2H23 New Apple Watch Ultra mechanical parts to adopt 3D printing technology; key suppliers including IPG Photonics, Farsoon and BLT / 2H23新款Apple Watch Ultra機構件生產將採用3D列印技術,IPG Photonics、華曙高科與鉑力特為關鍵供應商

郭明錤 (Ming-Chi Kuo)
1 min readJul 14, 2023


My latest survey indicates that Apple is actively adopting 3D printing technology, and it’s expected that some of the titanium mechanical parts of the 2H23 new Apple Watch Ultra will be made by 3D printing. Although currently the mechanical parts made by 3D printing still have to go through the CNC process for back-end processes, it can still improve the production time and reduce the production cost.

In terms of the supply chain for 3D printers used to produce mechanical parts for the Apple Watch Ultra, IPG Photonics is the exclusive supplier of laser components, and the printer suppliers are Farsoon and BLT. If shipments go well, I believe more Apple products will adopt 3D printing technology, which will help improve production cost and ESG performance in Apple’s supply chain, and the above-mentioned suppliers will also benefit from this new production trend.

我最新的調查顯示,Apple正積極採用3D列印技術,預計2H23新款Apple Watch Ultra的部分鈦金屬機構件將採用3D列印技術。雖然目前在3D列印後,仍須經過CNC工序做後段處理,但預計仍能改善生產時間與降低生產成本。

在用於生產Apple Watch Ultrta機構件的3D印表機供應鏈方面,IPG Photonics為獨家雷射/激光零組件供應商,印表機供應商為華曙高科與鉑力特。若出貨順利,我相信將會有更多Apple產品採用3D列印技術,此有利於改善Apple供應鏈的生產成本與ESG績效,而上述供應商也會受益於此新製造趨勢。



郭明錤 (Ming-Chi Kuo)

天風國際證券分析師,分享科技產業趨勢觀察與預測。An analyst at TF International Securities. Sharing observations and predictions of tech industry trends.
