its official language both at home and in other countries.


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Most Spaniards are baptized, married, and buried as members of the Roman Catholic Church. Under the 1978 constitution the church is no longer Spain’s official or established faith, though financial support is still provided by the state. Because of the liberalized and increasingly urbanized way of life since the end of the Franco regime, there has been a decline in attendance at mass. The church’s influence in Spanish society has declined sharply, though some three-quarters of the population is reported as being Roman Catholic. The church supported the democratic movement and so helped foster the new attitude of tolerance and personal freedom found in present-day Spain. A major controversy between old-line religious conservatism and the move toward individual liberty came to a climax in 1981, when divorce was legalized. In 1985 abortion was legalized in certain limited cases, such as to save the woman’s life, and since then movements seeking to liberalize these laws have gained strength.

Among non-Catholic Spaniards, Muslims form the largest community. Many other non-Catholics are Protestants, and Spain is also home to small Jewish and Eastern Orthodox congregations.

Population Density

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Spain is overwhelmingly urban, with more than 75 percent of its people living in towns and cities. This concentration of Spain’s people heightens the impression of emptiness that so often is commented on by travelers, especially those who cross the Meseta.

Most of the Spanish portion of the Iberian Peninsula is very thinly populated. In the Centro-Meseta region only the areas around Madrid and Saragossa have pockets of dense settlement. Belts of dense settlement stretch along the Mediterranean from Barcelona, Valencia, Murcia, and Cartagena. Population density is relatively high over most of el Sur, where Sevilla and Málaga stand out as the largest centers. Across el Norte another ribbon of dense population stretches from the Galician ports, through the industrial centers of Santander and Bilbao, to San Sebastián in the Basque Country.

From 1950 to the mid-1970s Spain was a major exporter of workers. The demand for low-cost labor in the booming economies of western Europe beyond the Pyrenees attracted hundreds of thousands of Spaniards. Most of these migrants were from the Meseta. Only the Madrid region of the Meseta showed a healthy gain in population during the period. There the growth of government services and other economic activities provided sought-after jobs. The recession that began to affect western Europe in 1974 soon ended the flood of Spanish emigration. With Spain’s increased prosperity and integration into the European Union (EU) in the late 20th century, this migration trend reversed, with the country receiving substantial numbers of immigrants from other EU countries, Morocco, South America, and elsewhere.



In the past, rural Spanish people wore distinctive regional costumes. Today most Spaniards dress in modern clothes and would be hard to pick out of a group on the basis of their clothing. The beret is still widely worn, especially in the Basque Country, and Galician men still favor cloth caps.


Charles Haynes
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Contunico © ZDF Studios GmbH, Mainz

The Spanish, like many other Mediterranean peoples, are particularly fond of sidewalk cafés, where a cup of coffee, glass of wine, or meal can be enjoyed with friends as the “world” passes by. Seafood is particularly favored on most Spanish menus. Olive oil is used abundantly in cooking, as are garlic, saffron, and peppers. Rice is popular, especially in el Sur and along the Mediterranean coast. Rice and pulses—dried beans, lentils, and chickpeas—cooked with fish, chicken, or pork are basics in Spanish cuisine.


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One thing that sets the Spanish apart from most Europeans living beyond the Pyrenees is their national spectacle of bullfighting. Most cities and towns boast a bullring, where the crowds cheer their favorite matador, or bullfighter, as he faces his large-horned adversary. Many non-Spaniards are critical of bullfighting and condemn it as a cruel blood sport. Some Spaniards agree; bullfighting was banned in the Canary Islands in 1991 and in Catalonia in 2010 (though the Constitutional Court of Spain overturned the Catalonian ban in 2016). Many Spaniards, however, consider bullfighting to be an exciting test of bravery, skill, and grace. In terms of numbers, soccer (association football) fans surpass those of bullfighting.

Visual arts

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Beauty literally crowds Spain’s great museums, cathedrals, and monasteries. Spanish kings collected masterpieces of art from all over Europe, but none surpassed the great works of Spain’s own painters—Bartolomé Murillo, Diego Velázquez, and Francisco de Goya. El Greco, who was born in Greece, is also considered a Spanish painter because he did his greatest work in Toledo. Prominent Spanish-born painters of the 20th century included Pablo Picasso, Joan Miró, and Salvador Dalí. The Prado Museum in Madrid is one of the great art museums of the world. (See also painting.)


