Library and Archives Canada/PA

The Tsimshian are an Indigenous people of the Northwest Coast. They traditionally lived on the mainland and islands around the Skeena and Nass rivers and Milbanke Sound in what is now British Columbia in Canada and Alaska in the United States. They spoke any of three Tsimshian dialects: Niska, spoken along the Nass River; coastal Tsimshian, along the lower Skeena and the coast; and Kitksan (or Gitksan), along the upper Skeena. Tsimshian is classified as a Penutian language.

The traditional economy of the Tsimshian was based on fishing. They passed the summer months trapping migrating salmon and eulachon (candlefish), a species of smelt. Eulachon were particularly valuable for their oil, which was made into a food highly regarded by many peoples of the area. During the winter months the Tsimshian also did some hunting. Large permanent winter houses, made of wood and often carved and painted, symbolized the wealth of Tsimshian families. The Tsimshian carved and erected totem poles as memorials to deceased chiefs.

Like other Northwest Coast peoples, the Tsimshian had a complex social organization. Each person belonged to one of four clans, or kin groups: Eagle, Wolf, Killer Whale (or Fireweed among the Kitksan), or Raven (or Frog among the Kitksan). Children were born into the clan of their mother. The clans were further divided into extended family groups called “houses.” Each house was generally an independent social and ceremonial unit with its own fishing and hunting areas, berry grounds, dwellings, and heraldic crests representing events in the family history as well as its own chiefs. A village was made up of several houses, and the leader of the village was the highest-ranking house chief. The Tsimshian only married outside their clan.

The major Tsimshian potlatches, or ceremonial distributions of gifts, had as their purpose the announcement and validation of the position of the new chief. Potlatches could also mark a series of events several years apart, such as house building, totem-pole raising, and dramatizations of privileges and crests. The U.S. census of 2010 counted more than 3,700 people of Tsimshian ancestry.