
Scrapbooker & Pundit

Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Joined Feb 15, 2012 at 10:50AM EST


Karma Received
+39 +39 (100%) -0 (0%)
Karma Given
+6 +6 (100%) -0 (0%)


Argentine, antisocial and proud, Seahawks fan.

My zombie survival sheet:

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Favourite Games
My favourite game of all time: Freespace 2
Red Dead Redemption
Call of Duty Ghosts (just kidding)
The Last of Us
Resident Evil 4
Haven and Hearth (Seriously, that shit is like a drug)

Favourite Books
H.G Wells Time Machine
H.G Wells War of the Worlds
El Eternauta (The Eternaut)
Fahrenheit 451
I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream

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