💡#Femtosecond #lasers are essential tools in material processing, offering precise control with minimal thermal impact due to their ultra-short pulse durations. As manufacturing demands continue to rise, increasing laser power – now reaching hundreds of watts – is a common approach to improving throughput. However, directly applying this power often results in quality issues or even material damage. Strategies like increasing the repetition rate or spot size help but come with trade-offs. One of the latest innovations addressing these challenges is burst mode, a technique that divides high-energy pulses into a series of lower-energy pulses at MHz/GHz repetition rates. This enables higher throughput and, in many cases, improves surface quality in #micromachining applications. Our #FemtoLux 30 laser has been successfully used to process various materials in burst mode, demonstrating measurable improvements in both throughput and surface finish. For a deeper discussion, join Ashley for his presentation 'Femtosecond Burst Mode: Utilizing Full Laser Potential in Micromachining Applications' 🕐 March 27 | 1 p.m. | Session: Drilling 2 We look forward to meeting you at ILAS2025, the 9th Industrial Laser Application Symposium, hosted by Association of Industrial Laser Users (AILU) on March 26–27. For more information, reach out to Ashley or Deividas. #FemtosecondLasers #BurstMode #Micromachining #LaserProcessing #ILAS2025 #IndustrialLasers
About us
EKSPLA is a leading manufacturer of high-performance solid-state lasers, optoelectronics, and laser systems for scientific, OEM, and industrial applications, including spectroscopy, material research, and micromachining. Our main products include femtosecond, picosecond, and nanosecond lasers, as well as ultrafast fiber lasers and tunable wavelength systems. With over 30 years of experience and an in-house R&D team, we specialize in customizing reliable laser solutions tailored to specific applications and OEM requirements. Our lasers offer a broad range of parameters like pulse duration, wavelength, and average power to meet diverse needs. Supported by subsidiaries in the US, UK, and China, along with a network of over 25 representatives worldwide, EKSPLA ensures fast response times and efficient service, minimizing downtime and lowering lifetime ownership costs.
- Website
External link for EKSPLA
- Industry
- Industrial Machinery Manufacturing
- Company size
- 51-200 employees
- Headquarters
- Vilnius
- Type
- Privately Held
- Founded
- 1992
- Specialties
- industrial lasers, picosecond lasers, nanosecond lasers, tunable lasers, tunable wavelength, lasers for micromachining, OPG/OPO/OPA, custom lasers, lasers for spectroscopy, photoacoustic laser source, ultrafast lasers, laser electronics, laser systems, lasers, OPCPA laser systems, high intensity laser systems, industrial lasers, SFG spectroscopy, lasers for material processing, and pulsed lasers
Savanoriu Ave 237
Vilnius, 02300, LT
The Shires, Burnham Road, Barton Upon Humber
North Lincolnshire,, DN18 6EF, GB
201 S Wallace Ave
Suite B-2C
Bozeman, Montana MT 59715-4888, US
Zhongjin International Plaza, 375 North Caoxi Road, Xuhui District,
Room 612, Tower C,
Shanghai, 200030, CN
Employees at EKSPLA
💡 Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (#LIBS) utilizes a high intensity short #laser pulse to convert a very small amount of target material to plasma for optical analysis of the spectra. 👉 LIBS can be used on solid, liquid, or gas samples, and, depending on the spectrograph and detector, can detect all elements. LIBS is non-contact, so it can be used in a wide variety of environments, including remote analysis and micro-sampling! When coupled with appropriate optics and stages, elemental maps of a surface can be created. Multiple LIBS scans can effectively resolve material composition throughout the volume, building a full three dimensional elemental map.
Sometimes, alongside our daily work, it is truly inspiring to engage with young minds exploring careers in #STEM and to introduce them to #photonics as an exciting and promising field, particularly – photoacoustics and lasers. Thanks to Gytis, our engineer and a great storyteller 💚 A huge thank you to Darželiai ir mokyklos „Pažinimo medis“ for fostering academic and scientific curiosity in their schools, and for bringing together such an amazing group of professionals from Caszyme, Ignitis Lietuva, Teltonika, and Gedimino legionas.
