Due to the unexpectedly high amount players, our backend system may experience some delay or issues in the following hours. We are working on increased capacity and performance as we speak.

This post was edited 6 years 118 days ago by Morzan
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4 years 30 days ago
Esta el servidor fuerade servico? No puedo entrar

4 years 135 days ago
This comment was deleted 4 years 135 days ago by Marcopolocs
6 years 118 days ago

i'm not sure if i was a fault in my post or a simple misunderstanding but in my last post i didn't do ANY basic math, statistics or state how much it would be for neocore to host a single server. the post was made to give a rough pricing (and yes i know the links i sent were 3 years ago when things were more expensive but i just wanted to say that it could have been a factor). if you go to the links they did the math there (granted i made a typo by putting 100 instead of 1000 in my example but i'm pretty sure you guys knew where i was going and corrected it in your head anyways). so to put it in the most basics of what i wanted to put out there in my last post is that since neocoregames isn't very large the expectations where fairly low when they released the game. the reason why i got the MMO server price estimates was because i couldn't get diablo 3's server pricing (which in my eyes are pretty much the same) and did say that they were there for estimates not stating how much the game servers was. 

and @TAO12345‍ like i said i used google and links were there so i didn't pull them out of my ass as you say and yes i did it with no knowledge (well at least i have very mild knowledge of old servers and yes i know they have changed but i know even new cloud servers can still expensive in some cases). and i came onto here not knowing why the servers were down and with the title being about traffic i gathered it was about... well too much traffic so i didn't know it was a bug that took them down. and thanks for the compliment on the example XD. every-time i think about servers like that i can only think about the meme where the car barrel rolls into a pre-school picnic.

but oh wells the games running now it just bothered me that people thought that i came up with all that math even though links were given to those that actually did the math. i just wanted for people to get some sort of idea of how much server costs COULD be and a possibility of why the server was down. so, sorry if there were any misunderstandings and the fact that i dont know too much about cloud servers but even if they are cheep they can become expensive when bought in bulk for a AAA game.

6 years 118 days ago

We are truly sorry for the issue, we have fixed the problem and issued a gift. Details:

This comment was edited 6 years 118 days ago by Megapull
6 years 118 days ago

lol @ InquisitorApollyon :D :D :D
....for pulling out these numbers off your ass not knowing anything...
...and some hillarious "example"... wtf?!?!.... :D :D :D

How many players were there according to steam before the servers went down?
The cost is not even a fraction of what you claim it is, as you are mixing up orders of magnitude differences in player numbers.

Also, it was, from what I read so far, a ...bug... of sorts that brought the servers down,
though also related to the higher number of players, but not quite in the same way as you'd expect.

But by all means, thanks for the laugh, go on entertaining us all! ;)

6 years 118 days ago

...Ok..i can Login....but seems a WIPE was done.......ok Wipe was in the Announcement...hope that was the last one^^

This comment was edited 6 years 118 days ago by Affenasmo
6 years 118 days ago
Not to mention every expansion they released for WoW had server shutdowns on launch!
6 years 118 days ago
Highly rated

@COMMUNITY‍ Servers are back online! Read the announcement here!

6 years 118 days ago

Will there be a notification when the server is up?

6 years 118 days ago
Posted by InquisitorApollyon 6 years 118 days ago

so you want proof, but before i start stating shizzle i want to put out there that i have no deep knowlage on servers i simply done  a few google searches and this is what i got for your proof.

cryosage (2015) How much does it actually cost a company to run dedicated servers on a game as large as COD [online]. Available at: (accessed: 05/06/2018)

this reddit post basicaly says that 115 servers are around $172,500 per year.

Al Nelson (2015) What are the costs of running a server for an MMO? [online]. Available at: (accessed: 05/06/2018)

this quora says that its would be roughly 750k/1.5m per month to pay for MMO servers

(i did try to find diablo 3's server prices but couldent find it anywhere so i got 2 different types to give a rough idea of how much server hosting is)

now to my point of making this long ass Harvard referenced post. when games like this from a company not nearly as large as or known as blizard, Uplay, etc. they wouldn't have this kind of money before release so they buy what they can which as we can see isn't that much, however when the game is released and people see and buy the game that's when they get the money for better, more, and newer servers which is why the game is currently down. 

so there is your "proof". but if you still dont get it then to put it into another example;

server = car

for each person joining the car increased speed

when driving a car speed limits are there for a reason, such as turning a corner without skidding off the road.

so if 300 people joining the server makes the car goes 30mph/50kph you can go round a corner pretty smoothly

but when 100 people are joining the server at once making the car goes 100mph/160kph your definitely gonna crash

i hope i made this simple enough for anyone to understand if not then im sorry but google does exist. just sayin.