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Many historical architectural masterpieces survive in Spain, and the country made a number of contributions to the field. Such Roman works as theaters (Mérida), bridges (Alcántara and Córdoba), and aqueducts (Segovia and Tarragona) remain from 500 years of Roman occupation. The Moors were responsible for Hispano-Moresque structures: Córdoba’s Great Mosque (8th to 10th century, since 1236 a Christian cathedral), the Alcázar at Sevilla (14th century), and the Alhambra at Granada (13th to 14th century). Mozarabic style was a derivative, exemplified by the Church of San Miguel de Escalada near León (10th century) and the Hermitage of San Baudílio de Barlanga near Burgos (early 11th century). This led to the Mudejar style—a blending of Moorish and Gothic styles for Christian and Jewish patrons. Notable examples of this style are in Toledo—a 12th-  or 13th-century synagogue, now the church of Santa María la Blanca, and a 14th-century synagogue, now Santa María del Tránsito.

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The Catalan José Benito Churriguera (1665–1725) gave his name to a style—Churrigueresque—identified with Spanish Baroque. It consists of excessive ornament used everywhere in capricious variations. In the early 20th century, the Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí astonished the world with his neo-Gothic and neo-Baroque works and his own version of Art Nouveau. His works are mostly in and around Barcelona, the best known being the unfinished church La Sagrada Familia (The Holy Family).


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Spain has also developed notable writers through the centuries. Miguel de Cervantes’s Don Quixote has been translated into all major languages. Lope de Vega and Pedro Calderón de la Barca wrote brilliant plays in the 16th and 17th centuries, and poet and playwright Federico García Lorca helped create a second Golden Age of Spanish theater in the 1930s. Miguel de Unamuno was a noted philosopher and author.

The 1989 Nobel prize for literature was awarded to Spanish novelist Camilo José Cela. Other Spanish Nobel prizewinners were dramatists José Echegaray in 1904 and Jacinto Benavente in 1922 and lyric poets Juan Ramón Jiménez in 1956 and Vicente Aleixandre in 1977. (See also Spanish literature.)


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Musicians and composers have also carried Spain’s rich cultural heritage to international audiences. Antonio de Cabezón, Tomás Luis de Victoria, Isaac Albéniz, Manuel de Falla, and Joaquín Turina are some of the best-known composers. Performing musicians such as guitarists Andrés Segovia, Carlos Montoya, Narciso Yepes, and Celedonio Romero and his sons Celin, Pepe, and Angel; pianist Alicia de Larrocha; conductor Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos; cellist Pablo Casals; and opera singers Victoria de los Ángeles, Plácido Domingo, Montserrat Caballé, and José Carreras became internationally famous. Flamenco, a traditional form of music and dance, developed in Andalusia over many centuries, especially among the Roma (Gypsies).


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The term modern miracle is often employed in discussions of Spain’s economic growth from 1960 to 1974. Many factors contributed to this amazing growth. After the Spanish Civil War (1936–39), the dictator Francisco Franco had kept Spain mostly isolated economically. In 1959, however, with the economy on the verge of collapse, the regime changed its policies. After that, increased foreign investment and tourism helped the Spanish economy to expand rapidly.

The economy experienced another boom in the 1980s. In the early 1990s the surge in economic growth was checked to some extent by a credit squeeze and high interest rates. Nevertheless, Spain had one of the fastest growing economies in the European Union at the start of the 21st century. The country’s economy was especially hard hit, however, by the global economic crisis that began in 2008. The Spanish economy entered a recession, and the unemployment rate soared. By 2015 the economy had improved greatly, though unemployment remained a problem.


Tourism made a major contribution to Spain’s spectacular economic growth in the late 20th century, and it remains important to the country’s economy today. Spain has become a popular destination for the world’s international tourists. Many foreigners spend winters in Spain’s warmer climates. Tourism received a boost in 1992, when the Summer Olympic Games were held in Barcelona and a world’s fair attracted many thousands to Sevilla.


When compared to most partners in the European Union, Spain’s industry was characterized by what European economists term “sensitive sectors,” more popularly known as “smokestack” industries. This was partly the heritage of extreme economic nationalism and high tariffs. Protectionism, coupled with the Franco regime’s constraints on labor unions and a docile labor force, made Spain an attractive setting for heavy industrial development.

