New Wallpapers



Down below you can find some cool wallpapers in different resolutions. Choose the one that will fit for your screen! Later on we will update this post with some additional wallpapers, higher resolutions and mobile versions as well!

(Download now: 1920x1080, 1440x900, 1280x720)

(Download now: 1920x1080, 1440x900, 1280x720)

This post was modified 7 years 2 days ago by Jim Fox
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New Wallpapers
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6 years 101 days ago

Hey, glad to hear that. All my colleagues are jealous of my cool wallpapers at work! :D

6 years 108 days ago
Inquisitor Thaddeus

Oh I just discovered that we have added a bunch of them already to the Media site. For e.g. you can download the loading screens.

6 years 108 days ago
Thank you Morzan, both look so badass!
6 years 108 days ago
We will add more wallpapers to the Media site soon! 
6 years 108 days ago
I really like the characters, but you should add some background for them. That would look really neat.