🇱🇹 Sveikiname su Kovo 11-ąja – Lietuvos Nepriklausomybės atkūrimo diena! 💛💚❤️
AVS PipeFit
Klaipėda, Klaipėdos 2,721 followers
Experts in piping systems. As a part of our strategy, we are constantly improving and investing in efficiency.
About us
AVS provides a full portfolio of services for piping and steel structures including design, project management, production, installation, and all the rest related processes. We implement „Turn-key“ piping manufacturing and installation projects in various industry objects including shipbuilding and ship repair. Our team includes experts in steel and plastic piping, steel construction, and all related services who are ready to apply their experience and knowledge. The AVS team also works on civil and industrial buildings projects where the building systems are manufactured and installed. AVS also implements maintenance and modernization projects for building systems. We carry out projects across Lithuania, Europe, and Scandinavia Countries. Our professional team can lead you through the entire process starting with design, project planning, and initiation till the final inspection and start of operation.
- Website
External link for AVS PipeFit
- Industry
- Maritime
- Company size
- 51-200 employees
- Headquarters
- Klaipėda, Klaipėdos
- Type
- Privately Held
- Founded
- 2019
- Specialties
- piping, welding, steel constructions, insulation, manufacturing, installation, design, project managment, supply of materials, transportation, fixed price projects, shiprepair, shipbulding, industries, oil and gas, maintenance, modernizations, BWTS, Retrofits, and Engineering
Grįžgatvio gatvė 4
Klaipėda, Klaipėdos 91286, LT
Employees at AVS PipeFit
🌸 Happy upcoming Spring Celebration – March 8th! 🌿💐✨ You create, inspire, empower, and lead the way. 💪✨ Your determination, talent, and dedication change the world every single day. 🌍💖 Thank you for your warmth, wisdom, and relentless pursuit of growth! A big thank you to men for the flowers 🌹 and attention! 🤍 💜 Happy International Women’s Day! 🎉👩🎓👩💼👩🔬
Šiandien svečiuose – Klaipėdos Pauliaus Lindenau mokymo centras mokiniai – būsimi jūrų uosto logistikos specialistai! 🔍 Nuo užsakymo iki pristatymo Logistas Arūnas supažindino mokinius su visu procesu – nuo pirmojo užsakymo iki galutinio produkto pristatymo klientui🌍 🚗 Modernus autoparkas ir maršrutų planavimas Mūsų įmonė didžiuojasi savo transporto parku – 80 modernių transporto priemonių, beveik visos 2023 ir 2024 metų! Jomis AVS specialistai keliauja į užsienio projektus, todėl ypatingą dėmesį skiriame maršrutų planavimui, IT sprendimams ir transporto priežiūrai. 🧠 Dirbtinis intelektas logistikoje Diskutavome apie dirbtinio intelekto diegimą logistikos procesuose – kaip jis padeda optimizuoti maršrutus, prognozuoti paklausą ir mažinti klaidų skaičių. 🔥 Džiaugiamės galėję pasidalinti savo patirtimi – kas žino, galbūt tarp šių mokinių jau yra būsimi AVS logistikos ir tiekimo profesionalai? 😎 #Logistika #Tiekimas #JūrųUostas #AteitiesProfesionalai #Ekskursija #TransportoValdymas Today, we are hosting students from Klaipėda Pauliaus Lindenau Training Center – future maritime port logistics specialists! 🔍 From Order to Delivery Logistics expert Arūnas introduced students to the entire process – from the first order to the final product delivery to the customer. 