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About this channel

You can safely send a complaint using this form. The information will be encrypted to ensure that it's sent with the highest standards of privacy and security.
Only the person designated by the company will be able to see it.
You can report these types of misconduct:
  • Competence
  • Public procurement
  • Corporation tax
  • Financial interests of the Union (expenses, collection of income and funds)
  • Prevention of money laundering / financing of terrorist activities.
  • Radiation protection and nuclear safety
  • Environmental Protection
  • Consumer protection
  • Protection of personal data and privacy
  • Public health
  • Security of networks and information systems
  • Food safety
  • Transport safety
  • Product safety
  • Sexual harassment
  • Workplace harassment

Complaint form

What's your relationship with the company?



Add any documents, photos, etc that could serve as proof for the report.