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Better Than Life

by MX-80 Sound

WHEN TULLY FLEW THE COOP (Conundrum) I was a humble bumble bee Until a gypsy moth put a spell on me I lost my bumble and I lost my buzz No sense crying over what was I never knew the reason why (Maybe she mistook me for a Spanish fly) But It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy No lie Everything changed when Tully flew the coop Crocodile tears fell in your soup An empty cage set the stage for a tragedy of ominous proportions The bird had flown; of thee I sing so, sue me; I can’t remember every little thing When Tully flew the coop That bird was gone I was a humble bumble bee Who used to watch HBO for free Each night I slept in a donkey's ear Imagine waking up in cashmere But an empty cage, a sudden noise Brought on catastrophe That bird was gone on a prayer and a wing so, sue me; I can’t remember every little thing When Tully flew the coop That bird was gone I’ve seen the future And it’s not much fun But if you’re going, can I be your plus-one Sitting on a train I can’t explain Why I keep saying your name (I guess I miss you) The humble bumblebee; the empty cage Reliving that catastrophe, that tragedy The bird had flown; of thee, I sing so, sue me; I can’t remember every little thing When Tully flew the coop That bird was gone
ALL FOR YOU (Brutus) I fought convicts in Sanibel Battled gators back at the motel Got sucker-punched at Carvel By a guy who’ll never get in a good school Climbed mountains of cheese Saw the forest from the trees Witnessed floods and drought Suffered kidney stones and gout Shoplifted a TV from Macy’s Took a briefcase from Stacey’s Stole vitamins from the Holy Ghosters, Lived long enough to see orange toasters I never healed my broken bones Locked in a closet with The Rolling Stones Never cared for Brian Jones Crawled through deserts of garlic salt It’s not your fault I nodded out in a doorway Sold knives from Norway Jetted down a runway The wrong way I ran with the bulls on Zoom Bought a tomb on time Took a meeting with Yahweh I did it my way Lost a poker game on purpose Just to get out of the circus Backstage on a Kratom OD (Have to admit that the joke’s on me) Danced with a dragon in Slippytown This elevator’s still going down Nearly lost it all in Northern Cali Hallucinated on the LIE in Queens I don’t know what that means But I did it all for you.
NEVER TOO LATE (Crusade) Never Too Late is a forgettable film from the 1960s, except I won't ever forget it because I saw it 31 times. Back then, I worked at the Levittown Theater, and for several months, Never Too Late was at the bottom of the double-feature bill. I was a bored teenage usher and wanted to see whether I could memorize a whole movie. PS - I couldn’t, though I did memorize the forgettable theme song. It’s never too late for rainbows to shine For whispering violins and bubbles in the wine Never Too Late is a tired farce about a middle-aged woman (Maureen O'Sullivan) who becomes pregnant, to the chagrin of her domineering husband and clueless in-laws. Vic Damone sang the theme song, It’s never too late to ring like a bell To steal away somewhere and catch a carousel Never Too Late advocates overpopulation, male dominance, double-entendres, and double-takes. I won't forget this forgettable film (and its forgettable theme song), But once l’m gone it will be forgotten along with the Levittown Theater and the bicycle I rode to work. Everything is so forgettable. It's too late for Maureen O'Sullivan, mother of Mia Farrow). And it's too late for Jane Wyatt, Paul Ford Lloyd Nolan, Vic Damone, and Jim Hutton, whose son Tim appears briefly in Never Too Late . And It’s too late for octogenarian Republican Connie Stevens. One day, she'll be gone and forgotten, too. It's never too late to be forgotten.
Off Kilter 02:18
DIABOLIQUE (Scarecrow) I don't remember how old I was when my father took me to see Diabolique. I know I was old enough to read subtitles but not old enough to fully separate movie reality from real reality. The film was about a cruel French schoolmaster whose wife and mistress conspire to murder him in a bathtub. But then the schoolmaster's corpse disappears and eventually reappears in another bathtub sequence, and this one was so frightening that Alfred Hitchcock copied it for Psycho. I tried to be cool in the movie theater like my dad, but I couldn't take it, and I got out of my seat and ran to the lobby. My father came out looking for me, and I was kind of embarrassed but my father was nothing but compassionate. I loved him for that. We just walked back in the theater and finished watching the film. I was 26 when I watched Brian DePalma's Sisters at the Von Lee Theater in Bloomington. I went with Bruce and Dale, my new bandmates in MX-80, and with them was the gal from Discount Records, my secret crush. I hit the jackpot when she took the seat next to me. The movie starred Margot Kidder as a Siamese twin who has been surgically separated. There's a frightening scene where Margot Kidder stabs her birthday cake. The sequence had a visceral effect making me sweaty and nauseous and wishing I hadn't smoked hash, I thought I would puke. The gal from Discount Records noticed my discomfort, and she walked me out to the lobby and got me a wet paper towel for my face. She was so compassionate. I loved her for that. And I still do.
