

산업 기계 제조

Chungcheongbuk-do Chungju-si 팔로워 10,199명

We make your move smarter


"We make your move smarter" 현대엘리베이터는 진화하는 도시 건축의 트렌드에 발맞추어 가장 빠르고 편리하며 안전한 이동경험을 선사하기 위한 엘리베이터, 에스컬레이터, 무빙워크, 주차설비시스템, 유지관리서비스 등 승강기 산업 전 분야에서 글로벌 수준의 기술역량과 노하우로 최고의 고객가치를 제공하고 있습니다. 또한 4차 산업혁명 시대의 승강기 산업 혁신 트렌드에 발맞추어 제품개발에서 제조, 설치, 유지관리 전반에 걸친 디지털 혁신 전환과 첨단 ICT의 승강기 분야 기술접목을 통해 최고의 이동 서비스를 제공합니다.

산업 기계 제조
회사 규모
직원 1,001 - 5,000명
Chungcheongbuk-do Chungju-si
전문 분야
Elevators, Escalators, Maintenance, Modernization, Remodeling, Auto parking systems, Mobility services


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    Chungjusandan 1-ro

    KR Chungcheongbuk-do Chungju-si 27329

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현대엘리베이터 직원


  • 현대엘리베이터님 단체 페이지 보기, 그래픽

    팔로워 10,199명

    Hyundai Elevator invited 12 research and development (R&D) professionals from its Chinese subsidiary to its headquarters for a seminar on R&D cooperation and fostering global talent. The ‘Korea-China R&D Human Resource Exchange Seminar’, held at the Chungju Smart Campus for four days from September 25, was planned to expand cooperation in R&D between the headquarters and overseas subsidiaries. During the seminar, the CTO organization in charge of technology development at Hyundai Elevator's headquarters and the R&D department of the Chinese subsidiary shared and discussed the direction of product design and development, network expansion, and R&D cooperation. Hyundai Elevator started the seminar with the ‘Mutual Understanding of Korean and Chinese Cultures and Communication for Collaboration’ program on the first day. The company held various programs such as 'Team Building Activities for Establishing One Team,' 'Work Exchange and Networking between Managers,' and 'Understanding Korean Culture.' The seminar is part of Hyundai Elevator's policy to build an organic cooperation system by redefining R&R (Role and Responsibility) between the headquarters and subsidiaries. Hyundai Elevator plans to transform the current R&D organization, separated between the headquarters and the Chinese subsidiary, into 'One Team.' It will take a 'two-track strategy' for the team, having the headquarters conduct advanced research to secure future competitiveness, and the Chinese subsidiary focus on product development for market expansion. This is expected to secure competitiveness in overseas elevator products and speed up the development of new technology markets such as modular elevators and the urban air traffic (UAM) vertiport H-PORT business. An official from Hyundai Elevator said, "We plan to maximize synergies by operating the R&D organizations of the headquarters and the Chinese subsidiary as 'One Team," adding, "We will enhance the competitiveness of elevator products and actively discover future business sources, including the UAM business." Hyundai Elevator is waiting for the construction of Korea's tallest test tower, 235 meters high, at its Chungju Smart Campus in 2025. The completion of the test tower is expected to accelerate the development of future new technologies such as ultra-high-speed elevators and H-Port. #hyundai #elevator #hyundaielevator #chungju #현대엘리베이터 #엘리베이터 #에스컬레이터 #Seminar #humanresource #china #korea

