PS4 PRIORITY BUG FIX(ed?): Unplayable Edition


Game locks up in menus and at end of the first level. Had a bug in chapter 2 which locked progression but after reinstall now is unplayable. 

Purchased yesterday but been trying to get this worked out all day. Tried everything. Made posts. No news? No emails back? I feel robbed and I see alot of console players starting to feel the same in the community. 

What I did play I LOVED but after loosing progress twice and not getting any response all day I am growing warily. I'm rooting for you guys but I need some communication at minimum. This hot fix seems to be the issue. I'm sure ur busy and u know but as someone who paid money yesterday for your product/service this is a let down. 

I'm reasonable. 

Make it up,... send me an email and at least tell me when this will be done so I can move forward and stop debating calling ps4 to give me a refund.

I'm chomping at the bit for this arpg grind.

I cant say this enough I feel like you guys have something truly special at play here but the follow through has got to be cleaned up. 


Some reports of fixes have come in...

This update marked - 11:40pm EST Sunday, March 03, 2019.


NO official reports, reply and/or news.


Community Management accountability and expectations. EVERYTHING WRONG with our current state of affairs?

Game development is not exactly easy and mistakes DO happen. Mistakes are excusable, thankfully, especially first timers or uncontrollable circumstances that may(count on it) arise time to time. More over, if we are not making these same mistakes over and we learn from these events, its almost expected. I'm sure we all agree(silently lol), we all have.


When mistakes or unforeseen circumstances do arise though, IT IS 100% YOUR MOST IMPORTANT JOB(Game Management) and also the BEST opportunity to show your CUSTOMERS and FANS you not only deserve their money/time but FOREMOST you CARE about your WORK. (Maybe you want to keep doing it as well)

Maybe most would say,... "that shows you care about the player". (Cute)

Players buy into a game mostly never direct with the Source. Taking a chance on a title and a company, through only the words of a friend or YouTube/Twitch personality review and sort through a lens of genre they most resonate with(maybe through a sale promo). Wins on a game find are life changing and we THEN learn about the people who made it and ask for more. Titles that suck hurt, treated as the plague. So expectations are the tools, guide, and unfortunately the downfall. The standard, AS IS. 

Starting a title that you are sold on and are excited about just to stop working is like being slammed on your head. At the very second you CAN'T provide an mvp (viable being key), it's time to shine. First contact! Dont panic. 

Communication and hopefully a resolution that's swift but at minimum vigilant. That moment is the first moment, people care about YOU, because they need YOU. So that moment is THE moment you get the GRADE. 

That's the test. Release is just a quiz everyone.

Make this a priority, its weighted.

Community Management! Hire in this area first.

Problem solved and every company needs a firefighter.

This post was edited 5 years 212 days ago by OvRmind
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PS4 PRIORITY BUG FIX(ed?): Unplayable Edition
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5 years 210 days ago
Yes hard as fuck sums it up well.  

I am aware of the locking the doors and will have to try to experiment with that more as it does make sense...unless like the character, they can destroy the door??  I  enjoy the atmosphere and the pacing and  I definitely do NOT rush anything when Im playing as  I like to check every possible nook and cranny which is probably why I die as I want to explore the entire level and of course get the relics.  

Like you, Ive never played the table top but I love the lore of 40k.  I just think its fucking over the top awesome and so greatly fleshed out and it just sunk me completely in.  Im such a sucker for a great story and/or lore.  Before I know it, hours pass just researching it and listening to the whole history basically in audiobook form from a youtube user named Luetin09

5 years 210 days ago
Yes, "Deathwing" is quite hard, but if you grasp the terrifying concept and try to counter the neverending Genestealer waves by isolating them within confined spaces, it works surprisingly well. This is a neccessary game mechanic. You can shut off their attacks by bolting the right doors shut, making missions "doable", because you don't have take care of what's coming behind you.

Took me a few hours to learn that the hard way. I tried to get everthing done as fast as possible, go in, fry those bastards, get out. Well, all Terminators died. Every time. Didn't matter which wepon loadout I used. Then I experimented with the doors, looking for the entry points, analyzing the map, and then -boom- got it. This also gives you more time for getting your dumbass squad more in line. In a stressfull combat situation it's terrible to command them. When there's some time to pause between shooting the brood to pieces, it works infintely better. Perhaps this also is part of the gmae mechanics, don't know.