    Apparently you're terrible at doing extremely basic math. By your own statistics it would only cost Neocore ~$300 to run an extra hundred servers for a single day. Also, I've been a Senior Cloud Engineer for 10 years,  the amount of effort it takes to spin up 100 extra servers (for let's say using an example like "a launch day" would only take about a day to do (not the ridiculous "months of preparation" as has been stated by someone who is shamefully ignorant of cloud technology). Furthermore, most of that time is spent simply going through the spin up process and being sure you're selecting the correct security/network profiles, the right virtual hard-drives for the virtual servers to boot off of, and assignment of the IP address(es) and other minor choices that are mostly done in a simple wizard (if using the AWS  cloud for example).


This is not an MMO, has almost zero in common with the type of networks / servers that actual MMOs would or do require. To even compare this game to an MMO is to show a devastatingly utter lack of understanding of basic game networking.

This comment was edited 6 years 118 days ago by Belisarius
6 years 118 days ago
This happened to fking Blizzard (which is many orders of magnitude bigger company) with release of Diablo 3, so I am neither surprised nor angry about this situation. Just a little bit sad that I cannot play.
6 years 118 days ago

so you want proof, but before i start stating shizzle i want to put out there that i have no deep knowlage on servers i simply done  a few google searches and this is what i got for your proof.

cryosage (2015) How much does it actually cost a company to run dedicated servers on a game as large as COD [online]. Available at: (accessed: 05/06/2018)

this reddit post basicaly says that 115 servers are around $172,500 per year.

Al Nelson (2015) What are the costs of running a server for an MMO? [online]. Available at: (accessed: 05/06/2018)

this quora says that its would be roughly 750k/1.5m per month to pay for MMO servers

(i did try to find diablo 3's server prices but couldent find it anywhere so i got 2 different types to give a rough idea of how much server hosting is)

now to my point of making this long ass Harvard referenced post. when games like this from a company not nearly as large as or known as blizard, Uplay, etc. they wouldn't have this kind of money before release so they buy what they can which as we can see isn't that much, however when the game is released and people see and buy the game that's when they get the money for better, more, and newer servers which is why the game is currently down. 

so there is your "proof". but if you still dont get it then to put it into another example;

server = car

for each person joining the car increased speed

when driving a car speed limits are there for a reason, such as turning a corner without skidding off the road.

so if 300 people joining the server makes the car goes 30mph/50kph you can go round a corner pretty smoothly

but when 100 people are joining the server at once making the car goes 100mph/160kph your definitely gonna crash

i hope i made this simple enough for anyone to understand if not then im sorry but google does exist. just sayin.

6 years 118 days ago
Posted by Prison Mike 6 years 118 days ago

No, i don't agree with him. But as customer i really don't have to know "how is it possible to prepare for every eventuality", some companies does that and some just doesn't. Please don't tell me stress on servers and volume is something that couldn't be avoided. Affordability should be least of my concerns since i am the customer and not the product owner. My role is just paying the price. PS: Since I did my major on Big Data, i might know some of those possibilities.

I do not really understand what you are saying. 

Neocore is a very small company, I think they only have roughly 40 employees, and I very much doubt they had extra funding to pay for extra servers or extra space "just in case". All they had to go by were the numbers that they had during the previous phases of the game., which if you look were quite low. 

I think the previous spike was only like 2,000 players. That is triple the traffic in a matter of maybe an hour. 

6 years 118 days ago
Posted by Tao12345 6 years 118 days ago

You know that in modern times, you do not need to buy a physical server and keep it?

You could oder on demand server capacity, and a little extra just for the release day and maybe the following week.

You did not explain anything at all. Nor did you explain the costing of it.
6 years 118 days ago
Posted by Tao12345 6 years 118 days ago

You know that in modern times, you do not need to buy a physical server and keep it?

You could oder on demand server capacity, and a little extra just for the release day and maybe the following week.

Unfortunately, setting up server access for something this size is VERY different then you logging in and requesting an extra 10g on your personal cloud storage. The throughput, access, security needs, and connection demands of games like this often require dedicated connections, usually with permanent Firewall and access filter additions, VLAN configurations, etc. This isn't a 10-30 minute setup kind of's usually months in preparation, and more months in actual implementation.

I do this kind of work for a major communications company, and I can tell you...changing bandwidth and access on projects like this isn't done on the fly. The fact that they are doing it as we speak is a major hurdle, and takes far more time from the developement and network teams then you yourself would probably be willing to give. This isn't an insult, I'm just making you aware of the differences between a single person signing up for cloud storage (random data), and Networking solutions for an interactive online game.

