
Protection 360 Privacy Notice


This Privacy Notice describes the information handling and privacy practices of Assurant, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, “Assurant”) in connection with the mobile applications on which this Notice is posted. This Notice describes our practices with respect to the collection, access, use, management, disclosure, transfer, storage and other processing of your personal information, including certain device information from your covered mobile device (e.g., make, model and mobile device identification information (e.g., IMEI), etc.), in connection with the mobile app.


Protection 360 Privacy Notice

What Information We Collect

How We Use & Disclose Collected Information

Your Choices

Important Information

Assurant, Inc. through its affiliated company, The Signal, L.P. (hereinafter, “We”, “Us”, “Our” or “Company”), respects your concerns about privacy. If you reside in the United States, then the personal information provided to or collected by Our Service is controlled by Assurant, Inc., 28 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10005 U.S.A.

This Protection 360 Privacy Notice (“Notice”) describes how We will collect, access, use, disclose, retain, transfer, otherwise process and protect your personal information when you use Our Protection 360 service (the “Service”), a service that facilitates access to your policy documents, provides mobile device technical support and troubleshooting assistance (e.g., Tips), including such premium features as Personal Help Desk (e.g., Call Now and Live Chat), which allows users to connect with Our technicians, who can provide in-device customer support with your permission, for registered Protection 360 users, and provides information on how to address common problems that occur in mobile devices that qualify for the Service, and applies to your use of the Mobile App. The Service will collect certain personal information from and through any mobile devices on which the Mobile App is installed including, mobile devices owned or used by your family members under your account, if any, on which you choose to install the Mobile App. You are responsible for such family members’ use of the Mobile App, and represent that you have the authority to permit Us to use the information in accordance with this Notice, including Section 4.1

We adhere to the following principles to protect your privacy:

We protect your personal information and will only provide it to third parties:

  1. with your consent;
  2. where it is necessary to carry out your instructions;
  3. as reasonably necessary in order to provide the Service;
  4. to Our service providers (as described in Section 2.5) in connection with providing the Service;
  5. when We reasonably believe it is required by law or by order of a court of competent jurisdiction;
  6. as necessary to enforce our Terms of Service, to protect the rights of the Company, or to prevent physical harm or financial loss; or
  7. as part of a reorganization or sale of all or part of Our business.

We have implemented safeguards designed to protect your information in accordance with industry standards.

This Notice applies to the Service only and does not necessarily reflect practices with respect to information gathered through other services We offer or mobile apps We operate or the collection of information through off-line means. To review the privacy practices of those other services, please refer to the policies provided associated with each.

If you have any concern about providing information to Us or your information being used in any manner permitted by this Privacy Notice and the Terms of Service, you should not download the Mobile App or otherwise use the Service.

If you have already downloaded the Mobile App, you may close your account. See Section 3.1 of this Notice to view how to close your account.

1. What information We collect

We collect your personal information in the following ways:

1.1 Enrollment

We collect certain personal information (“Personal Information”) when you enroll in the Service, operate the Mobile App, and interact with a support representative for the Service. To validate your eligibility to access certain Protection 360 premium features, and so that We can administer the Service, we ask users to provide Us with Personal Information that includes: your name, mobile phone number, mobile device identification number (IMEI, MEID, ESN), and device information, such as make and model number. With your permission, we may also access information from your device, such as your general location, contact lists, SMS messages, Call logs, photo and video library, documents, music. This information is only accessed if you grant us access to it, and if it’s required for the service to operate, or required for specific features of the service to operate. We ask you to agree to the Terms of Service and this Privacy Notice.

1.2 Personal Information When Using Our Mobile App

After you have downloaded the Mobile App and your eligibility for certain premium services, such as Personal Help Desk, has been verified, information is collected from the mobile device periodically and stored within Our data center or the data center of a service provider to Us. This information includes: (a) mobile phone number; (b) device information (e.g., make, model number); (c) usage information (e.g., how many times you access Live Chat); and (d) device identification numbers.

