Infrastructure Malta

Infrastructure Malta

Government Administration

Entrusted with the development, maintenance and upgrading of roads & other public infrastructure in the Maltese Islands.

About us

Infrastructure Malta is the agency entrusted with the development, maintenance and upgrading of roads and other public infrastructure in the Maltese Islands. Our responsibilities range from multi-million investments in the redevelopment of the country’s arterial road network to the development, reconstruction and maintenance of residential streets and other structures, including maritime facilities. Our mission is to plan and execute the ongoing optimisation of the road network and other public infrastructure in the Maltese Islands, to ensure they can sustainably and dynamically support the country’s current and future economic, environmental and social development.

Government Administration
Company size
51-200 employees
Government Agency


Employees at Infrastructure Malta


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    🚶♀️ 🌳 Vjal Kulħadd hija inizjattiva li ser tara t-toroq tagħna jsiru aktar siguri, aċċessibbli u b’aktar ħdura u siġar. 👉 Kunsilli Lokali u NGOs, lesti biex tkunu parti minn din il-bidla trasformattiva? ✍ Applikaw issa biex tagħtu l-ħajja lil Vjal Kulħadd fil-lokalitajiet tagħkom! Għal iktar tagħrif dwar l-iskema u l-applikazzjoni, żuru l-paġna #VjalKulhadd #infrastructuremalta

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    Kont Taf? Tal-Barrani As of this Monday, all roads at 'Tal-Barrani' will be fully accessible again. If you're from the south of Malta or often pass through the area, you’ve probably noticed the extensive infrastructure work happening over the past weeks. The Tal-Barrani project aims to improve traffic flow, with new routes opening up, additional lanes, updated traffic lights, better pedestrian crossings, and much more. All of this will make journeys smoother for drivers and cyclists alike.

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    Steve Ellul maħtur Kap Eżekuttiv ta’ Infrastructure Malta Is-Sur Steve Ellul għadu kemm ġie maħtur bħala l-Kap Eżekuttiv ta’ Infrastructure Malta b’effett immedjat. Dan wara li Ivan Falzon ta r-riżenja tiegħu li ġiet milqugħa mill-Ministru għat-Trasport, l-Infrastruttura u x-Xogħlijiet Pubbliċi Chris Bonett. Il-Ministru Chris Bonett rringrazzja lil Ivan Falzon għax-xogħol li wettaq fiż-żmien tiegħu bħala Kap tal-Entità filwaqt li awgura lil Steve Ellul għall-irwol il-ġdid tiegħu. Is-Sur Steve Ellul huwa Analista Finanzjarju u Lecturer fl-Università ta’ Malta. Għal bosta snin okkupa karigi ewlenin fil-Bank of Valletta fejn kien responsabbli għat-tmexxija ta’ investimenti Maltin u barranin inkluż fl-Istati Uniti, ir-Renju Unit u l-Lvant Nofsani. F’dawn l-aħħar snin kien konsulent fil-qasam tal-intrapriża u l-iżvilupp sostenibbli fejn mexxa ’l quddiem il-kunċett tal-ESG f’Malta. Pass li permezz tiegħu bosta negozji Maltin illum qegħdin jinvestu fl-ambjent u fit-tisħiħ soċjali u korporattiv tagħhom. Is-Sur Ellul kien inkarigat mit-twaqqif ta’ Project Green u kien l-ewwel Kap Eżekuttiv ta’ din l-aġenzija fejn huwa tellaq proġetti ambjentali b’saħħithom f’San Ġwann u Bormla, kif ukoll tnieda l-Community Greening Grant li qed jara investiment f’16-il lokalità madwar Malta u Għawdex. B’kollox, taħt it-tmexxija tas-Sur Ellul, Project Green irriġenerat 40,000 metru kwadru ta’ spazji miftuħa fosthom il-Park tal-Familja f’Birżebbuġa, estensjoni ta’ parks f’Ħaż-Żabbar, il-Mosta u Marsaksala kif ukoll ġonna fil-Qrendi, il-Gudja, Ħal Safi u l-Kalkara.

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    Infrastructure Malta has successfully completed the High Voltage Shore Connection (HVSC) project, a €33 million investment that introduces shore-to-ship electrical systems for cruise liners in the Grand Harbour. Co-financed by the European Union's Connecting Europe Facility, this project aims to significantly reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, while enhancing our country's commitment to sustainable development and environmental protection. This project is expected to achieve the following reductions:   -more than 90% of pollution from cruise liners in Valletta Port -around 40% of CO2 emissions from cruise liners -around 90% of harmful pollutants from cruise liners in the Grand Harbour.

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    We completed an infrastructure project aimed at facilitating and better organising traffic around the #Cirkewwa Terminal. This project involved the construction of a continuous lane dedicated to vehicles heading towards #Gozo, starting from the Armier roundabout and extending to the Cirkewwa Terminal. With this €7 million investment, the journey for individuals travelling to Gozo is being facilitated without restricting access to areas around the terminal for workers, public transport, and non-Gozo-bound traffic. The work on this project, which began in mid-February, was completed as promised before the start of the summer season. #infrastructure4Dpeople #infrastructure4U

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    The #LuqaJunctionProject spans 34,000m², with an investment of over €10 million. The roundabout has been transformed into a multi-level junction featuring a flyover, an underground tunnel, and additional lanes to provide direct and safer connections. This junction has improved the efficiency of key routes between #HalQormi, #SantaLucija, Marsa, Gudja, the #Airport, the #HalKirkop tunnels, and #Birzebbuga. The project also includes an open space of approximately 5,900m², now largely developed into a public and recreational area with trees and pathways. The project was co-financed by European Funds through the Connecting Europe Facility. #infrastructure4Dpeople #infrastructure4U

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    Infrastructure Malta completed works to remove boulders from Qui Si Sana Bay in #Sliema. 🪨 Besides a large boulder on the shore, there were three more boulders in the bay. According to information from the local council, these boulders were moved into the bay ⛈ by a storm that occurred after last summer. 🤿 The removal of the boulders was carried out at the request of the local council. #infrastructure4Dpeople #infrastructure4U

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