“Killed by the Woke Mind Virus” — WTF

About the dangers for trans people from the richest and the most powerful man in the world

Prism & Pen


The “woke mind virus”. It seems to be everywhere. And mad scientists are probably working on a cure right now. Just like electric shocks were once supposed to cure homosexuality.

“I lost my son, essentially. They call it deadnaming for a reason,” Musk said. “The reason it’s called deadnaming is because your son is dead. My son [deadname] is dead, killed by the woke mind virus.”

Elon Musk

The richest man in the world — the “richest” always fluctuates — talked about his son being dead. Killed by the “woke mind virus”.

Musk himself is considered a big supporter of Donald Trump, who is unfortunately just as transphobic as Musk and is pursuing his own plans to eradicate the “woke mind virus”.

Welcome back to the Middle Ages.

Elon Musk

Many have heard of him. Many people know a lot about him. No one really knows everything about him. Musk (53) is known for his takeover of Twitter (now X - what appears to be his personal playground). And then there was Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink, Starlink and so on and so forth. He’s a businessman through and through. And…



Prism & Pen

Married with 2 little girls, respected 40yo manager in a renowned company, hobby photographer, gamer, movie lover and... oh yes, trans.