In the 1970s, when Spain’s industrial leaders should have been reorganizing, the country was preoccupied with the highly involved political changeover from Franco’s totalitarian regime to a modern democracy. As a result, Spain lagged behind in the modern industrial world of high technology.

Although the large Spanish steel and shipbuilding industries were faced with serious challenges from emerging less-developed countries, industry in Spain became much more diversified. The automobile industry, for example, boomed. In the 1980s Spain broke into the ranks of Europe’s largest producers of automobiles, and by the mid-1980s it ranked well ahead of Great Britain. Most of its automobiles were exported, especially to other countries in the European Economic Community (later succeeded by the European Union).

Spain’s heavy smokestack industries—such as iron and steel, machine tools, and metalworking—have tended to cluster in el Norte at centers such as Bilbao, Santander, and Oviedo. The so-called transformation industries—such as electronics, textiles, and plastics—are most highly concentrated in the Barcelona region of el Este. Madrid is the financial heart of the economy and a focus of light industry and high-technology developments. The automobile industry is spread out, but Madrid, Barcelona, Zaragoza, and Valencia are the chief production centers.

Mining and Minerals

Mining activities over most of western Europe, like smokestack industries, have declined sharply. In Spain, however, mining continues to play a role in the economy. Spain once produced almost all the copper mined in the countries of the European Union. Although Spain’s production of this metal declined, the country still is a significant producer of the other nonferrous ores—lead and zinc. Quarried minerals, especially stone, also are important to the Spanish mining industry. Among the other minerals found in the country are mercury, tungsten, uranium oxides, pyrites, and potash.

Coal accounts for a significant proportion of Spain’s total mineral production. The country produces coal mainly in the Cantabrian Mountains, the eastern Iberian Cordillera, and the Sierra Morena. Spain has little petroleum of its own, however, and the outlook for future major petroleum finds is not bright. The country’s natural gas fields proved to be of little commercial value. As a result, Spain imports much of its fuel and has built an ambitious nuclear energy program. It is also a leader in the use of renewable energy sources, including electricity generated with wind and waterpower.


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Agriculture now contributes only a small share of the gross domestic product. Although its position has declined, agriculture remains a significant part of Spain’s landscape. Spain has more than 29 million acres (11.7 million hectares) under permanent crops, the largest such area in Europe and much larger than that of the United States.

In the decade following the Spanish Civil War (1936–39), agricultural development and modernization halted and actually reversed. This was in sharp contrast to most of the rest of western Europe, where agriculture was being rapidly modernized and turned from a way of life to a business enterprise.

When change began to occur in the 1960s, Spanish agriculture moved rapidly. The opening of job opportunities for low-skilled Spanish farm workers in the booming economies of western Europe helped in the move toward mechanization. In 1950 there was one tractor for every 460 persons employed in agriculture, but by 1970 the figure had dropped dramatically to a ratio of one to 14. Mechanization in turn encouraged a shift to new, higher-demand crops such as cotton.

After the 1970s the landscape of many of Spain’s agricultural districts changed radically. Specialized family farms flourished by producing such early-ripening produce as tomatoes, green beans, and avocados for the supermarkets of northern Europe. Such techniques as using greenhouses and sand beds, coupled with irrigation, turned Spain’s farming know-how and brilliant sunshine into profits overseas as well as in the domestic market. The country’s leading crops include barley, sugar beets, wheat, grapes, corn (maize), olives, tomatoes, potatoes, and oranges.


The constitution of 1978 established a constitutional monarchy. The king is head of state, and the prime minister is head of government. The Cortes Generales, or parliament, consists of two houses. The lower house is the Congress of Deputies, which has 350 members elected by proportional representation. The Senate, the upper house, has 208 elected members and more than 50 indirectly elected regional representatives (this number is based on regional population figures and thus varies). The king formally appoints the prime minister—usually the leader of the party that has the most members in the lower house.

There are 17 autonomous communities, defined in the constitution as “bordering provinces with common historic, cultural, and economic characteristics.…” They are free to work toward a large degree of regional self-government. Domestic politics increasingly reflects the tensions inherent in the competition between the centralizing programs and policies of the national government in Madrid and the bids for power in the autonomous communities. The cities of Ceuta and Melilla, Spanish enclaves on the coast of Morocco, also have autonomous status.


