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HubSpot's default ticket properties

Last updated: October 7, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

HubSpot has a number of default ticket properties to capture the details needed to create a new ticket. You can also create custom ticket properties to capture the information most relevant to your business needs.

Learn more about HubSpot’s default contact propertiesdefault company properties, and default deal properties, and how to manage your properties, including viewing their internal names and creating new custom properties.

Ticket Information

  • Assigned teams (Service Hub Starter, Professional, and Enterprise only): the main team or teams assigned to the ticket by automatic assignment (e.g., routing conversations to specific users and teams). If a ticket is automatically assigned to a user, the user's main team will be the Assigned Teams value. If the ticket cannot be assigned to a specific user, the value will include all of the target main teams from the automatic assignment. If an owner is removed from a ticket, the user's main team will remain as the Assigned Teams value. This property determines which tickets show in the My Team's Unassigned view in the help desk.
  • Business units: the business units the ticket is assigned to.
  • Category: main reason customer reached out for help.
  • Close date: the date the ticket was closed. By default, a ticket's close date is automatically set or updated by HubSpot when a user moves a ticket from an open status to a closed status, or from a closed status back to an open status. If you want to decide when the close date is updated, you can adjust the automation in your ticket pipeline settings.
  • Create date: the date the ticket was created.
  • Created by user ID: the user who created the ticket. This value is set automatically by HubSpot.
  • First agent email response date: the date of the first response from an agent. This is automatically set by HubSpot the first time a user replies to an email associated with the ticket from either the conversation inbox or the ticket record. Responses sent from another inbox (e.g., Gmail, Outlook) or manually logged on the ticket record will not update the property.
  • Last activity date: the last date and time a note, call, tracked and logged sales email, meeting, LinkedIn/SMS/WhatsApp message, task, or chat was logged on the ticket record. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on the most recent date/time set for an activity. For example, if a user logs a call and indicates that it occurred the day before, the Last activity date property will show yesterday's date.
  • Last contacted date: the last time a call, email, or meeting was logged on the ticket.
  • Last customer reply date: the date of the last customer response.
  • Last modified date: the last time any property on the ticket was modified.
  • Merged Ticket IDs: the Record IDs of tickets that were merged into the ticket record. This is automatically set by HubSpot once a ticket merge is completed.
  • Next activity date: the date of the next upcoming activity for a ticket. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user action. This includes logging a future call, sales email, or meeting using the Log feature, as well as creating a future task or scheduling a future meeting.
  • Number of associated companies: the number of companies associated with the ticket. This is updated automatically by HubSpot.
  • Number of sales activities: the total number of sales activities logged for a ticket. Sales activities include a call, chat conversation, LinkedIn message, postal mail, meeting, note, sales email, SMS message, task, or WhatsApp message. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on the number of applicable activities on the record. Learn more about logging activities.
  • Number of times contacted: the total number of activities that are associated with the ticket. Possible activities include calls, chat conversations, LinkedIn messages, postal mail, meetingssales emails, SMS, or WhatsApp messages. Unlike in the Number of sales activities property, tasks and notes are not included in this property. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on the number of applicable activities on the record.
  • Originating channel account: specific name or number of the channel you've connected to HubSpot that's associated with the ticket.
  • Originating channel type: the type of the connected channel that's associated with the ticket (e.g., chat, form, Facebook Messenger, etc.).
  • Owner: the ticket's owner. If you have automatic assignment rules set up in the conversations inbox, the ticket owner will be the same as the conversation owner. You can assign additional users to the ticket record by creating a custom HubSpot user field type property.
  • Owner assigned date: the most recent timestamp of when an owner was assigned to the ticket. This value is set automatically by HubSpot.
  • Owner's main team: the main team of the ticket owner. This value is set automatically by HubSpot.
  • Pipeline: the pipeline that contains this ticket.
  • Priority: the level of attention needed on the ticket.
  • Record ID: the unique identifier for the ticket. This value is set automatically by HubSpot. This can be used when updating tickets through importing or through API.
  • Record Source: how the ticket was created. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
  • Record Source Detail 1: the first level of detail on how the ticket was created. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
  • Record Source Detail 2: the second level of detail on how the ticket was created. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
  • Record Source Detail 3: the third level of detail on how the ticket was created. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
  • Resolution: the action taken to resolve the ticket.
  • Shared teams: additional teams whose users can access the ticket based on their permissions.
  • Shared users: additional users can access the ticket based on their permissions.
  • Source: channel where ticket was originally submitted.
  • Ticket description: full description of ticket issue.
  • Ticket name: short summary of ticket. 
  • Ticket status: the pipeline stage that contains this ticket.
  • Time to first response SLA due date: the date the ticket must have its first response by to meet the SLA. This property will only appear if you've set SLAs in the inbox.
  • Time to first response SLA ticket status: the ticket's status based on the SLA for first response to a ticket. This property will only appear if you've set SLAs in the inbox. Options include:
    • Active SLA: an SLA is set for the ticket's first response, but it's not currently marked as Due soon, Overdue, or completed.
    • Due soon: the first response should be completed soon in order to meet the ticket's SLA.
    • Overdue: the first response to the ticket is overdue based on the SLA.
    • SLA completed on time: the ticket's first response occurred within the SLA time frame.
    • SLA completed late: the ticket's first response occurred outside of the SLA time frame.
  • Time to close: the time between when the ticket was created and closed.
  • Time to close SLA due date: the date the ticket must be closed by to meet the SLA. This property will only appear if you've set SLAs in the inbox.
  • Time to close SLA ticket status: the ticket's status based on the SLA for closing a ticket. This property will only appear if you've set SLAs in the inbox. Options include:
    • Active SLA: an SLA is set for the time to close the ticket, but it's not currently marked as Due soon, Overdue, or completed.
    • Due soon: the ticket should be closed soon in order to meet the ticket's SLA.
    • Overdue: the time to close the ticket is late based on the SLA.
    • SLA completed on time: the ticket was closed within the SLA time frame.
    • SLA completed late: the ticket was closed outside of the SLA time frame.
  • Time to first agent email reply: the time between when the ticket was created and an agent first replied. This is automatically set by HubSpot the first time a user replies to an email associated with the ticket from either the conversation inbox or the ticket record. The property will not update if the email is not associated with the ticket, if the response is sent from another inbox (e.g., Gmail, Outlook), or if the email is manually logged on the ticket record.
  • Updated by user ID: the user who last updated the ticket. This value is set automatically by HubSpot.
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