What I know: Space Hulk itself in every incarnation is hard as fuck. Be it the boardgame or all the videogames. It's part of the system I think.

I like the epic scifi concepts of WH40K, but don't play the tabletop or something. It's just the world and the design. Great over the top stuff.

I hope for some other games in the future trying to do something else. Not always Marines "Fight for the Emperor!" - doing something with the Eldar could open some cool gameconcepts, when I think about the warlocks and rune prophets who can foresee the future by looking at strands of fate of individual situation and characters.  Wonderful powers could open up. All the warrior aspects...well, we'll see.

5 years 210 days ago
Posted by ultra1 5 years 210 days ago
Yep it's working fine up until now, I got my inquisitor to level 15, without any hassles like missing hints or something like that. Everything seems to be in order.  In the beginning I found the technical performance somewhat problematic. Playing on a base PS4 equals a shoody framerate and screentearing. Albeit not to a point where it's unplayable, mind you. Even when there's not much going on. After a while my eyes seemed to adapt to it, but I hope there will be performance boosting in the near future.

If you like WH40K, take a look at the last incarnation of Space Hulk. It's a faithful, technical up-to-date adaption of the turn-based board game. there also "SH: Deathwing" which transfers the battle against the horrifying Tyrannid Genestealers to ego-shooter. Much critized, (also because of technical shortcoming, but I found those much less irriitasting than in "Inquisitor") but I liked it very much, because of the overall visual design and  dense atmosphere it created.

Space Hulk Deathwing Enhanced Edition is good.  The level design is great but I tell you that game is so punishingly hard for me EVEN ON EASY that I have to stop playing it otherwise my contoller will not be feeling good.  Lol.  Damn that game is just too hard.  It almost seems as if its infinite spawns of enemies unless you move forward and even at that your AI companions are just dumb as shit.  Having to command them to heal when they are near death is absurd and sometimes they will be standing right near you and you get attacked from behind and the whole time your like "wow you just stand there while Im getting killed.  Thanks brother asshole."  Anyways, I do like it as I got it on sale for 19.99 so its worth the purchase.  Sale might still be going on via PSN right now but not sure, but it is just overwhelmingly hard IMO.
5 years 210 days ago
Yep it's working fine up until now, I got my inquisitor to level 15, without any hassles like missing hints or something like that. Everything seems to be in order.  In the beginning I found the technical performance somewhat problematic. Playing on a base PS4 equals a shoody framerate and screentearing. Albeit not to a point where it's unplayable, mind you. Even when there's not much going on. After a while my eyes seemed to adapt to it, but I hope there will be performance boosting in the near future.

If you like WH40K, take a look at the last incarnation of Space Hulk. It's a faithful, technical up-to-date adaption of the turn-based board game. there also "SH: Deathwing" which transfers the battle against the horrifying Tyrannid Genestealers to ego-shooter. Much critized, (also because of technical shortcoming, but I found those much less irriitasting than in "Inquisitor") but I liked it very much, because of the overall visual design and  dense atmosphere it created.

5 years 210 days ago
Thank you.

Just some positive thoughts... love the game, even with the issues.

I really hope you guys dedicate to making this game better and release future continuations in the Warhammer franchise, expanding on story and refine the games quality. But VERY happy. This is my first true experience actually exploring the Warhammer Universe. I am blown away with the depth and lore of this universe. Ozzing with character and strong atmosphere. Also this is a fun intro to the realm, playing as an Inquisitor. 

I really look forward to the future of this title and the betterment of this development team.

This doesn't change anything already discussed but a reinforcement of why these things cant happen.  I want to see you guys continue to be successful. 


5 years 210 days ago
Thanks for the additional details! 
5 years 210 days ago
I've made a completely new character and it's been able to get past the first mission. Characters previously made haven't been able to though. 
5 years 210 days ago
I'm still stuck on first mission with new characters. And stuck with 4/5 clues in chapter 2 for characters I had passed the fist mission, even though I've found the biologis.
5 years 210 days ago
We will check your accounts, thanks for getting back to us!
5 years 211 days ago
You still having issues?
5 years 211 days ago
Thanks for letting me know...

Sent u a party invite. 

5 years 211 days ago
Chapter 2 - 4/5 clues on Magos still bugged, no main mission available. There was one after the recent fix, but it does not solve the problem after I did it... :/ they NEED ro hire someone to communicate at all time you are right. 
5 years 211 days ago
Unable to proceed the tutorial mission
5 years 211 days ago
Still unplayable

Can't create new character

5 years 211 days ago
Thank you!

