Our priorities for bugfixing at the moment


To start off, I would like to thank everyone for providing awesome and substantial feedback for us that helps the bug fixing process tremendously. Here are our top priority issues that we want to eliminate as soon as possible.

Of course, every minor issue that you guys have reported is still on our bug list, but those take less time to fix and/or not such a hindrance as these main issues.

Technical issue: Co-Op lag/rubberbanding

  • There are 3 main issues that can cause this, two of these occur at a high event rate (=big fights). We are working on all 3 possible issues, until then, we have reduced the number of running instances per server, which made things smoother since yesterday.

Technical issue: Physics/Animation/Effect lag unrelated to gameplay

  • This is caused by the overload of the physics thread within the game. We are doing our best to eliminate this issue ASAP.

Game Design: Slow Account leveling

  • When the Single Player campaign will be implemented, our main goal will be giving players a chance to reach Inquisitor Rank 20 and roughly the same amount of account levels in 10-20 hours approximately. This will slow down gradually until lvl 40-50 in Tier 1, followed by the tier transition process described here.
  • At the moment, Account Level and Inquisitor Rank do not progress parallelly, with Account Level seriously lagging behind.
  • This is basically caused by a bug that prevented players to receive XP from the current placeholder campaign. Soon, this will be fixed.
  • It is also a bug that the singleplayer dummy campaign missions were doable in co-op. This was not intended and will be fixed in 0.6.2

Technical Issue: 4k/Dual monitor resolution issues

  • We are working on this as well, by the next major update (October) we will have this fixed. Currently our autodetect system does not recognize resolutions properly and does not offer the correct options to the user. This sometimes causes issues, so we will revise the whole system and fix everything, but of course this will take some additional time.

Game Design: Covers are too weak

  • We will balance the enemy units' damage to covers, but there will be special units who will be especially strong against covers (so we will have to prioritize and kill them first). We will also balance cover HP in relation to other covers' HP.
  • At the latest, we will include this in the big October update, but if it gets done sooner, we will include it in one of our bugfix issues.

Forcefield Crash

  • Will fix it and patch it as soon as we can.

Once again, thanks for your feedback and just a reminder - we are also working on everything else you guys have reported, these are just the big ones. 

Another bugfix update will be live soon, most probably this week.

Have a nice day,
The NeocoreGames Team

This post was edited 7 years 5 days ago by Megapull
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Our priorities for bugfixing at the moment
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7 years 13 days ago

Not sure way any reputable establishment would review a game in Early Alpha.

7 years 16 days ago

Perhaps the 'servitor bug' should be a priority, too. It's common and annoying and causes players to do many manual things.

While at stash/servitor, perhaps Weapons should have 2 pages, because all of them are 2 spaces, and what self-respecting Inquisitor doesn't have a huge collection of deadly stuff?

7 years 22 days ago

Great progress guys, but please dont rush i for one will happily wait how ever long it takes to get this game smoothed out and working at max peak, me and my Cabal will continue to provide bug reports and crash feed back as and when we get them also.

7 years 25 days ago

Never heard of 'em.

7 years 25 days ago

Update: Better hurry up on those fixes...Rock Paper Shotgun just nuked the game.

7 years 26 days ago

Great Job guys ! Steam Reviews are now running 6-1 positive(Very Positive). I would say that based on the negative reviews I have read, you guys are right on target, concentrating on the above listed issues.
