Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Courtesy of the Illinois State Museum; photograph, John H. Gerard/Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

Lead is a a soft, silvery white or grayish element. It is a metal belonging to Group 14 of the periodic table. Lead can be formed or shaped easily. It is dense and is a poor conductor of electricity. Few metals have been used in more different ways than lead. Lead ornaments and coins have been in use since ancient times. The Romans used lead for water pipes and for solder, used for joining pieces of metal (see metalworking). In the Middle Ages strips of lead called cames were first used to assemble the pieces in stained-glass windows.

Element Properties
Symbol Pb
Atomic number 82
Atomic weight 207.19
Group in periodic table 14 (IVa)
Boiling point 3,171 °F (1,744 °C)
Melting point 621.5 °F (327.5 °C)

Today, a major use of lead is in electric storage batteries, such as the kind found in automobiles. Large amounts of lead are used as protective coverings for electrical cables. In the past, lead compounds were commonly used in paints and pigments. This use of lead has been curtailed because lead is poisonous, and many children have been poisoned by eating flakes of dried paint containing lead. Lead bullets and shot made gunpowder effective in firearms. Lead is the main ingredient of solder.

Lead is the heaviest and the softest of the common metals. Because it resists attack by air and water as well as by many strong chemicals, it can be used to protect electrical cables or to line large vessels in which chemical processes are carried out. Screens to protect people from X-rays, gamma rays, and radioactive materials are made from lead because lead absorbs radiation. For this reason lead is used as a protective shield around nuclear reactors and particle accelerators.

Safety plugs and engine bearings are only two of the many products made of alloys that contain lead. Some lead alloys melt so easily that they change to liquid when held in the hand.

Useful lead compounds include lead monoxide, or litharge. This substance makes up a large part of the brilliant, lustrous glass called flint, or crystal, that is shaped into vases, bowls, drinking glasses, and lenses. Another oxide of lead called minium, or red lead, is used in paints that protect iron and steel from rusting. Basic lead carbonate (white) and lead chromate (yellow) were long used as pigments in paints. Lead azide, easily exploded by an electrically heated wire, is used in blasting caps to set off other explosives.

The most abundant ore, or source, of lead is the mineral galena, or lead sulfide. Its chemical formula is PbS. Other important ores are cerussite (lead carbonate, PbCO3) and anglesite (lead sulfate, PbSO4). Most lead ores contain zinc, and many also contain gold, silver, or other metals.

The ore is first pulverized, and the metal-bearing material is separated from the rock by the flotation process; that is, it is mixed with water and certain oils and chemicals, and air is blown in from the bottom of the mixing container. The lead-bearing particles are wetted by the oil and float to the surface attached to air bubbles. The waste, called gangue, is wetted by water; it sinks to the bottom and is discarded.

The concentrated ore is roasted in the presence of air to change lead sulfide to lead oxide. In the process, sulfur escapes in the form of the gas sulfur dioxide, which can be recovered and made into sulfuric acid. The crude lead oxide is smelted in a blast furnace or open-hearth furnace with coke and a flux of silica or lime. The lead metal settles to the bottom, dissolving and carrying with it any gold or silver that was present in the original ore. Most of the other metals combine with the silica or lime to form a slag that floats to the top. The slag is skimmed off, and the metals in it are recovered by other treatments. The lead metal is purified, and the gold and silver are recovered by further processing.

Lead is mined around the world. By the early 21st century, China, Australia, the United States, Peru, Mexico, and India were the world’s top producers of lead in concentrate. In addition, worn-out lead products, especially storage batteries, are commonly recycled. Almost half of all refined lead is recovered from recycled scrap.

Ordinary lead is a mixture of four stable isotopes, or forms, of lead that have the mass numbers 204, 206, 207, and 208. More than 20 other isotopes, with mass numbers above 194, are radioactive. They are formed in the course of the decay of elements such as uranium, thorium, and actinium. (See also radioactivity.)

Lead and all lead compounds are poisonous. Even small doses will accumulate in the body and can eventually cause serious health problems, including kidney disease and brain damage. The most serious effects are seen in children under the age of six, in whom the brain and nervous system are still developing. The main sources of lead exposure are usually lead-based paint and drinking water carried through lead pipes. The removal of lead from new paints and insecticides has significantly reduced lead poisoning. In addition, for much of the 20th century a lead compound was commonly used in gasoline as an antiknock agent. Constant exposure to the exhaust fumes of motor vehicles became a significant cause of lead poisoning, especially in children. As a result, the use of such “leaded” gasoline was phased out in the late 20th century. (See also poison.)