    • 이 이미지의 대체 텍스트 설명이 없음
    • 이 이미지의 대체 텍스트 설명이 없음
  • 현대엘리베이터님 단체 페이지 보기, 그래픽

    팔로워 10,199명

    Hyundai Elevator obtained ‘Safety Zone Certification’ from the Korea Safety Certification Institute for the first time in the industry.   On September 27, the company held an award and plaque-hanging ceremony at its Chungju headquarters. The event was attended by relevant officials, including the Korea Safety Certification Institute Chairman Yoon Hae-kwon and Director Kim Dae-soo, Hyundai Elevator CEO Cho Jae-cheon, CTO (Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Lee Tae-won, and CSEO (Chief Safety and Environment Officer) Kim Bok-soo.   Safety Zone Certification is the only voluntary corporate safety assessment system in Korea awarded by the Korea Safety Certification Institute and supervised by the National Fire Agency. It entails a comprehensive evaluation of the safety level of a workplace from the design to construction stages and issues a certificate if the recognized standards are satisfied.   Since January this year, Hyundai Elevator has been evaluated on 143 detailed items in seven fields, including safety management, construction disaster prevention (preparedness), fire safety, hazardous material safety, facility safety (response), facility performance test (performance), and new technology and facility improvement (reinforcement). The overall score it company received was evenly distributed, with particularly high marks in the areas of firefighting and construction.   After relocating to the Chungju campus in 2022, Hyundai Elevator has been steadily investing in safety areas such as: △ Establishing a smart safety system using an artificial intelligence (AI) system, △ Operating drones to maintain firefighting facilities, △ Deploying fire blankets to respond to electric vehicle fires, and △ Increasing gas fire suppression systems in areas where sprinkler installation is excluded by law.   “Safety is the top priority in the elevator industry as elevators are used by an unspecified number of citizens. We will strive to create a safe working environment to achieve the best quality and production," said Hyundai Elevator CEO Cho Jae-cheon.   Hyundai Elevator has been making every effort in safety management, having acquired ISO45001 (Occupational health and safety management systems), an international standard for creating a safe working environment by preventing and managing risks in the workplace in 2020 and winning the grand prize at the Fire Safety Management Awards hosted by the National Fire Agency last month.   #hyundai #elevator #hyundaielevator #현대엘리베이터 #엘리베이터 #safety #safe #award

    • 이 이미지의 대체 텍스트 설명이 없음
    • 이 이미지의 대체 텍스트 설명이 없음
  • 현대엘리베이터님 단체 페이지 보기, 그래픽

    팔로워 10,199명

    Why did I get on this elevator? Isn't it possible to reduce the elevator waiting time?  Why does a distant unit arrive first?  The answer to these questions is 'group control.' Check out the video to find out everything about group control that improves the efficiency of elevator operation. 왜 내가 이 엘리베이터를 타게 됐을까?  엘리베이터 대기 시간을 줄일 수는 없을까?  멀리 있는 호기가 오는 이유는 무엇일까?  이 궁금증의 해답은 ‘군관리’에 있다. 엘리베이터 운행의 효율을 높이는 군관리의 모든 것을 영상으로 담았다.. https://lnkd.in/gBA_677J

    Hyundai ElevatorㅣWhy is the elevator far away coming when you called the elevator?


  • 현대엘리베이터님 단체 페이지 보기, 그래픽

    팔로워 10,199명

    In respect of such differences, Hyundai Elevator adopted the remote work system to create a more efficient work culture. We captured in a video the changes in the working scene due to remote work, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 현대엘리베이터는 임직원들의 서로 다른 생활 방식을 존중해 더 효율적인 업무 문화를 조성하고자 리모트워크 제도를 시행 중이다. 오전 8시 30분부터 오후 5시 30분까지, 리모트워크로 달라진 구성원들의 업무 풍경을 영상으로 담았다. https://lnkd.in/gaPG4Gwq

    Hyundai ElevatorㅣYou still only work in the office?!


  • 현대엘리베이터님 단체 페이지 보기, 그래픽

    팔로워 10,199명

    Hyundai Elevator held a scholarship award ceremony at Chungju Smart Campus on September 9. Scholarship recipients, teachers, Hyundai Elevator CEO Cho Jae-cheon, and Chungju City Hall officials attended the event. The scholarship award ceremony took place at the Chungju Smart Campus Active Room. Thirty high school students with outstanding grades, recommended by local governments, eup, myeon, and dong in the Chungju area received scholarships worth 30 million won. Hyundai Elevator has been awarding youth scholarships for 16 years already. Starting in 2009, the scholarship has continued even after the company relocated to Chungju in 2022. The total number of recipients reached 318 students this year. Hyundai Elevator donated 20 million won to low-income households in addition to the scholarships. The company extended a helping hand to local residents who may be marginalized as Chuseok approaches, sharing warm-heartedness with those in need. CEO Jae Cheon Cho said, "One of the most meaningful management activities according to Hyundai Elevator's business philosophy is to help youths carry on their dreams and take on challenges for the future. We will expand our support for excellent students in the Chungju area to overcome economic and regional conditions and fulfill their dreams." Hyundai Elevator also works to foster local talents by opening an educational course on ‘elevator installation and operation’ in cooperation with Chungju Technical High School starting this year. In celebration of the 40th anniversary this year, the company has been carrying out various social contribution activities by declaring the slogan 'Act Together, Accompany Values' to signify that all members of the industrial ecosystem, beyond shareholders, employees, partners, and the local community, should grow together. It has been taking the initiative to spread good influence in society. The company engages in various activities, including the ‘Plogging Donation Campaign’ conducted in the Chungju area in May, the monthly home-repair volunteering, blood donation certificate donation and fundraising events to help children with leukemia, and volunteer work and support activities for various organizations for the disabled. #hyundaielevator #hyundai #elevator #scholarship #student #chungju #충주 #현대엘리베이터 #장학금 #장학생

