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Research Services

PROactive Strategies and Policies for Energy Citizenship Transformation

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EnergyPROSPECTS (PROactive Strategies and Policies for Energy Citizenship Transformation) works with a critical understanding of energy citizenship that is grounded in the state-of-the-art Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) insights. Funded under the EU Horizon 2020 programme for three years, under GA No.101022492EnergyPROSPECTS, and aims to develop a broad understanding of energy citizenship as a policy concept, a sociotechnical imaginary, a knowing-of-governance, i.e. a social construction of desirable/normal civic agency in future energy systems. The project will identify and examine a range of cross-cutting issues in energy citizenship, which will inform iterative typology development and criteria for case selection.

Research Services
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11-50 employees
energy, energy citizenship, environment, and project


Employees at EnergyPROSPECTS


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    🌍📘 Exciting News! The book "Energy Citizenship Across Europe: Contexts and Conditions for an Emerging Energy Transition" is now available as an Open Access publication! ✨ Editors: Frances Fahy, Edina Vadovics ✨ What’s Inside? 🔸 A cutting-edge conceptual framework for understanding energy citizenship 🔸 Real-life case studies from eight European countries 🔸 Insights into the diversity of energy citizenship and its role in the energy transition 💡 This book is a must-read for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers interested in sustainable energy solutions and the European Energy Union. 📥 Download it for FREE in PDF or EPUB format and join the conversation about empowering citizens in the energy transition! #EnergyProspects #EnergyCitizenship #Sustainability #OpenAccessBooks #EuropeanUnion

  • 🌍📘 Exciting News! The book "Energy Citizenship Across Europe: Contexts and Conditions for an Emerging Energy Transition" is now available as an Open Access publication! ✨ Editors: Frances Fahy, Edina Vadovics ✨ What’s Inside? 🔸 A cutting-edge conceptual framework for understanding energy citizenship 🔸 Real-life case studies from eight European countries 🔸 Insights into the diversity of energy citizenship and its role in the energy transition 💡 This book is a must-read for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers interested in sustainable energy solutions and the European Energy Union. 📥 Download it for FREE in PDF or EPUB format and join the conversation about empowering citizens in the energy transition! #EnergyProspects #EnergyCitizenship #Sustainability #OpenAccessBooks #EuropeanUnion

  • 🌍 An insightful article on Energy Citizenship and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is now available! 📄 Island inspiration: Irish communities lead the way in restoring people’s sense of agency in the energy transitionby Prof. Frances Fahy, Dr. Benjamin Schmid, and Dr. Michael Lydon. 🔍 Published in the Global Impact Edition of Cois Coiribe, the article explores how local communities, such as those on the Aran Islands, are pioneering energy transition efforts and empowering people. Discover what Energy Citizenship looks like in Ireland and gain valuable insights from the innovative approaches being adopted at the community level. Read the full article here: #EnergyCitizenship #SDGs #CommunityEnergy #Ireland #Sustainability #EnergyTransition #GlobalImpact #AranIslands

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    View profile for Clotilde della Faille

    On a mission to improve Wellbeing through sustainable lifestyle, yoga and people development l L&D Consultant | Coach | Yoga therapy student

    If you are looking for a great sustainability related podcast, look no further and listen to the Energ' Ethic Podcast by Marine Cornelis. Already more than 50 episodes in which you can meet inspiring people dedicating their life to sustainability, climate justice and the energy transition. Enjoy listening and learning!

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    New episode Alert! Join us for a compelling discussion with Jānis Brizga on the practical challenges and strides in Latvia's environmental movement. This episode provides an in-depth analysis of Latvia’s transition from heavy reliance on biomass to exploring innovative, sustainable energy solutions. This episode is a must-listen for anyone involved in energy policy, environmental planning, or community activism, offering lessons on integrating low-tech solutions for sustainable development. Enhance your understanding of energy democracy and the roles we can play. 📘💡 #EnergyCommunities #SustainableDevelopment #EnergyProspects EnergyPROSPECTS Jacques Delors Institute

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  • 🌍 EnergyPROSPECTS: Reflecting on a Journey 🌍 We're excited to share the concluding edition of our EnergyPROSPECTS newsletter, marking the end of an inspiring three-year journey of research . 📚✨ As we close this chapter in April 2024, we reflect on our mission to understand and expand the concept of energy citizenship. Our project has illuminated the diversity of energy citizenship and its critical role in transitioning to a sustainable energy system that is just, equitable, and democratic.🌟 🔗 Dive into our newsletter to explore our findings and celebrate the milestones we've achieved together: #EnergyPROSPECTS #EnergyCitizenship #SustainableEnergy #ResearchImpact #Innovation #Newsletter

