ArcaScience Pitching on BFM Business! ✨ At Afrimobility, we’re thrilled to see ArcaScience showcase its cutting-edge AI models for benefit-risk analysis on BFM Business Business. A major milestone highlighting their impact on the healthcare industry. 🧬 The journey continues—stay tuned for more breakthroughs! Watch the full pitch here: ArcaScience Romain CLEMENT #Afrimobility #VenturePortfolio #ArcaScience #Healthcare #Innovation #BFMBusiness #AI #DigitalHealth #AIInHealthcare #StartUpLife
🔦 ArcaScience, The French Benefit-Risk Champion in the Spotlight 📰 Yesterday morning, we were invited to talk about our unique AI models' significant impact on healthcare on the national TV network BFM Business 🙏 We'd like to thank Thomas Chenel, Laure Closier, Melinda Davan-Soulas and Eva Jacquot for inviting us.🙏 🎬 Here is the link to the replay: 🥇 As discussed during the broadcast, ArcaScience is becoming an worldwide leader in the Benefit-Risk field by the day 🖇️ Stay tuned for further developments. Jérôme LELEU Clara Chappaz Yannick Menel Emmanuel Macron Jean-Noël Barrot Paul Midy Olivier Ezratty Hubert Guillaud Franck LE MEUR Axel Hefer Dr. Luc JULIA Romain Dillet Raphael GRABLY Vivien Sayve Olivier Nataf Arnaud ZILLIOX Sebastian Sherif Marc Buyse Nicolas Douay Alexis Robert Audrey Duval M AMRANI Youssef Loudyi, M. Sc Alexandre Ichaï Jean-Jacques Arnal 🇺🇦 Louis Sautet Willy Braun Shana Hudes Anais Monlong Simon Turner Javier Nunez-Vicandi Ram Sridharan, PMP Solène Brébant #Healthcare #Innovation #BFMBusiness #ArcaScience #AI #HealthTech #DigitalHealth #AIInHealthcare #HealthAI #AIForHealth #MedicalAI #AIInMedicine #HealthcareInnovation #DigitalHealthAI #AIHealthTech #AIInPharmacy #AIInBiology #InnovationInHealthcare #StartUpLife