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Kraft Family Philanthropies

Kraft Family Philanthropies is the philanthropic arm of the Kraft Group, a business conglomerate through which Robert, Jonathan, Daniel, and Josh Kraft and other members of the Kraft family have amassed considerable wealth through a variety of capitalist ventures. Kraft Group Founder and CEO Robert Kraft has an estimated net worth of $8.3 billion. Robert Kraft is the owner the professional football team the New England Patriots, as well as the professional soccer team the New England Revolution. Kraft Family Philanthropies makes substantial donations to an array of Zionist organizations which support and normalize Israel's ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their homeland. Josh Kraft currently serves as President of Kraft Family Philanthropies.

Funding pro-Israel organizations

Kraft Family Philanthropies donates large sums of money to Zionist lobbying and propaganda organizations, think tanks, media outlets, and university programs. These include:

In addition to these direct donations, Kraft Family Philanthropies donates to donor advised funds and other intermediary organizations which channel money into Zionist organizations. Donor advised funds function as recipients of large sums of money from wealthy individuals, money which donor advised funds channel into those wealthy donors' desired recipients as donations from the donor advised fund, without the necessity of public transparency that the donation came from the specific wealthy donor. In this way, donor advised funds allow wealthy individuals to financially support organizations without the public necessarily knowing that they are doing so, or knowing the extent to which they are doing so. Zionist donor advised funds and other similarly functioning intermediary organizations to which Kraft Family Philanthropies has made donations include:

Other pro-Israel activities

In addition to helping financially sustain an array of zionist organizations, Kraft Family Philanthropies frequently coordinates pro-Israel propaganda initiatives and events itself. Kraft Family Philanthropies runs one initiative called the "Foundation to Combat Anti-Semitism," which brazenly conflates anti-zionism with anti-semitism. The Kraft Group's website notes about this initiative:

The Foundation to Combat Anti-Semitism catalyzes dynamic new solutions to stop the age-old hatred advanced by those who seek the elimination of Judaism and the Jewish people and the modern movement to destroy the world’s only Jewish State. The foundation focuses on positively impacting attitudes of young people around the world, leveraging social media to deliver educational campaigns and spur action by people of all backgrounds. Working with a network of global partners, the foundation helps drive effective rapid response to hate as well as proactive campaigns that galvanize popular support for Jews and the Jewish State.

According to the Kraft Group, the Foundation to Combat Anti-Semitism works toward these pro-Israel objectives by "meeting young people where they are — on digital and social platforms," while "Utilizing advanced technology in the Command Center to monitor antisemitism conversations across 300 million online sources and create content in real time based on trending topics." 

In November 2021, Kraft Family Philanthropies and their "Foundation to Combat Anti-Semitism" partnered with the Northeastern University School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs to host a panel entitled “Repairing a Divided America: Blacks (sic), Jews and the Future of American Coalitions.” A transparent effort to combat growing solidarity between the Black and Palestinian liberation struggles, this panel featured Kraft Family Philanthropies President Josh Kraft, Former New England Patriot Andre Tippett, former Boston City Councilor Josh Zakim, and Boston Globe Columnist Adrian Walker. 

As reported by Mondoweiss, "For the first 30 minutes of the event, an audience of mostly white students were regaled with awesome tales of the Kraft Foundations program to send [New England] Patriots players to Israel." Panelist and former New England Patriots player Andre Tippett participated in one such propaganda trip to Israel sponsored by Kraft Family Philanthropies, while Tippett's co-panelist and former Boston city councilor Josh Zakim had himself attended an all-expenses-paid "study tour" (propaganda junket) to Israel coordinated by the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) of Greater Boston. Contrary to the panel's stated intention of "repairing" the "divide" between "Blacks" (sic) and Jewish Americans, pro-Israel students at Northeastern University wasted no time following the panel to lash out against renowned Black civil rights activist Angela Davis, upon learning that Davis had been invited to speak on the NEU campus.

Other Influences in the Boston Area 

Kraft Family Philanthropies also donates to several notable Boston Area university and medical institutions, which are included on our map for their support for Zionism and/or other forms of racism. These include:

Along with these donations, members of the Kraft family hold leadership roles within a number of notable Boston area institutions. Kraft Group Founder and CEO Robert Kraft (who's estimated net worth is $8.3 billion) owns the professional football team the New England Patriots as well as the professional soccer team the New England Revolution. Robert Kraft also presently serves as a "Trustee Associate" of Boston College. Kraft Group President Jonathan Kraft serves on the Board of Dean's Advisors at Harvard Business School (to which the Krafts donated $24 million in April 2022), serves on the Board of Trustees of Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), and is a member of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) School of Engineering Dean's Advisory Council. Kraft Group "President-International" Daniel Kraft serves as Trustee Emeritus at Tufts University, and serves on the Board of Directors of Combined Jewish Philanthropies (CJP). Kraft Family Philanthropies President Josh Kraft serves on the Brandeis University Board of Trustees.

Private Foundations: Redirecting Resources from the Tax-Base to the Preferred Charities of the Wealthy

Assets held within a private foundation, as well as gains on those assets, face considerably less tax liability than assets held as personal wealth. Moreover, private foundations enable wealthy individuals to use tax write-offs to reduce the taxes they have pay on all of their assets, including assets held outside of their foundations as personal wealth. Such tax-evasion is perfectly legal, on the condition that a foundation's disbursements (donations + expenses) in a given fiscal year equal at least 5% of the fair market value of that foundation's total assets from the end of the previous fiscal year. As of their most recent tax filings, Kraft Family Philanthropies held over $64 million within their foundation. Moreover, a considerable portion of these assets within Kraft Family Philanthropies are invested in corporate stock, yielding revenues from interest, dividends, and gains from asset sales which face considerably reduced tax liability because they derive from assets held within a private foundation.

Rather than benevolent ventures through which wealthy individuals give away their money for the public good, private foundations should be understood as strategic financial maneuvers through which the wealthy reduce the taxes they have to pay into public budgets, in exchange for committing to donate a portion of the (under-taxed) wealth held within their foundations to their preferred charitable causes. The Kraft family uses Kraft Family Philanthropies as a tax-free stock portfolio for over $64 million of their family's wealth, while funneling derivative income from these stocks into organizations and institutions supporting Israel's ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their homeland.


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