© Juan Aunion/

The first records left by inhabitants of Spain are paintings dating to the Old Stone Age. These paintings were discovered in 1879 in a cave at Altamira, in northern Spain. Deer, bison, horses, and boars are skillfully depicted in yellow, brown, red, and black in paintings thought to be more than 13,000 years old.

© Vladimir Sazonov/

As early as 1100 bc the Phoenicians sailed their tiny ships to Spain, seeking its iron and tin. Carthaginians colonized the land about 500 bc and held it until Roman galleys and armies drove them out in 201 bc. Then came six centuries of Roman colonization and government. During this time most of the Spanish cities were founded, and the population of Spain may have reached nine million. Three Roman emperors—Trajan, Hadrian, and Theodosius—were born in Spain. Many of the more notable writers of the Silver Age of Latin literature were of Spanish origin.

In the 5th century ad began 300 years of subjection to Germanic tribes. Spain was invaded by the Suebi, Alani, and Vandals. In ad 415 Rome sent the Visigoths, another Germanic tribe, to regain Spain for the empire. The Visigoths defeated the invaders, but some Vandals reached the south, giving their name—Vandalusia (now Andalusia)—to the region. The Visigoths ruled Spain from 415 to 711.

Muslim Spain

Alfonso Gutierrez Escera/Ostman Agency

Moorish invaders from Africa overthrew the Visigoths at the Battle of Guadalete in 711. Thus began seven centuries of Muslim power in Spain. Córdoba was transformed into a Moorish center of learning. Moorish Spain produced distinguished scientists, mathematicians, philosophers, and writers, while Christian northern Spain remained divided into small kingdoms. The splendid irrigation projects of the Moors made a garden land out of the arid coastlands and southern hills of Spain. The Moors rebuilt the old Roman cities on Arabic lines, with graceful palaces and vast mosques. Fine metalwork and silk and leather goods, as beautiful as any from Asia, were made in Moorish Spain. Toledo blades became as famous as those from Damascus, Syria.

Spanish Jews, who had been harassed by the Christian government, were no longer persecuted under the Moors. In fact, medieval Spain under Moorish rule is sometimes said to have enjoyed a golden age of cooperation between Muslims and Jews. It was a period of great flowering in literature, philosophy, and science. (See also Averroës; al-Idrisi; Ibn Gabriol; Maimonides.)

The Rise of Christian Kingdoms

© Kenta Ueda/

While a succession of weak caliphs (Muslim rulers) weakened Moorish power, Christian kingdoms were being formed in the northern mountain regions. Bit by bit they wrested territory from the Moors. This Christian reconquest of Spain, known as the Reconquista, began in the kingdom of Asturias on the Bay of Biscay and later expanded into the kingdom of León and Castile. Almost from the beginning of the Moorish invasion, Asturias struck back at the invaders. Later, León and Castile was joined by Aragon, Navarre (Navarra), Catalonia, and Portugal. Together they waged a long battle to take back Spain. The Christians won an important victory in the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa in southern Spain in 1212. By the middle of the 13th century, Moorish rule had been restricted to the small kingdom of Granada in southern Spain.

In 1469 the marriage of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile united most of Spain. Their conquest of Granada in 1492 was the final blow to Moorish power in Spain. In 1512 Spain conquered part of Navarre. The Spanish ruler Philip II seized Portugal in 1580, and Spain held it for 60 years. Only Andorra in the Pyrenees was able to maintain independence.

The Spanish Inquisition

After the Reconquista, medieval Spain remained a multiracial and multireligious country, with large Muslim and Jewish populations as well as its Christian majority. Much of the development of Spanish civilization in religion, literature, art, and architecture during the later Middle Ages stemmed from this fact. By the late 14th century, however, the Spanish monarchs began to restrict the rights of the Jews. After violent anti-Jewish riots in 1391, large numbers of Spanish Jews converted to Christianity. These converts were known as conversos. Jews who converted to Christianity but secretly continued to practice Judaism were called Marranos.

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Tragically, Spain spread the institution of the Inquisition, a court to combat heresy, or dissent from church teachings. Protestants, heretical Roman Catholics, and former Jews and Muslims were tortured, and some 2,000 were burned at the stake in public ceremonies called autos-da-fé (“acts of faith”). In 1492 all Jews and Muslims who refused to be baptized as Roman Catholics were expelled from Spain. Some Jews stayed and became conversos; the Muslims who remained and converted to Roman Catholicism were known as Moriscos. The persecution of the Inquisition spread great terror, crushing the Spanish people’s initiative and freedom of thought. The Spanish Inquisition was first authorized in 1478. After an initial period of especially cruel fanaticism, it continued in a milder form until the early 19th century.