🌍✈ 🚗 Modern Fleet and Route Planning Our company takes pride in its transport fleet – 80 modern vehicles, almost all from 2023 and 2024! These vehicles are used by AVS specialists for international projects, so we place great emphasis on route planning, IT solutions, and vehicle maintenance. 🧠 Artificial Intelligence in Logistics We discussed the implementation of AI in logistics – how it helps optimize routes, forecast demand, and reduce errors. 🔥 We’re delighted to share our experience – who knows, maybe among these students are future AVS logistics and supply chain professionals? 😎 #Logistics #SupplyChain #MaritimePort #FutureProfessionals #Excursion #TransportManagement
Yesterday, we had some special guests at the AVS workshop – the Neptūnas football team, whom we have been proud long-term sponsors of! ⚽💙 The players not only got to explore our workshop operations but also showcased some incredible freestyle skills with the ball. 🔥⚽ We, of course, didn’t stay behind – our production manager, Mantas, shared insights into our work and gave them a behind-the-scenes look at how everything functions. And naturally, we couldn’t miss out on a friendly exchange of hoodies! 🤝💯 Visits like these not only bring us closer but also remind us that teamwork – whether in football or at work – is everything! A big thank you to FC Neptūnas Klaipėda for the great time! Until next time! ⚡💙 #AVSNeptūnas #Freestyle #Teamwork Vakar AVS ceche sulaukėme ypatingų svečių – Neptūno futbolo komandą, kurios esame ilgalaikiai rėmėjai! ⚽💙 Vaikinai ne tik susipažino su cecho veikla, bet ir pademonstravo nerealius freestyle skill'us su kamuoliu 🔥⚽ O mes nelikome skolingi – cecho gamybos vadovas Mantas papasakojo apie mūsų darbo subtilybes ir parodė, kaip viskas veikia iš vidaus. Ir, žinoma, neapsiėjome be draugiško apsikeitimo bliuzonais! 🤝💯 Tokie vizitai ne tik suartina, bet ir primena, kad komanda – tiek futbole, tiek darbe – yra viskas! Dėkui, FC Neptūnas Klaipėda, už šaunų laiką! Iki kitų susitikimų! ⚡💙 #AVSNeptūnas #Freestyle #komanda
🚀 IEŠKOME NAUJŲ KOMANDOS NARIŲ! 🚀 Šiemet nemažiname apsukų ir siekiame dar didesnio augimo nei pernai! 💪 Todėl stipriname komandą ir kviečiame prisijungti prie mūsų ambicingų tikslų! 🔥 📌 Šiuo metu ieškome: 👷♂️ Darbuotojų saugos ir sveikatos specialisto (-ės) Daugiau apie šią poziciją-> https://bit.ly/4aYs5AR 📑 Projektų koordinatoriaus (-ės) https://bit.ly/3wsKHJo 📦 Medžiagų tiekimo vadybininko (-ės) https://bit.ly/3UEjKvm ⚓ Pardavimų vadybininko (-ės) – laivų remonto/statybos sektorius Daugiau apie šią poziciją-> https://bit.ly/3QvENxx 🚢 LAIVŲ STATYBOS darbų vadovo (-ės) projektams Suomijoje arba Prancūzijoje https://bit.ly/3EUPuaE 🔧 Gamybos darbų vadovo (-ės) (metalo apdirbimas) https://bit.ly/3Qt2kiO 📞 SUSISIEKIME telefonu: +37067227104 arba užpildyk trumpą formą: https://lnkd.in/dDyhq9FJ 💙 Dirbk su geriausiais - tapk geriausias!💙 #DarboPasiūlymai #Karjera #IeškomeDarbuotojų #NaujaDarboVieta #DSS #ProjektųValdymas #MedžiagųTiekimas #Pardavimai #LaivųStatyba #GamybosVadovas #Inžinerija #DarbasLietuvoje #DarbasUžsienyje #Suomija #Prancūzija #MetaloApdirbimas #KarjerosGalimybės #Augimas #Komanda #IeškomeTavęs #foreman #shipbuilding #Shipyard #ForemanInFinland