We collect this information to verify eligibility for certain premium features and to provide the Service (e.g., Personal Help Desk). You may view certain personal information, and request modification or deletion of your personal information collected by the Mobile App at any time through customer support

We may collect aggregated, de-identified information about your usage of Our Mobile App and may use third party analytics tools to evaluate user actions relative to the Mobile App. For example, when you use the Mobile App, your usage information (such as, which Tips you like) will be associated by Us to your account.

1.3 Customer Support

When you contact Our customer support (for example, when you use Our Call Now or Live Chat function), We may access your Personal Information, as that term is defined in Section 1.1 to respond to your request. We also use this information to track potential issues and trends and customize Our support responses to better serve you. When Our support representative accesses your device for troubleshooting purposes, you understand and acknowledge that while the technician is accessing your device, with your permission, she or he can view information (such as settings) on the device.

1.4 Analytics

We use technologies, such as mobile analytics, to help Us recognize you, improve your experience, increase security and measure use and effectiveness of Our Services. We use this information to analyze traffic patterns and improve the Service, where permitted by applicable law.

1.5 Links to other Websites

The Mobile App may contain links to other websites that may have online information practices different from Ours. We are not responsible for the privacy and security practices of those websites, and We encourage you to learn about the privacy and security practices of those web sites if you choose to access and use them.

1.6 Device Information

The Mobile App collects and stores device information such as device information (e.g., make and model) and mobile identification information (e.g., IMEI) to validate your eligibility for certain premium services. These collected data elements are pulled from your mobile device periodically and stored in a secure location within Our data center or the data center of a service provider to Us.

You may access certain data and delete device information collected by the Mobile App at any time through customer support In addition, you may close your account as described in Section 3.1 of this Notice. When you access the Mobile App, Our servers automatically record certain information about your usage from your mobile device. The servers may securely log information such as number of clicks, features used and the amount of time spent on particular Mobile App screens.

2. How We use and disclose collected information

2.1 Consent to Processing Information about You

By downloading, accessing or otherwise using the Mobile App, you indicated that you have read this Notice and expressly and voluntarily accept the terms of Our Terms of Service and freely consent, on your own behalf and on behalf of any family members you have authorized to use the Service, to Our processing of personal information as set forth in this Notice. You can withdraw or modify your consent to our collection and processing of information you provide at any time, in accordance with this Notice and the Terms of Service by modifying your account or by closing your account as described in Section 3.1 If you do not consent to the terms of this Notice, do not download, access or otherwise use the Mobile App.

2.2 General

We do not sell or rent any of your personal information.

The personal information We collect through your interaction with the Service is used to provide the Service, to manage your account for the Service, to manage our business and to improve the Service for yourself and other users of the Service, to develop new products and services, and for other purposes to which you consented. Examples of the above uses include:

Please note that the account owner for the Service may access all information collected about any copies of the Mobile App running under the Service on devices that the account owner has authorized.

2.3 Communications

We communicate with you through webchat and by telephone. We will request your consent prior to sending you marketing and promotional messages, where required. Please be aware that you cannot opt out of receiving Service-related messages from Us.

2.4 Sharing information with affiliates

We may share your personal information with Our affiliates (meaning entities controlled by, controlling or under common control with Assurant, Inc.) outside of the Assurant entity that is your data controller (for example, Assurant US may share your personal information with other Assurant entities, such as Our parent company, Assurant, Inc.) as reasonably necessary for use in accordance with this Notice.

2.5 Service providers

We may employ third party companies and individuals to facilitate the Service (e.g. customer support, analysis, audit, application or database hosting and development). These third parties have limited access to your information only to perform these tasks on Our behalf and are obligated to Us. We do not authorize such third parties to disclose or use it for other purposes. Our service providers are located within and outside of the United States of America. You consent to the transfer of information to service providers located in other jurisdictions that may not provide the same level of legal data protection as the country from which you access and use the Service.

2.6 Compliance with legal process and other disclosures

We may disclose your personal information, as required by law, such as to comply with a subpoena, or similar legal process; when We believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect Our rights or enforce Our Terms of Service protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud, or respond to a government request; to any other third party with your prior consent to do so. We may also disclose your personal information, usage information, and other information about you to parties acquiring part or all of Our assets, as well as to attorneys and consultants. Also, if any bankruptcy or reorganization proceeding is brought by or against Us, your information may be considered a company asset that may be sold or transferred to third parties.