    • 이 이미지의 대체 텍스트 설명이 없음
  • 현대엘리베이터님 단체 페이지 보기, 그래픽

    팔로워 10,199명

    Hyundai Elevator acquired ISO37301 (Compliance Management System) certification, an international standard for compliance management systems, for four years in a row. ISO 37301 is an international standard certification for compliance management systems set out by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in March 2021. It certifies companies based on a comprehensive evaluation of whether the compliance policy and risk response system of management adhere to the global level and are effectively operated. ISO 37301 certification is crucial for corporate evaluation as it encompasses diverse compliance management issues, including anti-corruption, fair trade, personal information, and internal accounting. Hyundai Elevator’s certification for four successive years owes to receiving high scores for actively practicing the standards. The company established a climate change response strategy in line with international standards and set and steadily implemented specific goals, including GHG reduction. This year, it made a significant move, expanding the scope of its audit to include branches nationwide in Busan, Daejeon, and Chungcheong, and overseas risks, in addition to the Chungju headquarters and Seoul office. As the first domestic machinery manufacturing company to be ISO37301 certified in 2021, Hyundai Elevator actively practices compliance management as one of its core values. The company provides its employees with education on relevant laws and regulations such as the Fair Trade Act, the Framework Act on the Construction Industry, and the Fair Transactions in Subcontracting Act. It also gives training on anti-corruption. The company puts close and thorough compliance in practice, implementing the delivery price indexation system, placing construction engineers, and diagnosing compliance with the latest and revised laws, including the Act on Fair Labeling and Advertising. "Setting up a culture of sustainable management to become a global leading company begins by following international standards," remarked Hyundai Elevator CEO Cho Jae Cheon. "As a front-runner in the industry, we will actively conduct various activities to improve corporate value, such as expanding shareholder return policies, while creating a fair and transparent competitive culture," he added. Hyundai Elevator has been certified in fields other than ISO37301, solidifying its position as a global leading firm. It obtained ISO14001 (Environmental Management Systems), a standard for evaluating a company’s environmental management policy activities in 1997, and ISO45001 (Occupational Health and Safety), an international standard for reducing workplace risks and creating better, safer working conditions in 2020. #hyundaielevator #hyundai #elevator #iso37301 #iso14001 #iso45001 #compliance #

    • 이 이미지의 대체 텍스트 설명이 없음
    • 이 이미지의 대체 텍스트 설명이 없음
    • 이 이미지의 대체 텍스트 설명이 없음
  • 현대엘리베이터님 단체 페이지 보기, 그래픽

    팔로워 10,199명

    Hyundai Elevator stepped up safety management activities for elevator installation and maintenance/repair sites throughout the country in response to the ongoing heat wave. Hyundai Elevator took preventive measures by holding weekly and monthly safety meetings at each branch as scorching heat waves continued. Taking the lead in improving the work environment and preventing accidents, the company distributed safety management rules for avoiding heat-related accidents to 16 branches and 50 centers across the country. It provided cooling arm sleeves and hard hat liners to subcontractor employees working on-site. The ‘Safety Management Rules Against Heat Wave’ contain basic guidelines such as taking sufficient rest and staying hydrated, as well as methods for preventing and addressing heat-related illnesses, such as monitoring health conditions before and after work. The three key points for preventing heat-related illnesses are: △ Providing cool and clean water, △ Installing air conditioning and periodically ventilating to maintain an appropriate indoor temperature, and △Taking regular breaks of 10 to 15 minutes every hour when a heat wave warning is issued. The rules emphasize that the site manager must promptly take appropriate measures if a worker requests to stop work due to concerns about heat-related illnesses. Exposure to high temperatures and humidity for a long time at installation sites in summer may lead to such illnesses. The company has provided workers with information on measures to take for heat-related illnesses, i.e. △Checking for symptoms, △Checking for consciousness, and △Taking measures and observing the status, to enable emergency response. "Accident-preventing activities are the most important given the nature of the elevator industry. It is difficult to stop construction even in unfavorable conditions like heat waves and torrential rain, for example, repairs and maintenance due to elevator failures and new installation sites." said a Hyundai Elevator official, adding, "We will further add to various safety and health activities to protect the safety of workers on site." Hyundai Elevator conducted preemptive inspections in July to prepare for heavy rain, preventing safety accidents caused by heavy rain and heat waves and achieving accident-free sites. The company plans to proactively implement a range of preventive measures to ensure the safety of the sites. #hyundai #elevator #hyundaielevator #heatwave #safety #현대엘리베이터 #폭염

