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by Mižerija

  • Streaming + Download

    Includes high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more. Paying supporters also get unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app.
    Purchasable with gift card
    Download available in 24-bit/44.1kHz.

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  • Record/Vinyl + Digital Album

    Mižerija's demo struck us with its rebellious attitude, infectious melancholic vibes and heavy pop sensibilities. On first listen, the band evokes some early BOYE/KAOS demos, but it's charged with both a strong punk attitude and a breeze of modern dark pop/post punk freshness. If you like the melancholic and catchy sides of UK anarcho punk and ex-YU post-punk/new-wave, we suggest that you do not sleep on Mižerija. There are some noisy moments here that recall the "Yes Sir I Will" CRASS era, there's a Honey Bane style shouted femme vocal thing going on and there are also some danceable aspects in the rhythm, which we totally adore! This is anarcho-pop wrapped up in barbed wire and updated for the new dark ages!

    Take notice that on this vinyl demo pressing you also get to hear one extra song from the same recording session.

    Limited to 524 copies. 420 on black and 104 limited baby blue color available for mailorder only.

    Each record comes with screenprinted cover, risographed insert and xeroxed lyrics sheet with english translation.

    Front cover: Niđo, Layout: Bodež.

    Includes unlimited streaming of S​/​T via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 24-bit/44.1kHz.
    ... more
    ships out within 3 days
    Purchasable with gift card

      $11 USD or more 


  • Record/Vinyl + Digital Album

    Mižerija's demo struck us with its rebellious attitude, infectious melancholic vibes and heavy pop sensibilities. On first listen, the band evokes some early BOYE/KAOS demos, but it's charged with both a strong punk attitude and a breeze of modern dark pop/post punk freshness. If you like the melancholic and catchy sides of UK anarcho punk and ex-YU post-punk/new-wave, we suggest that you do not sleep on Mižerija. There are some noisy moments here that recall the "Yes Sir I Will" CRASS era, there's a Honey Bane style shouted femme vocal thing going on and there are also some danceable aspects in the rhythm, which we totally adore! This is anarcho-pop wrapped up in barbed wire and updated for the new dark ages!

    Take notice that on this vinyl demo pressing you also get to hear one extra song from the same recording session.

    Black vinyl comes with blue risographed cover.
    Limited baby pink vinyl is paired with purple screenprinted covers.
    Each copy includes risographed insert and lyrics sheet with english translation.

    Front cover: Niđo, Layout: Bodež.

    Baby pink

    Includes unlimited streaming of S​/​T via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 24-bit/44.1kHz.
    ... more
    ships out within 5 days
    edition of 70 
    Purchasable with gift card

