Galvanta, UAB’s cover photo
Galvanta, UAB

Galvanta, UAB

Metal Treatments

Your plating experts: Zinc, Chrome , Aluminum anodizing, Stainless steel polishing, here you can find everything!

About us

Zinc, Chrome , Aluminum anodizing, Stainless steel polishing, here you can find everything! Modern technologies Galvanta was incorporated in 1998 and since then, goes hand in hand with the latest Western technology. Our team of experts will always give you advise, familiarise, help you choose the technology or will adapt it to your individual needs. From concept to reality We offer a full range of services from product concept to the development of grinding, polishing, plating, assembly, packaging, and logistics. International experience We have worked successfully and cooperated with foreign companies for a number of years. The experience accumulated by our company, we well as the application of modern technologies will become your competitive advantage in both Lithuanian and foreign markets. Quality and expeditiousness Depending on your preference, orders can be made in accordance with preliminary agreed terms, whereas the improved quality control system will ensure only the highest quality of products and services.

Metal Treatments
Company size
51-200 employees
Public Company
Zinc plating, Chrome plating, Aliuminium anodizing, Steel polishing, Zinc nickel, and Galvanizing


Employees at Galvanta, UAB


  • Galvanta, UAB - ekspertas padengimų srityje! 26 metus teikiame aukščiausios kokybės metalo apdirbimo paslaugas. Mūsų specializacija – cinkavimas, chromavimas, variavimas, aliuminio anodavimas ir nerūdijančio plieno poliravimas. Išlaikyti lyderiaujančią poziciją šioje pramonės šakoje padeda šiuolaikinių technologijų taikymas ir aukščiausių meistriškumo, vadybos, aplinkosaugos ir kokybės standartų laikymasis. Jūsų padengimų ekspertai. Galvanta, UAB – Plating Industry Expert! For 26 years, we have been delivering top-quality metal processing services. Our specialties include galvanizing, chrome plating, copper plating, aluminum anodizing, and stainless steel polishing. We maintain our leading position in the industry by applying modern technologies and adhering to the highest standards of craftsmanship, management, environmental protection, and quality. Your plating experts. #platingcenter #platingscenter #zincplating #chromeplating #aluminumanodizing #moderntechnologies

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