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报告:美国种族主义痼疾难愈,医疗不平等致少数族裔健康状况恶化 Little progress seen in closing racial, ethnic gaps in health care: Report

中国日报网 2024-07-02 17:27




“When the Institute of Medicine (now named National Academy of Medicine) released its landmark Unequal Treatment report in 2002, we shed light on the fact that your race could determine the quality of the care you receive,” Victor J. Dzau, president of the National Academy of Medicine, said in a statement.
美国国家医学院院长曹文凯(Victor J. Dzau)在一份声明中指出:“2002年美国医学研究所(现称为美国国家医学院)发布了一份具有里程碑意义的医疗不平等待遇报告。该报告揭示了一个事实,即你的种族可以决定你所接受的医疗质量。”

“Twenty years later, it is clear that our nation has not made enough progress. There are still major inequities inherent in the health care system,” Dzau continued.

The report found that racial and ethnic minorities are significantly less likely to have primary care. During emergency room visits, minorities experience longer wait times and are assigned less acute triage severity scores. Long-term care facilities serving minority residents offer fewer clinical services and have lower staffing levels.

In an analysis of diabetes, that report unearthed that nonwhite patients are less likely to receive newer, higher cost drugs and diabetic technology. Black patients with diabetes experience hospitalization rates more than 2.5 times higher than those for white patients.


英文来源:The Hill


审校:陈丹妮 万月英

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