On a general note, there is one thing that has been a truth since I started playing online games over 20 years ago. That release day is hell. simple as that. I have yet to see a release go without issues, period.

6 years 118 days ago
Posted by ChapterLibrarianSarpedon 6 years 118 days ago
Please explain to me how it is possible to prepare for every eventuality, and how you plan on affording it.

No, i don't agree with him. But as customer i really don't have to know "how is it possible to prepare for every eventuality", some companies does that and some just doesn't. Please don't tell me stress on servers and volume is something that couldn't be avoided. Affordability should be least of my concerns since i am the customer and not the product owner. My role is just paying the price. PS: Since I did my major on Big Data, i might know some of those possibilities.

6 years 118 days ago
Yep, we will have a lot a seasons guys ^^
6 years 118 days ago
In the end, It's a good thing that more people bought the game than expected. It means you did something right.
6 years 118 days ago
Posted by Tao12345 6 years 118 days ago

You know that in modern times, you do not need to buy a physical server and keep it?

You could oder on demand server capacity, and a little extra just for the release day and maybe the following week.

Do you have any idea how much it will cost? I'm not even talking about exposing your infrastructure.

6 years 118 days ago
Posted by ChapterLibrarianSarpedon 6 years 118 days ago
Please explain to me how it is possible to prepare for every eventuality, and how you plan on affording it.

You know that in modern times, you do not need to buy a physical server and keep it?

You could oder on demand server capacity, and a little extra just for the release day and maybe the following week.

6 years 118 days ago

hey guys

take the time with the maintaince, and dont listen to those stupid complaints about what you could have done to prevent this...

its just people crying because they cant play... better take time to fix the issue rather, we get to play and ill break down in 2 hours again...

6 years 118 days ago
Posted by Tao12345 6 years 118 days ago
It is indeed possible to prepare for ever situation regarding server capacity, and it is affordable!

In times of cloud and services on demand, there is no excuse for not having the capacity when you need it, especially not on launch, as this only gets you bad publicity and less profit/revenue.

Please explain to me how it is possible to prepare for every eventuality, and how you plan on affording it.
6 years 118 days ago
Aww just look at all those fanatical, delusional people defending this mess - adorable!
6 years 118 days ago
Posted by Feuerteufel 6 years 118 days ago
Clearly you have no clue or experience...

Thanks for proving you have no clue whatsoever without me even asking you to do so,

by providing a single aggressive line without any proof or even conclusions,
that's how you make yourself look clueless, good job for showing everyone!

:D :D :D

6 years 118 days ago
Posted by Tao12345 6 years 118 days ago
It is indeed possible to prepare for ever situation regarding server capacity, and it is affordable!

In times of cloud and services on demand, there is no excuse for not having the capacity when you need it, especially not on launch, as this only gets you bad publicity and less profit/revenue.

Clearly you have no clue or experience...

6 years 118 days ago
How long are these maintenance's typically?  Is there an ETA?
6 years 118 days ago
Posted by ChapterLibrarianSarpedon 6 years 118 days ago

"It is impossible to prepare for every eventuality. Stop being so hateful and trust that the problem will be resolved, as every other problem has been."

"Think about someone other than yourself, and imagine if it was something you had created that took years of your life."

"Thanks for all the hard work, Necocore!"

It is indeed possible to prepare for ever situation regarding server capacity, and it is affordable!

In times of cloud and services on demand, there is no excuse for not having the capacity when you need it, especially not on launch, as this only gets you bad publicity and less profit/revenue.

6 years 118 days ago
Posted by oOScuByOo 6 years 118 days ago
Hey guys =D

I would like to try exposing you some point of view ^^ ...

There's 2 possibility for something like this happen,

1 One : The guys under the Devs was like this ... "Hey Guys look at our game, we are like the greatest ! Our game isn't playable because there's too many players trying to connect at the same time ! So we join you on the long list of the AAA games which fall into this pit ... "

2 One : Like the previous one, Devs says ... "Hey Guys why would you like to buy or rent better server ... People out there don't care about it ... They will rage against us and tomorrow when the hype goes out the server will be playable ..." 

Problem Solved ...

Please to the haters stop say all of this things ... Think at our Devs drinking RedB after RedB ... Spending there time found a solution for make us play ... They have developed the game month after month it's our baby ^^ and i think they are crying about this situation and want us to be happy enjoy W40KIM ( Wow fuck men ... This is the greatest accro for a game i've never see ^^ )

... The only guys maybe and i insist on maybe we can rage on ... was the Investor because they decide if the studio have to buy or rent more server for the launch ... So instead of say some weird of ... Please post some solution you maybe think at ... Like add a temporary queue or something like that and say to them you trust in them ^^ And so on they will rocks ...

