NASA Hubble Space Telescope Collection
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

The family of chemical elements called the alkaline earth metals consists of beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium. These chemical elements occupy the second column of the periodic table. The designation of earth for these elements comes from the Middle Ages when alchemists referred to many substances that were insoluble in water and unchanged by fire as earths.

The alkaline Earth metals
metal symbol
beryllium Be
magnesium Mg
calcium Ca
strontium Sr
barium Ba
radium Ra

Alkaline earth metals are basically grayish white, though they differ somewhat in shade of color. All of them are malleable, but they vary considerably in hardness. Beryllium, for example, is hard enough to cut glass, while barium is as soft as lead. Unlike the alkali metals, many alkaline earth metals are insoluble in water. They are, however, very active chemically, readily combining with most oxides and with many nonmetals; thus they never occur as pure metals in nature. Except for magnesium, the pure metals can be obtained through the electrolysis of fused, or molten, salts (see electrochemistry).

Magnesium and calcium are the only abundant alkaline earth metals in the Earth’s crust. They are also the most commercially important members of the family.

Although the lightest of the rigid metals, beryllium is extremely strong. Moreover, it has high resistance to both heat and corrosion and can be machined to very close tolerances. For these reasons it is valuable for aerospace applications such as in the manufacture of structural components for rockets and spacecraft. In addition, beryllium is added to copper alloys used in cutting tools and in springs to improve their resilience and resistance to fatigue.

Strontium compounds have several uses. Strontium nitrate is utilized in flares and pyrotechnic devices because it burns with an intense red flame. Strontium sulfide has luminescent properties and is used in certain kinds of luminous paints. Two artificially produced isotopes of the element, strontium-89 and strontium-90, are extremely hazardous to health. Found in the fallout of certain nuclear explosions, these long-lived radioactive isotopes damage bone marrow and induce cancer.

Barium metal, like metallic strontium, has few uses. A number of its compounds, however, are important industrially. Barium carbonate, for example, is used in producing fine glassware and optical glass. Barium sulfate, a highly insoluble salt, serves as a pigment in paints and cosmetics and as a filler in paper and rubber goods.

It also has an important medical application. Physicians commonly have their patients ingest a solution of barium sulfate before making radiographs (X-ray pictures) of the gastrointestinal, or digestive, tract. The barium compound absorbs X rays, providing an excellent contrast medium that allows the intestines to be seen on the radiographs.

Radium, the heaviest of the alkaline earth metals, is highly radioactive and is continuously formed in nature by the decay of uranium-238. For many years radium was used for treating cancerous tumors, but it has largely been supplanted for this purpose by certain less hazardous radioactive isotopes such as cobalt-60. It remains the chief source of the radioactive element radon, which is also employed in certain medical procedures and practices.