SNOWING IN AMSTERDAM (Pink Corduroy) When she starts to daydream Her mind turns to the dead Go back to bed instead She wants something But doesn’t know what it is I see your long hair flowing And It’s snowing in Amsterdam Cake and sugar, Eyes like two sad pills She sees in muted colors Diluted by the years She looks into her gilded mirror It’s dimmer by the day I see her long hair flowing And It’s snowing in Amsterdam There’s a place in the ocean Where my father’s shoes lay Malevolent tides No warning sign His judgment day And while his life was slowing It was snowing in Amsterdam
Tilt-A-Whirl 03:06
MY SHIRT HATES ME (Jaunty) My shirt hates me The buttons taunt me The sleeves avoid me We used to embrace Now all we do is fight My shirt hates me That’s all right My pants mock me Stumbling on the carpet l One leg in one leg out We used to be so close Now I hear laughter down below My pants don’t like me at all My Nikes despise me Trip stumble and fall We used to be a team Now the laces scream, “Just do it” Just do it just do it My silverware detests me spoons spill soup, knives are disloyal My phone loathes me It hates my touch My bike tried to kill me I’m sure it’ll deny it (that’s how it rolls) The front door abhors me It blocks my key The stairs hate my guts The couch holds me down My stuff’s put a contract out on me
GLORIA (Courage) There was a time when I wanted to be a man. It lasted for quite a while. I wanted to be a man like James Coburn in The Magnificent Seven or Steve McQueen in The Great Escape or Jean-Paul Belmondo in That Man From Rio, or Marcello Mastroianni in la Dolce Vita or Jack Nicholson in Five Easy Pieces or Warren Beatty in Mickey One. Some kind of cool, tough, man of action figure, a little bit antihero and a little bit existential. Then I saw a movie, and I realized that the man I wanted to be was a woman, and her name was Gloria. Gloria is a movie starring Gena Rowlands as a really tough lady who’s trying to save Phil, a seven-year-old boy wanted by the mob Before Phil’s family is killed gangland-style His dad’s last words to him are: "Be a man.” And that becomes Phil’s quest But it’s a challenge to be a man when you’re seven years old. And gangsters are gunning for you And you’re being bossed around by Gena Rowlands You are not the man Phil screams at Gloria I am the man I do everything I can But Phil is wrong Gloria is the man And it’s not because Gloria is really tough and good with guns And it’s not because nothing frightens her Not even nightmares And it’s not because she faces down gangsters, doesn't take shit from anyone, and knows how to haił a cab. No, Gloria is the man because šhe sacrifices êverything To šave one life Àńd Whoever saves a single life saves the whole world And that’s what it means to be a man
EMILY (Bouyant) I saw a movie called “The Awakening of Emily” Or maybe it was just called “Emily” Well, I saw some of the movie, not all of it. I rented the videotape, watched the first 10 minutes, And fast forwarded through the rest, Stopping only to watch the shower sequence I was supposed to return Emily to the video store By seven pm the next day But I forgot all about it until about six o’clock Back then in San Francisco video rental shops were Few and far between So, I had to ride my bike from the Outer Sunset District To West Portal to National Video (I think it was National) It was four miles with a 500 foot climb And I could make it in 35 minutes To energize my bike riding I installed Walkman headphones in my bike helmet And that night on the way to the video store. I blasted the Ramones’s Rocket to Russia (or was it Road to Ruin?) It was November, foggy and dark As I pedaled madly down the wide alphabetized avenues. Judah, Kirkham, Lawton, Moraga, Noriega, Ortega, Pacheco Quintara, Rivera, Santiago, Taraval, Ulloa, Vicente, Wawona Flying by the blocky 2-story homes with their gated tunnels The black Pacific Ocean to my right At that point in my life, I had stopped giving the finger to bad drivers So when somebody in a Bonneville Almost clipped me turning right on Noriega I didn’t yell or raise my hand in a one-finger salute Ditto for the L-Taraval streetcar driver Who almost flattened me near the Ocean Park Motel But once I passed the Doggie DIner 
