Photo de couverture de SparkMatrix Technology
SparkMatrix Technology

SparkMatrix Technology

Technologie, information et Internet

Sparkmatrix Tech is one of the leading companies in retailtrading industriy which maintain brokerage softwares and tech.

À propos

Sparkmatrix Technology is a leading retail trading software firm which maintain tech indicators and softwares for retaile brokerage firms. Sparkmatrix works with more than 20 brokerage investments companies across Europe and Asia.

Technologie, information et Internet
Taille de l’entreprise
201-500 employés
Siège social
Port Louis
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en
Software Enginniering, Quantitative Trading, Software Development, Database, Data Enginniering , Investment Analysis, IT Consulting, Information Technology , Research , High Frequency Trading, Indicator Development et Market Indicators


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