The Spanish Empire

© AISA—Everett/

The grandson of Ferdinand and Isabella became the most powerful ruler in Europe. He was Charles I of Spain, better known as the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. He ruled Spain from 1516 to 1556. During his reign, Spain became master of nearly half the world. A member of the Habsburg family of rulers, Charles inherited Habsburg lands throughout Europe. He ruled Spain, the Netherlands, and Naples and Sicily and the duchy of Milan (now in Italy). Charles V was the imperial lord of Germany. He also ruled Spain’s vast possessions in the New World. Under Ferdinand and Isabella, Spain had sent Christopher Columbus on an expedition that accidently brought him to the Americas, thereby opening the way for European exploration and colonization. Spanish explorers and conquerors traveled the world, claiming huge territories for the Spanish crown, especially in the region now known as Latin America. (See also Holy Roman Empire; Americas, early exploration of the; Americas, colonization of the.)

Courtesy of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Under Charles’s son, Philip II, Spain championed Roman Catholicism against the march of the Protestant Reformation, in what became known as the Counter-Reformation. He continued the Inquisition, which under Charles V had been extended throughout the Spanish empire. Philip also tried to stamp out Protestantism abroad by attempting to conquer England. Sir Francis Drake of England defeated Philip’s invasion fleet, the Spanish Armada, in 1588. This defeat smashed Spain’s rule of the seas. Philip’s futile efforts at conquest permanently impaired the resources of his kingdom.

After the reign of Philip II, Spain steadily declined in power and riches. His son, Phillip III, expelled the Moriscos from Spain in 1609–14. This act seriously weakened Spain, because the Moriscos had been energetic builders and businessmen. The death of Charles II in 1700 ended the Habsburg line of Spanish kings. Many European countries fought for the vacant throne in the War of the Spanish Succession (1701–13).

The war stripped Spain of most of its outlying possessions in Europe and seated a French Bourbon prince on the throne as Philip V. From 1714 to the French Revolution, Spain was little more than a satellite of France. In 1808 Napoleon placed his brother Joseph on the throne of Spain. The outraged Spaniards revolted. Aided by the British, they freed Spain from Bonaparte’s rule in the Peninsular War (1808–14). Meanwhile, in 1812, Spain had adopted a liberal constitution. However, when Ferdinand VII was restored to the throne in 1814, he abolished it. By the end of Ferdinand’s reign, in 1833, Spain had lost its vast empire in the New World except Cuba and Puerto Rico. These were lost in the Spanish-American War of 1898, which also cost Spain the Philippines.

The Establishment of the Spanish Republic

As the old Spain—the Spain of grandees (nobles) and absolute royal power—declined, a new and more liberal Spain was struggling forward. Conflicts between liberals and reactionaries brought years of revolutionary movements interspersed with periods of constitutional government. From 1873 to 1875 Spain was a republic, but in 1875, when Alfonso XII ascended the throne, the Bourbon monarchy was restored to power. In 1876 a new constitution was adopted.

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German Federal Archives (Bundesarchiv), Bild 102-12783; photograph, o.Ang.

During World War I Spain was neutral. This stimulated its few industries, as it sold supplies to the Allied nations. Peace brought the loss of foreign markets, and Spain fell into economic depression. The weak Bourbon government of Alfonso XIII could not cope with the depression. It also failed to put down an old, costly rebellion in Spanish Morocco. In 1923 General Primo de Rivera seized power with Alfonso’s consent and set up a dictatorial government. He made many improvements, but the worldwide economic depression of 1929 again plunged Spain into poverty. De Rivera resigned in 1930. Republican parties overwhelmingly won the elections held in 1931, and Alfonso went into exile. A provisional republican government under President Niceto Alcalá Zamora took control. A new liberal constitution, separating church and state, was adopted.

At the start of the republic nearly half the Spanish people could not read or write. Poverty was widespread, and industrial wages were low. In Madrid many workers had become socialists. In Barcelona many had turned to political anarchism and to syndicalism, a system that aims at putting workers’ organizations in control of all industries.