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    🌍 Exciting News Alert! 🌱 Join at the Jacques Delors Institute for Euroquestions: "How to Understand and Support Citizen Engagement in the European Energy Transition?" 📅 Date: Wednesday, April 24th 🕒 Time: 14:30 - 15:00 REGISTER: 👉 The European clean energy transition is in full swing! With significant strides taken in regulatory advancements like the European Green Deal and 'Fit for 55', we're now delving into the implementation phase. Understanding and empowering citizen engagement in this transition is paramount.  👉 To this end, the EnergyPROSPECTS project has explored the potential of energy citizenship to contribute to the fulfilment of the EU's climate and energy objectives. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of shaping Europe's energy future! Register now and let's empower change together. 💡 #EnergyTransition #CitizenEngagement #CleanEnergyFuture

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  • 🌟 We are delighted to announce the participation of our team member, Jānis Brizga, as a distinguished panelist at the recent "France-Latvia Dialogue" on sustainability and climate change. Held on April 15th at the University of Latvia, this insightful event provided a platform for robust discussions on pressing environmental issues. Janis Brizga eloquently communicated about energy citizenship, offering profound insights into this critical aspect of sustainability. 🌍🌱 #Sustainability #ClimateAction #EnergyCitizenship

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  • 27th March 2024, 11:00 – 12:00 CET  💬 The role and potential of ecovillages in supporting the energy transition, in collaboration with local governments. Read more:

    📌 Community Energy Academy + Community Conversation 📅 27th March 2024, 11:00 – 12:00 CET  💬 The role and potential of ecovillages in supporting the energy transition, in collaboration with local governments. Which role can ecovillages play in fostering energy citizenship and speeding up the energy transition? How does (or could) the collaboration between ecovillages and local governments work? Join the next session “Ecovillages and local authorities empowering energy transitions” to learn more and share your experience. The session will be hosted at the UrbanCommunity for Sustainable and Just Cities flagship program Community Conversation! 👉 Register at this link:

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  • 🌏 XR hasn't gained widespread momentum in Belgium yet, but it's cultivated a distinct identity and organizational structure. While it's a global movement, local XR branches often tailor their demands to fit national contexts. In Belgium, for instance, a key demand is a legally-binding plan to phase out fossil fuels by 2025. Our EnergyPROSPECTS project has researched 40 energy citizenship cases across 9 nations, offering insights into sustainable energy initiatives. 🌍🌱 #XR #EnergyCitizenship #Sustainability

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    Az Extinction Rebellion egy globális hálózat, amely erőszakmentes, közvetlen akciókkal próbálja rávenni a kormányokat, hogy ambiciózus lépéseket tegyenek a klímaváltozás és az ökológiai vészhelyzet ellen. Ennek a hálózatnak a tagja az XR Belgium, illetve az XR Etterbeek is. 👪 Az XR egyelőre nem vált olyan tömegmozgalommá Belgiumban, amely jelentős politikai-társadalmi hatással bírna. Kialakított azonban egy sajátos szervezeti struktúrát és kollektív identitást, és számos tagjukat felkészítették arra, hogy képes legyen szükség esetén hatékonyan fellépni. Az Extinction Rebellion Belgium egyik fő követelése, hogy "a kormány 2025-ig léptessen életbe egy átfogó, jogilag kötelező erejű nemzeti vészhelyzeti tervet, amely fokozatosan megszünteti a fosszilis tüzelőanyagok kitermelését és importját. ⛽ Ez a poszt része annak a sorozatunknak, amelyben az EnergyPROSPECTS projektünk keretében részletesen elemzett energia állampolgársághoz kötődő esetet mutatunk be Európa több országából. 🗺️ 📍 Az eset részletes elemzését itt olvashatod el (angol nyelven): Bővebben a projektről itt: Az összes elemzett eset itt található meg: [ENG] XR Belgium, of which XR Etterbeek forms a part, is the Belgian branch of Extinction Rebellion, a global network that uses non-violent direct action to try to force governments to act on the climate and ecological emergency. 👪 XR did not (as of now) become a mass movement in Belgium with significant political-social impact. It did develop a specific organisational structure and collective identity, and many individuals were trained and empowered to stand up when the time comes. Although Extinction Rebellion is a global network, a closer look at the national/local "branches" shows that their demands and framings can differ. Regarding Extinction Rebellion Belgium specifically, one of their three main demands is "that the Government enacts a comprehensive, legally-binding National Emergency Plan which phases out the extraction and import of fossil fuels by 2025". ⛽ In the EnergyPROSPECTS project, we studied 40 cases of energy citizenship from 9 countries in detail. 🗺️ In our post series, we present one of these cases every week. 📍 Find the detailed case study here: If you want to check out all the cases that we analysed, please visit: #EnergyPROSPECTS #energiaállampolgárság #energycitizenship #extinctionrebellion #xretterbeek #xrbelgium

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