What We’re Not Gonna Do Is Set Bullshit Resolutions

Let’s keep our dreams rooted in reality so we don’t kick off the new year with immediate frustration and disappointment.

Melissa Corrigan


It’s the time of year. For quitting smoking. For losing weight. For writing the next great American novel, for founding that company, for quitting the job and backpacking across Europe.

All in the next 365 days. Easily. Just like that, just because a calendar page flipped over.

Y’all. Let’s be so serious here. What are we even doing?

Who started this tradition?

Ancient resolutions

Turns out, this tradition is pretty dang old. The Babylonians set New Year resolutions as far back as 2000 B.C., typically along the lines of returning borrowed farming equipment or paying off a debt.

Sound familiar?

Perhaps not the John Deere — you may not have that exact resolution — but paying off debts? I’ve certainly had that on my list before.

Ancient Romans continued the tradition, even going so far as to name the first month January after Janus, the two-faced god who simultaneously looked forward to new plans and back with contemplation and reflection.



Melissa Corrigan

55+x Boosted Writer. Mother, partner, survivor, adoptee, veteran, entrepreneur, friend, ally, & flawed human. I seek enlightenment & growth daily.