3. Your Choices

3.1 Access, correct, delete or limit use of your personal information and Closing your account

You may (1) request access to, modification or correction of, deletion of, or limit the use and disclosure, where required by applicable law, of your personal information controlled by Us or (2) close your account. You can request access to your personal information held by Us, through Our customer support center 1-855-787-8258 or by sending a written request to us at the address provided in the “Contact Us” section of this Notice. If you close your account(s), your information, held by Us, will be removed from the Service promptly. We typically delete of account closure, except as noted in Section 3.2 You may close your account by contacting Our customer support center 1-855-787-8258. You may also delete your account from within the mobile app. This will not affect your mobile protection; it will just delete your credentials and data from Our systems.

If you think that any personal information We have collected about you is inaccurate, or if you would like to limit the use and disclosure of such information, you may send a reasonable written request for review to Us at the address provided below in the “Contact Us” section of this Notice. We will investigate your request and make appropriate changes or deletions if warranted. We will respond to any reasonable requests for access to personal information in 30 days or as permitted under applicable law.

In certain situations and subject to applicable laws, including data protection laws, We may not be able to provide access to all of the personal information that We hold about you. For example, We may not provide access to information if doing so:

In order to safeguard your personal information from unauthorized access, We may ask that you provide sufficient information to identify yourself prior to providing access to your personal information.

Depending on the circumstances and applicable laws, We may refuse to process certain access requests.

3.2 Data retention

We retain personal information you provide while your account is active or as needed to provide the Service. We may retain your personal information even after you have closed your account if retention is reasonably necessary to comply with Our legal obligations, meet regulatory requirements, resolve disputes, prevent fraud and abuse, or enforce this Privacy Notice and Our Terms of Service We may retain personal information, for a limited period of time, if requested by law enforcement. Our customer support may retain information for as long as is necessary to provide support-related reporting and trend analysis only. We delete closed account data consistent with this Notice. Additionally, We maintain logs and backups for security, debugging, and site stability purposes for up to 90 days after your account has been closed.

YOUR PRIVACY RIGHTS: If you are a resident of the United States or its territories, for additional information about our privacy practices and your Privacy Rights, please visit:

4. Important Information

4.1 Minimum age

We do not knowingly collect personal information from anyone under the age of 13 or such equivalent minimum age in the relevant jurisdiction. You must be at least 13 years of age, or the equivalent minimum age in the relevant jurisdiction, to use the Service.

4.2 Changes to this Privacy Notice

We may update this Notice from time to time. If We make any material changes to Our Notice, We will notify you by e-mail or by means of a notice through Our Service or by other means prior to the change becoming effective, so that you may review the changes before you continue to use the Service. If you object to any changes contained in the Notice, you may close your account. Continuing to use Our Services after We publish, or communicate with you about, any changes to this Notice means that you are consenting to the changes. As We may make changes to this Notice, We suggest that you review this Notice each time you access and use the Service. Please review changes carefully. If you agree to the changes, simply continue to use the Service. If you object to any of the changes to Our terms and you no longer wish to use Our Service, you may close your account(s) as described in Section 3.1 Unless stated otherwise, Our current Notice applies to all information that We have about you and your account. Using Our Services after a notice of changes has been communicated to you or published on Our Service shall constitute consent to the changed terms or practices. If any changes are made to this Privacy Notice, We will revise the Effective Date that is indicated on the Privacy Notice.

4.3 Security Procedures

We have measures in place to restrict access to information to those employees and individuals whom We know have a valid business purpose to have access to such data. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards. We follow generally accepted standards designed to protect the personal information submitted to Us, both during transmission and once We receive it. We require those who provide services for Us and to whom We provide information collected through the Service to keep such information safeguarded and confidential. However, no method of transmission over the Internet or method of electronic storage is totally secure. Therefore, We cannot guarantee its absolute security.

4.4 Contact Us

We welcome your questions or comments regarding this Notice. Please write to Us at Assurant Privacy Office,Post Office Box 979047, Miami, FL 33197-9047, USA or send Us an email at

Effective date: Dec 5th, 2022