      $11 USD or more 


Izolacija 02:50
Izolacija Gušim se na zraku Gubim te iz vida Netko nas je lago A ja to nisam bila Penjem se visoko Padam u četri zida Ovaj život nije Doli sistem sila Izolacija iz dana u dan... ENG Isolation I’m choking on the air I’m losing you from my sight Somebody was lying to us And it wasn’t me I’m climbing high Falling between the four walls This life isn’t Down with the the system and force! Isoltion from day to day, isolation I’m vomiting, isolation Isoltion from day to day, isolation I’m vomiting, im vomiting (x2) I’m choking on the air I’m losing you from my sight Somebody was lying to us And it wasn’t me I’m climbing high Falling between the four walls This life isn’t Down with the the system and force! Isoltion from day to day, isolation I’m vomiting, isolation Isoltion from day to day, isolation I’m vomiting, i’m vomiting (x2)
Lanci 02:17
Lanci Lanci patrijarhata rade valove koje preskaćem, ruke koje ih zanose rade prepreke kada zaplešem, čarobnjaci u haljinama mi govore da se ne mičem, moje želje i strasti su velike ja urličem, Zašto te želim sama za sebe Zasto mislim samo o tebi kad toliko volim slobodu “Bebo mi smo kanta na kraju ove ulice. Možda čak i kanistar one stare pijanice, lokva na rivi koja umire od ljubomore, dok je vjetrovi zanose u otvoreno more.” ENG Chains The chains of patriarchy are doing the waves that I’m jumping over The hands that are controling them are making traps when I start to dance Magicians in the dresses are telling me to stay still My wishes and passions are big I’m roaring! Why do I want you just, just for my self Why do I think only, only about you Why do I want you just, just for my self When I love the freedom so much Why do I think only, only about you Why do I want you just, just for my self Why do I think only, only about you When I love freedom so much The chains of patriarchy are doing the waves that I’m jumping over The hands that are controling them are making traps when I start to dance Magicians in the dresses are telling me to stay still My wishes and passions are big I’m roaring -‘Wait, wait a second?’ -‘For what?’ ‘Baby we are the bucket at the end of this street, maybe even the canister of that old drunk, puddle at the riva that is dying of jealousy, while the winds are carrying it to the open sea..’ I’m jumping over I’m jumping over I’m roaring I’m jumping over Why do I want you just, just for my self Why do I think only, only about you Why do I want you just, just for my self When I love the freedom so much
Crni Grad 02:25
Crni grad Gdje je nekad bila livada sad je velik grad, gdje je mirisala maslina sad miriše taj smrad, sjećam se te livade dok sam bila mlada, sad crne rijeke slivaju se u pluća oceana. Crni grad, crni vrag, iz rogova dim, po nama crna čadj. Hodala sam dugo u sjeni crnog grada, Sad sam crna ovca ovog svetog stada, hodala sam dugo da izadjem iz grada, sad znam sto je život bez sirena i bez rada. Crni grad, crni vrag, iz rogova dim, po nama crni mraz. . . . “Iz velikih cijevi urliče veliki Gad, to je vodja crnog Grada to je mutant Smrad! Vodi svoj grad kao dimnjak crni smog, ljudi zagušeno idu i ritam je trom!” Pa dovikaše; “Ta livada je izgubljena ali ima mnogih drugih, vratimo se na selo bez gospodara i slugi! ” ENG The black city Where there once was a meadow, now there is a big city Where the olive tree used to smell it is stinking now I remember that meadow when I was young Now the black rivers are flowing to the lungs of the ocean Black city, black devil Smoke from the horns Black char over us Black city, black devil Smoke from the horns Black frost over us I was walking for a long time in the shadow of big city Now I’m the black ship of this holy herd I was walking for a long time to get out of the city Now I know what is life without sirens and labour! Black city, black devil Smoke from the horns Black char over us Black city, black devil Smoke from the horns Black frost over us ‘From the big pipes the big idiot is roaring’ ‘It’s a leader of the black city it’s a mutant Stink!’ ‘He leads his city as the chimney leads black smog’ ‘People are walking and suffocating and the rhythm is sluggish’ ‘That one meadow is lost but there are many more!’ ‘Let’s get back to the village without masters and servants!’
Gradski cvjetovi Svaku noć sanjam predivne sne Da gradski su cvjetovi utopije, Svaku noć umrem i pomirim se, ali uberu cvijet i probude me. Gradski su cvjetovi krijesnice, Kad auta stanu one upale se, Svaku noć sanjam i zaljubim se, Ali upale svjetla i probude me. “Rakovi boce i morske ljage, i puno puno po kamenu smeča, na grobu mome umjesto svijeća, florescentna plastika držat će stražu. More zna svu našu bol.”
Kraj 02:16
Kraj “Welcome to the countdown, Countdown to the breakdown, Welcome to the countdown, Countdown to the burndown…” Kraj ovo nije kraj u očima neki novi sjaj, Mladost nosi novi svijet, Svijet koji želi preokret. Money money money, the big end is drumming, i meni bi laskalo da smo zadnji u ovoj drami, ali honey honey honey ne ostajemo sami, ljudi ce izumrjeti a svijet uzivati u čami. ENG The end Welcome to the countdown, countdown to the breakdown Welcome to the countdown, countdown to the burndown Welcome to the countdown, countdown to the breakdown Welcome to the countdown, countdown to the burndown The end, this is not the end In the eyes, there is a new shine Youth is bringing a new world World that wants the change! Money, money, money the big end is drumming I would feel flattered too if we were to be last in this drama But honey, honey, honey we are not staying alone People will die out The world will enjoy the ennui The end, this is not the end In the eyes, there is a new shine Youth is bringing a new world World that wants the change! Money, money, money the big end is drumming I would feel flattered too if we were to be last in this drama But honey, honey, honey we are not staying alone People will die out The world will enjoy the ennui! The end!


Mižerija's demo struck us with its rebellious attitude, infectious melancholic vibes and heavy pop sensibilities. On first listen, the band evokes some early BOYE/KAOS demos, but it's charged with both a strong punk attitude and a breeze of modern dark pop/post punk freshness. If you like the melancholic and catchy sides of UK anarcho punk and ex-YU post-punk/new-wave, we suggest that you do not sleep on Mižerija. There are some noisy moments here that recall the "Yes Sir I Will" CRASS era, there's a Honey Bane style shouted femme vocal thing going on and there are also some danceable aspects in the rhythm, which we totally adore! This is anarcho-pop wrapped up in barbed wire and updated for the new dark ages!

Take notice that on this vinyl demo pressing you also get to hear one extra song from the same recording session.

Limited to 524 copies. 420 on black and 104 limited baby blue color available for mailorder only.

Each record comes with screenprinted cover, risographed insert and xeroxed lyrics sheet with english translation.


released July 1, 2022

Recorded at Nigdjezemska Squat, Zadar.
Mix Master, Niđo
Front cover: Niđo
Layout: Bodež


all rights reserved



Mižerija Zadar, Croatia

28.5. Cirkobalkana - circus tent (Zagreb)
1.7. Akc Attak / w/ Low Life (Zagreb)
3.8. Monteparadiso fest (Pula)
5.11. CK13 / Ulice protiv fašizma (Novi Sad)
6.11. AKAB Okretnica (Beograd)
2.12. Podrum (Rijeka)
18.2. Reciklaonica (Zagreb)

9.June > Barcelona/ Tropical crushers fest
16.6 Pobiedna / Izero hc fest
23.25.6. Copenhagen / K-town festival
28.7. Rokycany / Fluff fest
... more

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