The Narrative Arc’s Publishing Schedule & New Writer Information

When are the editors working? Can I get boosted? How soon will my story get published? When are you going to review my application?

Debra G. Harman, MEd.
The Narrative Arc
Published in
5 min readDec 16, 2023


women paddles canoe across wintery lake
Photo by Boxed Water Is Better on Unsplash

Hey, writers! Thanks for submitting your essays to us here at The Narrative Arc.

We’ve been receiving many submissions, and the team is working hard to edit each essay and work with you. We aim to make sure your words are polished and are happy to read each piece through before scheduling.

A reminder to our new writers not yet accustomed to having work edited and scheduled: first, we read everything through carefully and may make suggestions.

Because of that, your piece will not be published the same day (most of the time).

Next, because we are with the Boost Nomination Pilot program, we make sure the Staff Nominators have a chance to view your essays before we publish.

We nominate stories from the queue. We can share draft links for the Medium Curation team’s consideration, so you may…



Debra G. Harman, MEd.
The Narrative Arc

Boost Nominator | Publisher | Writer | Editor --Welcome to my world! I came to Medium as a writer, and things got bigger fast. Parasol Publications.
