大立光是iPhone 15 Pro Max出貨的救世主;四重反射稜鏡鏡頭單價顯著提升20%以上 / Largan is the savior of iPhone 15 Pro Max shipments; the unit price of tetraprism lens increases significantly by more than 20%

郭明錤 (Ming-Chi Kuo)
2 min readSep 18, 2023


  1. 目前iPhone 15 Pro Max的最大供應瓶頸是LGIT獨家供應之四重反射稜鏡相機模組。為改善模組生產良率,Apple緊急提高由大立光獨家供應之四重反射稜鏡鏡頭的規格,藉此改善相機模組因組裝公差造成的良率問題。
  2. 因臨時提高鏡頭驗證標準,又要滿足出貨量需求,故大立光緊急為四重反射稜鏡鏡頭增加產線。
  3. 考量到生產難度提高且需投入更多資源,四重反射稜鏡鏡頭的單價大幅提升20%以上,可望顯著貢獻大立光的營收與利潤。
  4. Apple不惜用提高鏡頭成本的方式來改善相機模組生產良率,除了因鏡頭不良品成本較低外,也是因為大立光的一流生產能力可滿足Apple的緊急要求。
  5. iPhone 16 Pro Max與iPhone 16 Pro預期均將採用四重反射稜鏡設計望遠相機,若Apple維持此鏡頭高生產標準,將會提高Apple第二大鏡頭供應商玉晶光明年的進入門檻,意味著大立光明年有更高的機率維持獨家或主要四重反射稜鏡鏡頭供應商的地位。
  1. The most significant supply bottleneck for the iPhone 15 Pro Max is currently the tetraprism compact camera module (CCM), which is exclusively supplied by LGIT. To improve the CCM production yield, Apple has urgently increased the specifications of the tetraprism lens exclusively supplied by Largan to address the CCM yield issues caused by assembly tolerances.
  2. Due to the sudden increase in lens qualification requirements and the urgent need to meet the shipment volume demand, Largan has urgently expanded the production lines for the tetraprism lens.
  3. Given the increased production challenges and the need to allocate more resources, the unit price of the tetraprism lens has risen sharply by more than 20%, which will significantly boost Largan’s revenue and profit.
  4. Apple’s willingness to increase the lens cost to improve the production yield of the CCM is not only due to the relatively lower cost of defective lenses but also to Largan’s world-class production capabilities to meet Apple’s urgent requirements.
  5. Both iPhone 16 Pro Max and the iPhone 16 Pro are expected to feature tetraprism telephoto cameras. If Apple maintains the higher specification for the lens, it will raise the entry barrier for Genius, Apple’s second-largest lens supplier, next year. It suggests that Largan is more likely to maintain its exclusive or primary supplier status for the tetraprism lens next year.



郭明錤 (Ming-Chi Kuo)

天風國際證券分析師,分享科技產業趨勢觀察與預測。An analyst at TF International Securities. Sharing observations and predictions of tech industry trends.