At AVS, we continuously test new welders to assess their qualification levels and practical skills. Only the best specialists join our teams for international projects. ⚙ This week, together with our partners from Finland, we tested MIG, MAG, TIG, and MMA welders who are being selected for various projects. It was a great opportunity for professionals to showcase their expertise and receive job offers from reliable clients! 🔍 During testing, we evaluate not only the quality of welding but also speed and precision. 📊 Based on the test results, we select the most suitable project where the specialist can fully utilize their skills. 👉 Are you an experienced welder looking to work on the best international projects? Register for testing now and unlock new career opportunities! 🚀 https://lnkd.in/gR_WT7J8 📞+37067219025 💥 Work with the best – become the best #WeldingJobs #WelderLife #MIGWelding #MAGWelding #TIGWelding #MMAWelding #WeldingTesting #SkilledTrades #WeldingCareer #WorkAbroad #InternationalProjects #WeldingOpportunities #AVSWelding #HiringWelders #WeldingProfessionals #WelderWanted #MetalFabrication #EngineeringJobs #ConstructionJobs #WeldingIndustry #CertifiedWelder #JobOpportunity #MIG #MAG #TIG
Su Vasario 16-ąja – Lietuvos valstybės atkūrimo diena! 💛💚❤ AVS prisijungia prie trispalvių jūros – didžiuokimės savo laisve, puoselėkime istoriją ir kurkime stiprią ateitį kartu! 🇱🇹 #Vasario16 #LietuvosValstybėsAtkūrimoDiena! #MesLaisvi #Trispalvė #DidžiuojuosiLietuva #Laisvė #Lithuania #ŠvęskimeKartu #LietuvaŠvenčia
Work Completed – Three Ferries Now Successfully Sailing the Vast Seas! 🌊 🚢 In less than six weeks, we successfully upgraded their exhaust gas cleaning systems and installed new system equipment. Most of the pipes were prefabricated in our AVS workshop and delivered to the project site in Denmark. In total, an impressive 200 tons of piping and steel structures were installed! 💪 As always, this achievement was the result of outstanding teamwork. From project managers to metal hull assemblers, pipefitters, and welders—everyone worked efficiently on-site, on schedule, and according to plan 👍 #AVS #AVSPipeFit #News #ShipRepair #Pipefitters #Welders #MetalHullAssemblers #ProjectManagers #SteelStructures #MaritimeIndustry #Welding #Pipefitting #MarineEngineering #MaritimeEngineering #ShipRepair #ShipyardLife #ExhaustGasCleaning #MarineUpgrades #Welding #Pipefitting #MetalFabrication #MarineIndustry #ShipMaintenance #FerryUpgrades #SteelStructures #Shipbuilders #EngineeringExcellence #CauruļvaduMontāža #KuģuRemonts #KuģuBūve #Metinātāji #МонтажТруб #Судноремонт #Суднобудування #Зварювальники #Заварчици #OnTimeDelivery #PipefittingJobs #PipefittersWorld #WeldingLife #SteelWorkers #PipingSolutions #ShipbuildingIndustry
#AVS #News AVS PipeFit has received the PED A2 module certificate, confirming compliance with the essential safety and quality requirements under the Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU. 📄 This certificate grants the right to manufacture Category II pressure vessels and pipelines, as well as to mark products with the CE mark, ensuring the highest safety and quality standards. 👍 #AVSPipeFit #WhenQualityMatters #PEDA2 #Quality #CEMarking #IndustrialStandards #CertifiedQuality #SafetyFirst #Kiwa #KiwaCertification
🚀 Today we recharged with new ideas at the "HR Success Formula" conference! 🚀 Our Head of HR, Aira Juodienė, and HR Specialist, Indrė, participated in the event organized by CVbankas.lt in Klaipėda, where we delved into modern recruitment challenges, explored effective hiring solutions, and discussed how artificial intelligence is transforming the HR world. We’re returning with fresh insights and the motivation to grow! 💡 #AVS #HR #HRSuccessFormula #CVbankas #HRTrends #AIinHR #Networking