Murat YenerinAndroid DevelopersNow in Android #104Android Studio Jellyfish, A/B testing power consumption with the new Power Profiler and new AndroidX releases!May 31May 31
Murat YenerinAndroid DevelopersNow in Android #98Gemini Pro, Google AI SDK, Google AI Studio, Cast, Rust, and more!Jan 25Jan 25
Murat YenerinAndroid DevelopersGradle and AGP Build APIs: Taking your plugin to the next step!Welcome to a new article in the MAD skills series on Gradle and Android Gradle plugin APIs. In the last article you learned about writing…Dec 1, 20211Dec 1, 20211
Murat YenerinAndroid DevelopersGradle and AGP build APIs: How to write a pluginThis is the second article in this MAD skills series. In the previous article you’ve seen the basics of Gradle and how to configure the…Nov 24, 20212Nov 24, 20212
Murat YenerinAndroid DevelopersGradle and AGP build APIs: Configure your buildIn this first article of the new MAD skills series on Gradle and brand new Android Gradle plugin APIs, we’ll take a look at how the…Nov 18, 20212Nov 18, 20212
Murat YenerinAndroid DevelopersDo more with your widget in Android 12!Do more with your Widget in Android 12!Aug 27, 20213Aug 27, 20213
Murat YenerinAndroid DevelopersUpdating your widget for Android 12Widgets have been part of the core Android experience for a long time, with many apps using widgets effectively to increase their user…Jul 22, 20214Jul 22, 20214
Murat YenerinAndroid DevelopersNavigation: Multiple back stacksWelcome to another article in the second MAD Skills series on Navigation! In this article we’ll take a look at a highly requested feature…Jun 15, 202118Jun 15, 202118
Murat YenerinAndroid DevelopersNavigation in Feature ModulesWelcome to the another article in the second MAD Skills series on Navigation! If you prefer this content in video form, here is something…Jun 2, 20214Jun 2, 20214
Murat YenerinAndroid DevelopersBackground Task InspectorAndroid Studio includes multiple inspectors, such as the Layout Inspector and Database Inspector, to help you investigate and understand…May 12, 20215May 12, 20215