It's not especially for this post but i've see some others post in the community page or steam etc ... Where i see some haters ... Please guys don't think like the lamb ... Try to immagine what you could feel when you devellope somethings for years and the D-Day there is some problems ...


( Sorry my English it's not my native language ... i hope the message was clear ^^ )


"It is impossible to prepare for every eventuality. Stop being so hateful and trust that the problem will be resolved, as every other problem has been."

"Think about someone other than yourself, and imagine if it was something you had created that took years of your life."

"Thanks for all the hard work, Necocore!"

6 years 118 days ago
Posted by mandar 6 years 118 days ago

tentative ETA?..for the sake of people around me, please let me purge the unclean..or i might start purging the heretics in real life.

Well.. Do they deserve it?
6 years 118 days ago

@ oOScuByOo I do not hate the dev of neocore, only for one thing I do not agree with them but it is not here the right place to say what.I'm only sorry that there are these problems now, since the game is a great game for me

6 years 118 days ago

How many times today is maintenance? in 90 minutes I see it after another

Can i ask how long it will take?

6 years 118 days ago
Hey guys =D

I would like to try exposing you some point of view ^^ ...

There's 2 possibility for something like this happen,

1 One : The guys under the Devs was like this ... "Hey Guys look at our game, we are like the greatest ! Our game isn't playable because there's too many players trying to connect at the same time ! So we join you on the long list of the AAA games which fall into this pit ... "

2 One : Like the previous one, Devs says ... "Hey Guys why would you like to buy or rent better server ... People out there don't care about it ... They will rage against us and tomorrow when the hype goes out the server will be playable ..." 

Problem Solved ...

Please to the haters stop say all of this things ... Think at our Devs drinking RedB after RedB ... Spending there time found a solution for make us play ... They have developed the game month after month it's our baby ^^ and i think they are crying about this situation and want us to be happy enjoy W40KIM ( Wow fuck men ... This is the greatest accro for a game i've never see ^^ )

... The only guys maybe and i insist on maybe we can rage on ... was the Investor because they decide if the studio have to buy or rent more server for the launch ... So instead of say some weird of ... Please post some solution you maybe think at ... Like add a temporary queue or something like that and say to them you trust in them ^^ And so on they will rocks ...

It's not especially for this post but i've see some others post in the community page or steam etc ... Where i see some haters ... Please guys don't think like the lamb ... Try to immagine what you could feel when you devellope somethings for years and the D-Day there is some problems ...


( Sorry my English it's not my native language ... i hope the message was clear ^^ )

6 years 118 days ago
Good work. Can i take money back?
6 years 118 days ago

tentative ETA?..for the sake of people around me, please let me purge the unclean..or i might start purging the heretics in real life.

This comment was edited 6 years 118 days ago by mandar
6 years 118 days ago

"I seriously wonder why no one expects players to play on release. :D"

I dont think its like this. More like on release everyone is connecting at once. like the whole world/ country. 

6 years 118 days ago
Posted by Silma 6 years 118 days ago

the problem is.......Neocore is not Blizzard!!!! will they take a week to finish the work ???? :P

Maybe this is a plus, and neocore is not as greedy and shortsighted as Bli$$ard....?! ....mabye!
6 years 118 days ago
Hey Folks,

Congratulations on the PC release!  I have been enjoying the Alpha and Beta versions immensely.  Can't say I am surprised that you have been server swamped on release, please keep us posted with ETA's if possible (although I know that can be extremely difficult considering all factors).

Thanks again for your hard work and dedication; your vision of the WH 40K universe is amazingly well crafted and thought out, bravo!

6 years 118 days ago
Posted by Tao12345 6 years 118 days ago

I seriously wonder why no one expects players to play on release. :D

Bli$$ard has a long and well known history of exactly this.
Took me like 10h on wow release day to log in the first time, they were such nice people shaking my hand all those hours. ^^
And on D3 launch... calling it a traumatic experience would be a hillarious understatement.

Well, please keep us updated! :-)

the problem is.......Neocore is not Blizzard!!!! will they take a week to finish the work ???? :P

This comment was edited 6 years 118 days ago by Silma
6 years 118 days ago

I seriously wonder why no one expects players to play on release. :D

Bli$$ard has a long and well known history of exactly this.
Took me like 10h on wow release day to log in the first time, they were such nice people shaking my hand all those hours. ^^
And on D3 launch... calling it a traumatic experience would be a hillarious understatement.

Well, please keep us updated! :-)

6 years 118 days ago

Thank you. Please hurry. The heretics are a-massn'!

This comment was edited 6 years 118 days ago by TokErik79
6 years 118 days ago
How long will it take? Just a rough estimate, please.