The iPhone 15 Pro series overheating issues are unrelated to TSMC’s advanced 3nm node / iPhone 15 Pro系列的過熱問題,與台積電的3nm製程無關


My survey indicates that the iPhone 15 Pro series overheating issues are unrelated to TSMC’s advanced 3nm node. The primary cause is more likely the compromises made in the thermal system design to achieve a lighter weight, such as the reduced heat dissipation area and the use of a titanium frame, which negatively impacts thermal efficiency. It’s expected that Apple will address this through software updates, but improvements may be limited unless Apple lowers processor performance. If Apple does not properly address this issue, it could negatively impact shipments over the product life cycle of the iPhone 15 Pro series.

我的調查指出,iPhone 15 Pro系列的過熱問題,與台積電的3nm製程無關,主要很可能是為了讓重量更輕故對散熱系統設計作出妥協,像是散熱面積較小、採用鈦合金影響散熱效果等。預期Apple將會透過更新軟體修正此問題,但除非調降處理器效能,否則改善效果可能有限。若Apple沒有妥善解決這個問題,可能會不利iPhone 15 Pro系列產品週期的出貨量。



郭明錤 (Ming-Chi Kuo)

天風國際證券分析師,分享科技產業趨勢觀察與預測。An analyst at TF International Securities. Sharing observations and predictions of tech industry trends.