    • 이 이미지의 대체 텍스트 설명이 없음
  • 현대엘리베이터님 단체 페이지 보기, 그래픽

    팔로워 10,199명

    Our Elevator Watch Log👀 Inside the enclosed confines of an 'elevator,' people exhibit a spectrum of behavioral patterns. But how do our company employees behave? 엘베 안 당신이 궁금하다!👀 우리들의 엘리베이터 행동 일지🔍📝 ‘엘리베이터’라는 일상의 공간 안에서 사람들은 각양각색의 행동 패턴을 보인다. 과연 우리 회사 직원들은 어떨까? 충주 스마트 캠퍼스에서 직원들의 엘리베이터 행동 패턴을 알아봤다. https://lnkd.in/gNVrsusu

    Hyundai ElevatorㅣOur Elevator Watch Log👀


  • 현대엘리베이터님 단체 페이지 보기, 그래픽

    팔로워 10,199명

    It's a common plot in movies and dramas, but does it happen in real life? The answer: NO! Let's dive into the details with a video. 엘리베이터는 절대 추락하지 않는다! 그 이유, 전문가가 알려드림~✨ 영화나 드라마를 보면 종종 엘리베이터가 추락하는 일이 벌어진다. 현실에서도 그럴까? 결론부터 말하자면, NO! 그 자세한 이야기를 영상으로 확인해 보자. https://lnkd.in/gH4Na5WH

    Hyundai ElevatorㅣThe elevator never crashes.🌟


  • 현대엘리베이터님 단체 페이지 보기, 그래픽

    팔로워 10,199명

    Hyundai Elevator signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Kakao Mobility to commercialize elevator-robot integration services. The signing ceremony took place at the Kakao Mobility headquarters in Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province, on August 7 with officials including Hyundai Elevator CEO Cho Jae-cheon and Kakao Mobility CEO Ryu Geung-sun in attendance. The partners plan to actively cooperate in standardizing elevator-robot interactions and commercializing services. The MOU contains △ the Development of robot services where humans and robots coexist and integration standards applicable to general buildings △ Organization of a technology reinforcing body △ Strategic collaboration in sales and promotion △Establishment of a foundation for leading the market by preemptively securing user experience and data △Discussion of cooperation on overall vertical logistics within buildings. At the core of the interaction between elevators and delivery robots is MIRI, the cutting-edge maintenance service Hyundai Elevator launched last year. MIRI has applied numerous 4th industrial technologies, including the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing and big data, and robot interaction technology. MIRI implements the interaction between elevators and robots and offers remote fault handling and inspection. MIRI is a specialized technology drawing attention, exceeding 33,000 installations in just over a year and eyeing over 45,000 units by the year-end. The publicity on MIRI with an interaction system is expected to grow further when delivery robots start commercialization. The future industry sector is especially interested in 'vertical movement technology,' Hyundai Elevator's strong point. It became the focus of attention not only in the delivery robot sector but also in the UAM (urban air mobility) sector, which will be the transportation means of future smart cities. The UAM landing and alighting site H-PORT, unveiled last year, has emerged as a novel solution for space constraints in urban environments with densely packed high-rise buildings. After its selection as an agency to carry out the national new city development project, Hyundai Elevator's vertical movement technology stands out as the core technology for future industries as business agreements with private companies and local governments continue. Hyundai Elevator CEO Cho Jae-cheon remarked, "The partnership with Kakao Mobility marks a milestone to generalize the interaction between elevators and robots," stressing that, "We will implement an ecosystem of delivery robot services without constraints of spatial movement, overcoming the limitations of horizontal movements and freely moving vertically." #hyundaielevator #hyundai #elevator #kakao #mobility #kakaomobility #robot #mou #현대엘리베이터 #카카오모빌리티 #카카오 #technology #로봇 #ceo #iot #ai #artificialintelligenece #uam

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    • 이 이미지의 대체 텍스트 설명이 없음

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