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Eurasian Film Market

Eurasian Film Market

Movies, Videos, and Sound

Eurasian Film Market builds cooperation and expands business opportunities between CIS countries and the World.

About us

EURASIAN FILM MARKET is a non-governemental independant film market and forum that not only unites the industry but also raises A topics within its panel discussions, press-conferences and business program events. EURASIAN FILM MARKET aims to create a modern film market communication platform to promote domestic and foreign projects and companies to the CIS countries with the focus on Central Asia as well as to continue building bridges and expanding business opportunities between CIS countries and the World. Exclusive presentations of films line-ups, production/service companies, promotional campaigns, film screenings, new educational opportunities and many others are its key aspects. Every year the forum brings together around one thousand cinema market participants including distribution companies and cinemas, film production companies and post-production labs, cinema funds, motion picture associations, representatives of new digital media, service companies and equipment suppliers, entertainment industry representatives, etc.

Movies, Videos, and Sound
Company size
2-10 employees


Employees at Eurasian Film Market


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