It was smooth sailing I remember flying up Ocean Avenue Despite the 400-foot incline And arriving at National Video with minutes to spare Except there was a problem Emily was gone Somewhere along the way Probably when I hit the Taraval streetcar tracks Emily had slipped out of the bungee cord on the Back of my bike I didn’t hear it Because I was blasting Ramones The manager at National video Broke it to me. The retail price for Emily was $80. That’s $230 in today’s money Yeah, that’s what it cost to buy videos back then. I pedaled home slowly checking and Double-checking my route But no luck Why had I even rented Emily? Because the movie featured the actress Koo Stark who was in a hot and heavy relationship With Prince Andrew And she’d been on the cover of the National Enquirer? 40 years later, when I see pictures of Prince Andrew, I remember that foggy November night and those wide streets and I remember a time when I could race my bike up Ocean Avenue And I remember the black Pacific And the L-Taraval streetcar And I remember the night that Emily awakened and made her escape
LITTLE MURDERS (Innocence) Little Murders is a black comedy built upon the premise that nothing is funnier than unhappiness. I saw it in 1971 with Carl van Brunt , my sister’s boyfriend. Before we went to the movies, we got seriously stoned at his uptown apartment. When we stumbled onto the subway, I tripped over my untied Converse. As I bent down and fumbled with the laces, a guy shouted, “I know what you up to” and “I’m gonna kick your ass.” He was furious and his girlfriend gave me the evil eye. Apparently, the guy thought I was one of those pervs who peeked at ladies’ underwear while pretending to tie his shoes. Carl hustled me off the train. I was lucky the guy hadn’t popped me. This was New York City in 1971 — homicides were up 30% — and everyone was packing. The incident was a perfect segue way into Little Murders, which is the story of Alfred, a self-proclaimed apathist — that’s an apathetic atheist. Alfred shuns relationships, hates families, avoids emotions, doesn’t defend himself when attacked, and makes his living selling photographs of excrement. He tells this to Patsy, a woman who befriends him. Patsy convinces Alfred to marry hoping it will end his apathy and at the unhinged wedding party, the minister warns the couple that of the 200 marriages he has performed, all but seven have failed. So the odds are not good. He tells them. [“We don’t like to admit it, especially at the wedding ceremony but it’s in the back of all our minds, isn’t it?” “How long will it last?”] The marriage doesn’t last long because Patsy is killed by random gun violence, an accepted price of life in the dystopian New York City in which the movie exists. In a dream-like stupor, Alfred buys several guns and with Patsy’s brother and father, he finds himself finally happy with his finger on the trigger, randomly picking off pedestrians on the street below. On the subway back to Carl’s apartment I remembered the scene where Alfred, in a shell-shocked haze, wanders subway cars blood-spattered and unnoticed. I remembered the incident tying my shoelaces earlier in the day and it felt as if I was slipping between movie reality and real reality. Except in movie reality anguish absurdity and despair could be hilarious. Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and the world laughs harder.
GONE FISHING (Disappointment) Uncle Ed is dead And he’s not the only one Who’s not coming back There’s no second act Just a long intermission And a sign in the window: Gone fishing I watched him put on his shroud I watched him say goodbye to the crowd Uncle Ed is gone He fantasized about my mom He hit on my wife At our wedding reception He was an expert on himself A brilliant mind but … On the path to eternity, he was once far ahead of me. Now, he’s gone and left me next in line Uncle Ed is dead And some people might be glad He was self-absorbed An addict, an artifact, a performance artist But he was on a mission The sign’s in the window: Gone fishing I watched him put on his shroud I watched him say goodbye to the crowd


MX-80 Sound's Final LP, Mixed by Steve Albini and Taylor Hales


released May 26, 2024

Bruce Anderson - guitar
Dale Sophiea - bass
Rich Stim - vocals, horn
Nico Sophiea - drums
Jim Hrabetin - guitar
Chris Xefos - bass
John Moremen - drums


all rights reserved



MX-80 SOUND California

MX-80 SOUND (also known as MX-80) is an eclectic art-metal-rock band founded in 1974.

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