The republic struggled to reconcile the conflicting movements and to push its reforms, but it lacked influence and money. In 1936 the many leftist parties formed a Popular Front and overwhelmed the conservatives and moderate liberals in a national election.

Civil War and Dictatorship

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Civil war followed. The rebels, who called themselves Nationalists, were led by General Francisco Franco and were supported by the conservatives and the army. The defenders of the republic were known as the Loyalists. Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy supported the rebels, while the Soviet Union gave limited aid to the Loyalists. The war was incredibly fierce.

The hostilities ended on March 28, 1939, with the surrender of starving Madrid, the last Loyalist stronghold. It has been estimated that the conflict cost Spain about 600,000 lives, 700,000 wounded, and some 40 billion dollars.

Out of the Civil War emerged the dictatorship of General Franco. Franco restored the privileges of the Roman Catholic Church and placed the economy of the country under the control of the syndicates. He banned all political parties except the Falange. Although the Cortes was reestablished in 1942, Franco continued to dominate the government.

During World War II Spain was ostensibly neutral. Actually, however, it gave undercover aid to Germany and Italy. On the pretext of keeping the international zone of Tangier neutral, Spain occupied the region. The demands of the Allied powers forced it to withdraw in 1945. These unfriendly acts, combined with Franco’s harsh rule, kept Spain out of the United Nations until 1955.

Under Franco, Spain made some economic progress, but recovery from the ruinous Civil War was slow. Thousands of homes had been destroyed during the conflict. Factories, railroads, and shipping all needed large quantities of new equipment.

Franco sought economic assistance from other countries. The United States considered Spain a key to Europe’s defense against communism and came to its aid. Beginning in 1953, the United States gave Spain economic and military assistance in return for military bases.

In 1947 a controlled plebiscite, or popular vote, approved Franco’s Law of Succession. This established a council that at his death would name a king or regent to rule Spain. Franco trained Prince Juan Carlos de Bourbon, a grandson of Alfonso XIII, to serve as his successor. Beginning in the late 1960s, the government curtailed the civil rights of Basque separatists. Similar restrictions were imposed on the entire country after strikes and other unrest occurred.

By the 1970s Spain had relinquished most of its African possessions. Most of Spain’s portion of Morocco became independent in 1956. The provinces of Fernando Po and Río Muni achieved independence as Equatorial Guinea in 1968. Ifni was ceded to Morocco in 1969, and the Spanish left the Sahara in 1976. The enclaves of Melilla and Ceuta on the North African coast are Spanish autonomous communities. The Canary Islands off the northwestern coast are still part of Spain.

In 1973 Franco began to relinquish his absolute control over the government of Spain. A prime minister appointed in 1974 promised reforms, but political dissent intensified. Upon Franco’s death in 1975, Juan Carlos I, the first king in 44 years, became head of state.

Spain Since 1975

Racked by attempted coups and severe economic problems, a fragile fledgling democracy began to take form under the king’s watchful care. A democratically minded cabinet was appointed in 1976 by Prime Minister Adolfo Suárez González. In 1977 universal suffrage became law and a new Cortes was elected. The Communist Party was legalized, while Franco’s Falange was disbanded. A new constitution was approved in late 1978. Spain’s progress under this enlightened and resolute monarchy was nothing short of a political and economic miracle. An attempted military coup by members of Franco’s Civil Guard in 1981 failed when Juan Carlos intervened to end the revolt.

One of the most salient events of the post-Franco period came in 1977, when the Spanish government officially submitted a request to join the European Common Market, the EEC (which later formed the core of the European Union). Negotiations were completed in 1985, and on January 1, 1986, Spain became a full member.

As a preliminary to Spain’s joining the EEC, the United Kingdom agreed for the first time to discuss the issue of sovereignty for the isthmus of Gibraltar, a peninsula that the British had captured from Spain in 1704. The status of Gibraltar remained a thorny issue into the 21st century. Residents of the peninsula rejected joint British-Spanish sovereignty in a referendum in 2002.

Another long-standing issue for the Spanish government was the separatist claims pressed by two minority populations, the Basques and the Catalans. Autonomy was granted to the Basque Country and Catalonia in 1979, and both areas elected regional parliaments. Despite this, a Basque separatist organization, ETA (Euzkadi ta Azkatasuna), continued a decades-long campaign of terrorist activities in Spain that killed hundreds of its political opponents—including police officers, politicians, and military personnel. Despite the government’s attempts to suppress ETA, the organization continued to stage violent attacks in the 21st century.

