Star Wars Outlaws: One Planet Size Equivalent to 2-3 Zones in AC Odyssey, Locations All “Handcrafted”

by Alex Co July 14, 2023 3:45 pm in News
Star Wars Outlaws Release Date

Just last month, Ubisoft finally showed off their big budget, single-player Star Wars game titled “Star Wars Outlaws.” If you’re wondering how big each planet size is in the game, wonder no more, as Ubisoft’s Massive Entertainment has spilled the beans.

Speaking in the latest issue of EDGE magazine (issue #387), Creative Director Julian Gerighty  shared some new details regarding Star Wars Outlaws, with one of them confirming that each planet in the game is big enough that traversing it — even with high-speed vehicles — will feel like a “journey. In comparison, the size of one planet might be about equivalent to two or three zones in Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey.

Another thing Gerighty confirmed is that each location is “handcrafted,” and that the studio has not procedurally generated an entire planet.

Here are more details straight from Gerighty:

  • Focusing on “full freedom of approach” when it comes to encounters.
  • Exclusive quests, vendor prices, locked off areas can be accessed by the Reputation system. If you’re not in a faction’s good side, they can send people to chase you down, monetary punishment is also part of it/
  • Players will not have “total free rein” in terms of travel, you won’t be able to freely fly above the planet, and there will be set landing and take-off areas.
  • Nix (alien companion of protagonist Vass) can be directed by players to attack enemies, activate out-of-reach buttons, cause distractions, pick up heavy weapons from fallen foes, Massive says Nix is like a cross between Watch Dogs’ spiderbot, BioShock Infinite’s Elizabeth or like BD-1 from EA’s Star Wars Jedi games.
  • Each planet was designed to be big enough that traversing will feel like a “journey even on a vehicle that’s fast moving.
  • One planet equivalent to two to three of the zones in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.
  • Locations are all “handcrafted” and there are no procedurally generated entire planets
  • Vass’ ship Trailblazer inspired by toys of the 1970s and was made to be “very, very simple.”
  • Game is set between Empire and Jedi, so Massive can emulate that “feel.” The studio has been developing tech which “emulates some of the lenses of the 1970s.”
  • ND-5 droid (Vass’ companion) design lifted from prequels.

Star Wars Outlaws has no firm release date yet outside of “2024” and it’s set for release on PS5, Xbox Series X|S and PC. You can check out actual gameplay of it, right here.

Alex Co

Father, gamer, games media vet, writer of words, killer of noobs.

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1 year ago

If only the game looked fun and the protagonist wasn’t annoying

1 year ago

2 or 3 zones sounds pretty meager for one planet. AC Odyssey had like 50 zones and that was just inside Greece.

1 year ago

Looks great

1 year ago

“Massive tans to emulate that …” Tans? Have you considered hiring an editor?