Appreciate the update. 

Please keep us informed in the process. 

5 years 211 days ago

Hi everyone
we made some changes on our backend yesterday, please check if the fixes resolved your progress problem. Further fixes are to be expected shortly! Our apologize for the inconvenience!

5 years 211 days ago
Awesome man I happy to hear, same here!
5 years 211 days ago
I have reached my last critical failure location and happy to report.

Game seems operational. No issues to report. 

5 years 211 days ago
I got through chapter 1 and so far so good. Enjoying the game so far
5 years 212 days ago
Got past mission one guys....

When I get past chapter 2, I will then report back my bug has been fixed. But progress.

5 years 212 days ago

Iv updated the post main.

Please share your thoughts about it.

Also I am testing game now so will keep everyone to date on my experience.

5 years 212 days ago

It's working fine for me right now

5 years 212 days ago
Unbelievable, it seems to work now! Played the tutorial missions and could progress to further campaign missions. 

But that won't hold me back wanting to get some form of compensation for these two very frustrating days. Perhaps a free season pass ?

Yet, nobody from Neocore adressed and commented the mess. Irritating at the least, I would say. 

And hopefully there won't be any more trouble...but somehow I've got a bad feeling about that. Could be possible that every time something bigger - like those additional seasons - is added, the fun starts again.

5 years 212 days ago
I still can't play only bought the game yesterday can do the first kinda tutorial mission I'm presuming that's what it is but after that I get the screen with different locations on it but litterally that's as far as I can get I can't select any of them to start and can't go back so have to close down entire fame and do it again and still exactly the same, really really bad experience so early from a new purchase isn't filling me with confidence, it needs to be fixed very very quickly as far as I'm concerned 
5 years 212 days ago

We have all been on an unexpected journey, not the one we purchased maybe lol

Even through it all,...This is NOT Sonys fault just to be clear. We cant be unreasonable, in these times its important to be FAIR, clear minded, and ORGANIZED. This is also why I was very specific with warnings of "terms" and "conditions" regarding my involvement and communications with Sony. Fact being, Sony is always using fair consideration for both for the "end user" and "clients" (aka software provider), guys, especially in a refund situation. 

This protects you from being abused and them from unjustified loss of profit. FAIR is definitely a "gray" word. This is why full disclosure is key, coupled with respect for taking proper steps. This is what I did for this community. Some people will jump the metaphorical Frustration Train not knowing next stop is Anger Town. Its important to get off the right stop guys.

I share the same disappointment, with that all said.

I will continue to follow this and hopefully be moving forward to better times with everyone. 

5 years 212 days ago

So I have got a few reports the game is working...

I myself have NOT been able to personally confirm these reports. This makes me curious to know...

ANYONE NOT able to play still?

Also for all those new to this post consider joining our community on PSN. Having people you can squad with is half the fun in ARPGs. Enjoying the experience and discovering together, NEW, is always a bonus. I am suprised to not see an official reply after the outrage through the "Hub" and online. I look forward to playing and talking to all of you guys, been an interesting weekend to say the least.

PSN:  OvRmind 

Community:  WH40K - The Hotfix Heresy Order

THANKS TO EVERYONE posting here. I appreciate you taking time to share your experience. EXTRA THANKS to "Gen Hotfix". 

5 years 212 days ago
Everything seems to work now. I have been able to procede in the campaign and move to chapter 3.

Just now it is midnight and tomorrow I start working again....a whole weekend of gaming fucked up - never felt so frustrated since tiger woods 2007 golf where all code was broken. Thx to this bug I have discovered something positive - Xcom2 is a great game...maybe I will play it half an hour now too.

Bloody hell...a whole weekend blown up....

5 years 212 days ago
Sony wouldn't issue me a refund after the live chat. That's why I filed a complaint against Sony with my State's Attorney General.
5 years 212 days ago
Same started working after I made a new character 
5 years 212 days ago
Game appears to be working I can now do missions again on my main toon haven’t checked for past ch 1 on a new toon yet though 
5 years 213 days ago
Posted by Drinkingstein 5 years 213 days ago

If you are in the US, call this number or contact live support for your refund requests. The rep was very nice and refunded me without issue. 