Gimnazijoje vykusios STEAM dienos metu 5-10 kl. mokiniai pristatė savo atliktus STEAM projektus ir susitiko su lektoriais: · Gytis Babaitis iš lazerių gamintojų įmonės „EKSPLA“ pasakojo apie lazerių veikimo principus ir panaudojimą kasdieniame gyvenime, medicinoje ir kosmose. · Donatas Staniulis iš įmonės „Caszyme“ supažindino su biotechnologijų principais ir mokslo perspektyvomis, kuriant švaresnį, saugesnį ir sveikesnį pasaulį. · Egle Radvile, Phd („Gedimino legionas“) pristatė realius pavyzdžius iliustruojančius technologijų svarbą karo kontekste. · Mindaugas Tamošiūnas („Ignitis Lietuva“) pristatė #EnergySmartSTART programą, mokiniai gilino žinias apie energetiką ir ką specialistai veikia šioje srityje. · Ąžuolas Urbonas iš įmonės „Teltonika“ mokiniams pravedė interaktyvią pamoką tema „Kaip veikia transporto stebėjimas – nuo palydovų iki duomenų analizės“. Dėkojame fizikos mokytojai Egle Stankunaitei už STEAM dienos organizavimą ir lektoriams už mokiniams skirtą laiką.
Greetings from Laser World of Photonics China, at booth No. N5.5516. The exhibition is off to a great start, with lots of visitors and business discussions. When you have great products to offer, it is a no-brainer! 💚
At our core, we are dedicated to advancing light-based instruments that empower #scientists and #engineers to achieve breakthroughs for a more sustainable, safer, and healthier future. Whether supporting the #semiconductor industry in driving #energy efficiency, renewable energy, and smart technologies (introducing the industrial femtosecond laser series, #FemtoLux!), or enabling scientific research that helps medical professionals save lives. We are also powering it all – over 30,000 #OEM laser electronics units operate in lasers worldwide. Remarkably, more than 99% of our sold products perform flawlessly for over 10 years, even under the most demanding conditions. Meet Lukas, the head of our OEM program; Artūras, the head of our OEM laser electronics program; and Dalius, our regional sales manager with extensive experience in the needs of our Asian clients. Let’s find the best solution for your projects! 📍 Where? Laser World of Photonics China 📅 When? March 11–13, Tuesday–Thursday 🎯 Best spot? Booth No. N5.5516!
On the afternoon of March 4, an official ceremony honored the recipients of the Lithuanian Science Prize in the fields of humanities, natural sciences, medical and health sciences, agricultural sciences, and technological sciences. ⚡ Among the laureates was an outstanding group of scientists whose work has significantly contributed to the advancement of laser technologies!⚡ The Technological Sciences Prize was presented to Andrejus Michailovas, EKSPLA’s Chief Scientist; Jonas adamonis, a high-intensity laser engineer at EKSPLA; Rimantas Budriūnas and Tomas Stanislauskas from Light Conversion; and @Arūnas Varanavičius, a senior researcher at the Vilniaus universitetas / Vilnius University Laser Research Center. They were recognized for their research cycle “High-Power Multi-Optical-Cycle Pulse Sources for Extreme Light Technologies (2009–2023)”. This research cycle includes 47 scientific articles published in Lithuanian and international scientific journals and 9 patents registered with the European and Lithuanian patent offices. The studies contributed to the development of advanced high-intensity lasers and significantly expanded their application possibilities in both science and industry. As a result of close collaboration between science and the private sector, the SYLOS laser series was developed at the ELI ALPS Research Institute laboratories, enabling fundamental research and offering new possibilities for X-ray radiation, 4D imaging, biology, life sciences, and #attosecond science. Currently, there are already four SYLOS #laser systems in operation at ELI-ALPS. SYLOS lasers stand out for their reliability and long-term stability in their category. Lithuanian scientists have not only created but also mastered the most advanced technologies necessary for the realization of unique lasers. Along with these technological advancements, a new generation of scientists and engineers has emerged, successfully applying their expertise in both scientific research and business, developing OPCPA-based lasers. Their knowledge and efforts have enabled Lithuanian laser companies to establish a leading position globally, offering innovative products and expanding their applications across various fields. 📸 A huge thank you for ELI-ALPS and the Government of the Republic of Lithuania for the photographs
3D #semiconductor packaging is rapidly evolving, with interposers – substrates that bridge semiconductor chips and circuit boards – playing a crucial role. As the industry shifts from silicon to glass interposers, new #manufacturing challenges arise. Glass offers clear advantages: it is rigid, chemically inert, and cost-effective. However, its brittleness and poor heat conductivity make drilling high-density through-glass vias (TGVs) particularly challenging. Traditional #laser #ablation can cause heat accumulation, leading to cracks. At EKSPLA, we are continuously innovating in ultrafast laser processing to advance TGV fabrication. Together with our partners, we have successfully applied our FemtoLux series lasers to enable multiple industrial-grade TGV manufacturing techniques: 🟢 Laser ablation with a bottom-up milling strategy: it achieves low-taper angles without requiring chemicals, while burst mode enhances throughput. 🟢 Percussion drilling with long GHz bursts: produces high-aspect ratio holes, with some reaching 1:500. 🟢 Selective laser etching delivers vertical walls, precise hole diameters, and smooth sidewalls. If you’re interested in exploring how these methods could benefit your processes, let’s discuss!