Spain’s government underwent a significant change in the elections of 1982, when the leader of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party, Felipe González Márquez, became prime minister. Under González the party had moved away from Marxism, and as prime minister he embraced free-market policies to modernize the economy. With the economy growing, the party was reelected three times. Eventually, however, it was hurt by a series of corruption scandals.

Staff Sgt. Michelle Michaud/U.S. Air Force

In 1996 González and the Socialists were defeated by José María Aznar and his conservative Popular Party. The party did not win an absolute parliamentary majority, so it formed a coalition government with several smaller parties. In 2000, however, Aznar’s party won reelection by a landslide. Having promised to serve only two terms as prime minister, Aznar stepped down after the elections of March 2004.

Aznar’s main focus in office was reducing the country’s deficit and improving its economy. In 1999 Spain became one of the original 11 countries to adopt the euro, the European single currency. In foreign affairs, Aznar’s government supported the United States and the United Kingdom in their invasion of Iraq in 2003, even though the vast majority of Spaniards opposed the war.

Paul White—AP/REX/

On March 11, 2004, three days before the Spanish parliamentary elections, the country was the site of one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in Europe since World War II. Ten bombs exploded on four commuter trains in Madrid, killing some 190 people and injuring about 1,500 others. Aznar and his government early blamed the attack on ETA. Meanwhile, the police uncovered evidence suggesting that a Moroccan Islamic extremist group suspected of being affiliated with the terrorist network al-Qaeda was responsible.

Chris Jackson—Chris Jackson Collection/Getty Images

The terrorist attack and the government’s handling of it were widely seen as having affected the outcome of the elections of March 14. Critics accused Aznar of having tried to cover up possible al-Qaeda ties to the bombing, allegedly to forestall any perception among voters that the attack was in retaliation for Spain’s support of the war in Iraq. Despite having led in the polls, the Popular Party lost the election to the Socialists, who had been highly critical of the war. José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero became prime minister.

One of Zapatero’s first acts in office was to order the withdrawal of the 1,300 Spanish troops serving in Iraq. However, he also increased the number of Spanish troops serving in Afghanistan. Zapatero, who became prime minister at age 44, represented a new generation of Socialist leaders and brought a new type of progressive politics to government. Half his cabinet, including his deputy prime minister, were women. His government also passed a number of laws affecting private life—the most important of which were the legalization of same-sex marriage and the criminalization of domestic violence.

Zapatero also attempted to grapple with the ongoing issues of the status of the Basque Country. ETA declared a “permanent” cease-fire in 2006 but broke it off 14 months later. It announced another cease-fire in 2011.

The Socialist Workers’ Party triumphed again in the hotly contested general elections of 2008, and Zapatero was returned for a second term as prime minister. He pledged to boost Spain’s severely slumping economy and to continue his agenda of social and political reform. The worldwide financial crisis that began later in 2008 contributed to the great decline of Spain’s already ailing economy in 2009. Of all the members of the European Union, Spain was one of the worst-affected by the recession, with very high levels of unemployment.

In Spain’s election in November 2011, the Popular Party won a majority of seats, and Mariano Rajoy became prime minister. He was committed to what are called austerity measures—cutting government spending and reducing the deficit. Rajoy’s budget featured an array of public-sector wage freezes, cuts in social programs, and tax hikes. The economy continued to struggle, however, and the Spanish public resented the austerity measures, staging protests and general strikes. By 2015 the Spanish economy was not only improving but had become one of the fastest-growing economies in Europe. However, unemployment remained high, and many Spaniards were angry at the major political parties. In the parliamentary elections of December 2015, no party won a majority, and no group of parties had enough support to form a coalition to govern. Spain spent nearly a year without an elected government. Finally, after another election and months of negotiations, Rajoy was able to remain prime minister as the head of a minority government.

Meanwhile, on June 18, 2014, the 76-year-old Juan Carlos had stepped down as king of Spain. The following day the crown prince was named King Felipe VI.