Contact Phone: 1-800-345-7669

Other countries

...and I just got done with the live chat service through Sony and I have successfully got a full refund.  $85.99 as I bought the fucking Imperium edition.  I RARELY EVER buy more than vanilla outright but after all the research, reviews, thinking etc, thought this game would be worth it with its content.

You fucking did this to yourselves Neocore.  Take a bow.  Revenue and potential fan/supporter now lost for good from me.

5 years 213 days ago
Posted by En no Gyoja 5 years 213 days ago

Game becomes unplayable on PS4 for me when it gets stuck on 4/5 clues in the Saving Caius Thorn mission. Have seen some comments from a mod they they are fixing the issue on an account by account basis. WTF?! You can't fix your busted code so you have to go into each account individually?!

Same to me
5 years 213 days ago

If you are in the US, call this number or contact live support for your refund requests. The rep was very nice and refunded me without issue. 

Contact Phone: 1-800-345-7669

Other countries

5 years 213 days ago
Stuck at chapter 2 (5/6 cluez to findthe martyr) - fount uther's tarot and got trophy but no way to discuss with the tecnopriest about it and the campaign is totally stuck.

Reinstalled everything and still same issue.




5 years 213 days ago

Oh, and I wonder how licensee Games Workshop  and the game publishers will react to this mess. Monday will be a rude awakening for Neocore all along.  How large is the team, anyway? 

5 years 213 days ago
Fucking AMEN!

Please let me know how your refund process and experience goes as I am interested as well thank you.  

5 years 213 days ago

What a fuck-a-thon. 

5 years 213 days ago

As a software engineer, initially I wasn't that upset. I understand stuff happens. But the lack of response here and elsewhere is inexcusable. In the discord chat for support, one of the lead programmers is playing APEX. I guess it's nice to be able to relax on the weekend when you just broke your game and people who just bought it during the sale can't even play it. What a joke of a company. I now fully understand how they can release a bug filled pile of excrement.

I'm not gonna waste any more time on this game or joke of a company. I'll just get a refund and call it a day. 

5 years 213 days ago
And that itself is a serious problem, telling me as the paying customer, that stuff like this may always happen again, because ....weekend? !  Imagine everybody doing this, the world would fall apart within hours. It begins with a simple game and ends with melting cooling rods in nucelar facilities.... Ok, this is a bit exagerrated, but you get the point.

5 years 213 days ago
Im in the same boat, all characters are progression locked at any point in the story. Cant easily make charscter and cant finish first mission. fingers crossed for a fix for i love the game
5 years 213 days ago
Having the same issue with mission 4, I'm supposed to get the tarot card but... I get no update, just nothing. 
5 years 213 days ago
I don’t think they will even know about this until Monday haven’t been able to play for two days almost
5 years 213 days ago

Still nothing, eh?

I wonder how refund - at least in part for all the trouble right at the start - would work in case of having bought a physical copy, which I did. 40 Euro for the Deluxe version on PS4.

And I really wonder, when somebody finally is going to adress this shitty situation. Doesn't matter if it's weekend, Easter or whatever, as I wrote before: When unleashing such an update you have to observe what happens. This is their damn responsibility, making sure a product that cost money, works. It's no free-t-o-play game after all. Sucks big time.

5 years 213 days ago
Stuck on chapter 4, Van Wynter legacy, clue 2/11, cannot press R2 to select the mission "escort Rogue to Archon Prime". Archon Prime planet does not have that mission and cannot progress...
5 years 213 days ago

Did anybody get any devs to answer on Twitter?

5 years 213 days ago

Game becomes unplayable on PS4 for me when it gets stuck on 4/5 clues in the Saving Caius Thorn mission. Have seen some comments from a mod they they are fixing the issue on an account by account basis. WTF?! You can't fix your busted code so you have to go into each account individually?!

5 years 213 days ago
Literally braught the game today and can't play it high hopes for a 40k fan shame. :/ 
5 years 213 days ago
I can’t believe they don’t have support guys on the weekend when you have to be online to play  the game
5 years 213 days ago

I guess I'm glad to hear that the problems I'm having with this game aren't specific to my ps4. I bought on thursday because it was on sale and that night I played for a few hours without issue. Then friday, when I went to play after work, the game just stopped working. I'm seeing all of the same problems that orher people are posting about here.

5 years 213 days ago
None taken. Say wat u feel.