For 35 years, our nation has embraced freedom, shaping Lithuania based on our shared identity, goals, and hard work. It is truly rewarding to see us standing strong despite the chaos in the world. Today, we are proud to take part in the discourse on scientific achievements, particularly representing the laser sector during this period. The discussion is hosted by LRT at the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC). Many thanks to Andrejus Michailovas, our chief scientist, Martynas Barkauskas from Light Conversion, and Eimantas Zopelis from Diodela for their valuable insights. Check out the link to the talk in the comments 👇
LINPRA - Engineering and Technology Industries Association of Lithuania representatives – Vytautas Jokuzis, PhD, Ernestas Zdaniauskis, Darius Lasionis, and our own Kestutis Jasiunas – met with Kęstutis Budrys, the Minister at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania | #StandWithUkraine. In a productive meeting, the group discussed the new Government's foreign policy priorities, current issues in this sector, key challenges in expanding business abroad, and possible joint steps to address them. The key emphasis was on the importance of cooperation between state institutions and business representatives in achieving economic diplomacy goals, shaping Lithuania's economic image abroad, opening new markets, and more 🤝
🤝 LINPRA atstovai susitiko su Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania | #StandWithUkraine ministru Kęstučiu Budriu. Ministras su LINPRA prezidiumo nariais Vytautas Jokuzis, PhD, Ernestas Zdaniauskis 🔵, Kestutis Jasiunas ir direktoriumi Darius Lasionis aptarė naujosios Vyriausybės užsienio politikos prioritetus, šio sektoriaus aktualijas bei pagrindines problemas, plėtojant verslą užsienyje, taip pat, kokie būtų galimi tolimesni bendri žingsniai jas sprendžiant. 💬 Ministras Kęstutis Budrys: Ekonominė diplomatija yra viena iš ministerijos kertinių veiklos krypčių. Saugumo, pasirengimo pirmininkauti Europos Sąjungos Tarybai uždaviniai jokiu būdu neužgoš Lietuvos ekonominių interesų atstovavimo klausimų. Visos šios sritys yra lygiaverčiai prioritetinės ir bus įgyvendinamos paraleliai bei sinergijoje viena su kita. K. Budrys akcentavo valstybės institucijų ir verslo atstovų bendradarbiavimo prasmę, siekiant ekonominės diplomatijos tikslų, formuojant šalies ekonominį įvaizdį užsienyje, sprendžiant dėl naujų rinkų atvėrimo ir kt. Taip pat padėkojo už aktyvų LINPRA dalyvavimą ekonominės diplomatijos formatuose bei pažadėjo toliau siekti konstruktyvaus viešojo ir privataus sektoriaus dialogo mūsų sektoriui aktualiais klausimais: ◼️ Kvalifikuotos darbo jėgos pritraukimas iš užsienio ◼️ Vietos gamintojų konkurencinio pranašumo išlaikymas ◼️ Dvigubos paskirties prekių licencijavimas ◼️ Gynybos pramonės plėtra