Spain's Rulers
House of Aragon 1479–1504 Ferdinand and Isabella (Union of Castile and Aragon)
1504–16 Ferdinand, king of all Spain
House of Hapsburg 1516–56 Charles I
1556–98 Philip II
1598–1621 Philip III
1621–65 Philip IV
1665–1700 Charles II
House of Bourbon 1700–46 Philip V
1746–59 Ferdinand VI
1759–88 Charles III
1788–1808 Charles IV
1808 Ferdinand VII
House of Bonaparte 1808–13 Joseph Bonaparte
Bourbon Restoration 1814–33 Ferdinand VII
1833–68 Isabella II
1868–70 [Provisional Government]
House of Savoy 1870–73 Amadeus I
1873–74 [First Republic]
House of Bourbon 1874–85 Alfonso XII
1885–86 María Cristina
1886–1931 Alfonso XIII
1931–39 [Second Republic]
1939–75 [Dictatorship of Francisco Franco]
1975–2014 Juan Carlos I
2014– Felipe VI

Spain experienced a serious constitutional crisis in 2017 regarding Catalonia. As one of the country’s autonomous regions, Catalonia had many powers of self-government. However, some Catalans wanted the region to become fully independent of Spain. In 2006 Catalonia was given greater autonomy and “nation” status. In 2010, however, Spain’s Constitutional Court struck down portions of the law regarding Catalonia’s status. It ruled that Catalans made up a “nationality” but that Catalonia was not, itself, a “nation.” In late 2014 the Catalonian regional parliament held an unofficial referendum on whether Catalonia should become independent of Spain. About 81 percent of voters supported independence, but the turnout was low. A year later the Catalan parliament approved a measure to begin a “peaceful disconnection from the Spanish state.” Spanish Prime Minister Rajoy immediately cautioned that any such move would be illegal.

Catalonia announced that it would hold a binding referendum on independence on October 1, 2017. The Spanish central government tried to stop the vote from being held. Spanish police seized millions of ballot forms. Tens of thousands of Catalans took to the streets to protest. On the day of the vote, riot police fired rubber bullets into crowds and used fists and batons to physically prevent people from entering polling places. More than 900 voters and dozens of police were injured. Spanish authorities seized some of the ballot boxes. International human rights organizations condemned the violence against voters. Given the chaos, it was impossible to get an exact count of the votes. Catalan officials stated that turnout was about 42 percent, with 90 percent of voters supporting independence. On October 3 some 700,000 people in Barcelona participated in a general strike to protest the Spanish authorities’ heavy-handed response to the referendum.

On October 27, 2017, the Catalan parliament voted to declare independence from Spain. Stating that he had been left with “no alternative,” Rajoy asked members of the Spanish Senate to vote to allow him to invoke Article 155 of the Spanish constitution. Doing that would empower the central Spanish government to take direct control of the region, including Catalonia’s police, finances, and publicly owned media. On October 27, the Senate voted 214 to 47 to grant Rajoy the extraordinary powers over Catalonia. Spain then dissolved the Catalan parliament and ordered that new elections be held for that body. Catalan president Carles Puigdemont and other independence leaders faced the possibility of criminal charges of sedition. Meanwhile, a demonstration of Catalans opposed to independence attracted huge crowds.

Rajoy’s response to the crisis in Catalonia boosted his popularity among Spanish voters. However, the Popular Party was at the heart of a massive corruption scandal involving bribery and money laundering. The crimes had been committed before Rajoy became prime minister. Nevertheless, critics accused Rajoy of not taking responsibility for his party’s failings. Pedro Sánchez, the leader of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party, challenged Rajoy’s government by filing a motion of no confidence. The Spanish parliament narrowly approved the motion on June 1, 2018, thereby ousting Rajoy. He was the first Spanish leader to be removed from power through such a move since the country had restored its democracy. Within days, Sánchez was sworn in as the new prime minister.

Louis De Vorsey, Jr.


Additional Reading

Champion, Neil. Spain (Facts on File, 2006).Croy, Anita. Spain (National Geographic, 2010).Kohen, Elizabeth, and others. Spain, 3rd ed. (Marshall Cavendish, 2013).Ortiz Griffin, Julia, and Griffin, W.D. Spain and Portugal: A Reference Guide from the Renaissance to the Present (Facts on File, 2007).Skog, Jason. Teens in Spain (Compass Point, 2008).Somervill, Barbara A. Spain (Children’s, 2013).Taus-Bolstad, Stacy. Spain in Pictures, rev. 2nd ed. (Lerner, 2005).