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Petrus Antonius Micheli descriptiones fungorum primum anno 1729 edidit.

Fungi sunt regnum taxinomicum organismorum eukaryotorum, comprehendens non solum fungos sensu vulgari definitos, sed etiam fermenta et mucores. A plantis, animalibus, protistis, bacteriis distincti, fungi habent parietes cellulares qui chitinam continent, quamquam parietes cellulares plantarum aliquarumque protistarum cellulosam continent. Haec et aliae differentiae monstrant fungos unam categoriam esse organismorum cognatorum, etiam Eumycotorum appellatoruml, qui proavum communem habent (aliis verbis, sunt grex monophyleticus).

  1. Moore RT. (1980). "Taxonomic proposals for the classification of marine yeasts and other yeast-like fungi including the smuts". Botanica Marina 23: 361–73 .
  2. Systema taxinomicum hic praebitum fundatur in investigatione anni 2007 a Hibbett et al. facta.


[recensere | fontem recensere]
  • Ainsworth, G. C. (1976). Introduction to the History of Mycology. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-11295-8 .
  • Alexopoulos C. J., C. W. Mims, M. Blackwell. (1996). Introductory Mycology. John Wiley and Sons. ISBN 0471522295 .
  • Deacon J. (2005). Fungal Biology. Cantaberigiae Massachusettae: Blackwell Publishers. ISBN 1-4051-3066-0 .
  • Hall, I. R. (2003). Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms of the World. Portlandiae Oregoniae: Timber Press. ISBN 0-88192-586-1 .
  • Hanson, J. R. (2008). The Chemistry of Fungi. Royal Society Of Chemistry. ISBN 0854041362 .
  • Jennings, D. H, et G. Lysek. (1996). Fungal Biology: Understanding the Fungal Lifestyle. Guildford, UK: Bios Scientific Publishers Ltd. ISBN 978-1859961506 .
  • Kirk, P. M., P. F. Cannon, D. W. Minter, J. A. Stalpers. (2008). Dictionary of the Fungi. 10th ed. Wallingford: CABI. ISBN 0-85199-826-7 .
  • Taylor, E. L., T. N. Taylor. 1993. The Biology and Evolution of Fossil Plants. Englewood Cliffs Novae Caesareae: Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-651589-4 .

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Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad fungos spectant.
Vide "fungos" apud Vicispecies.
Situs scientifici:  • ITIS • NCBI • Biodiversity • Encyclopedia of Life • WoRMS: Marine Species • Fossilworks
